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Full text of "Alasdair Mac Colla : sain-eolus ar a ġníoṁarṫaiḃ gaisge"

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MU  ífláC 

seofAtii  ÍAOit>e 

%i&  £tí1^  U     -  -   .  £ 

OéattC<K  ! 

©ow  tfl&c  H0n  . 
tiiAtt  truc  rhwr*e#o*..- 

^ó'^^r  firnLaJb 

Ahf^   W)«c  CJla 

AltátolB  m  COllA 

wn-ipfirM'iíiJijt.  i 


S*Mtt-eoUif  a\\  a  $nforiufit&iO  &Aif5e. 

seofArh   L  a  o  1  tj  e 

t)o  ctnrt  te  cétte. 


eoin   ÍTlAC   tléitt 

A5«r  ó 
tlixxtt  truc  rhtniteA^óAiS 

fA   te^D^\rv  fO. 

"  T)o  tfié.vouig  biMiTj  -aii  x>4  6a£a  rm  mif  ne.AC  -Aguf 
meAnmtix\  j-AoróeAt  ó  fin  .\nuó,  lottnuf  hac  cn^rjíf  cút 
T)Á  nÁtndiT)  -Att  cotíitttom  tu\  ^tt  -At^cotttC'ttom.,, — lliatt  ÍTIac 



n,  ,-    .  ^CHESTNUT  HILL,  MASS. 

Att  11  -a  cutt  <átiu\c 


Connruvó  tia  SAeíntge 

1  mt)-dite  ,<Xúa  CtuC. 

ClÁ\\  InrheA'óónAise. 


ttgrjAif  ah    teAOAif  Seo 

tlénfif  5&At 

SéAtntif  gfAcm,  mAricóf  mtinufóf 

AtAfTJA1f\   ITlAC    CottA 

I.    CAttféim  AtAft)Aif  Thic  *ÓomnAitt,  I. 
CAitféim  AtAft)Aif\  ttlic  *ÓomnAitt,  II. 

II.  CAitféim  CtAtnne  TtAgnAitt 

11.  Cóif\  fÁrtue  f\e  feAf  *oo  fgéit 

III.  tmteACUA  Com  ttltímeotvoAig    .. 

IV.  tTlAf\OnAi>ó  TJomnAttt  trtic  6oin  ttltii>oeóf\- 


V.  Vía  UigeAf\nAi>oe  oí  1  scotfiAimfif  teif  An 
tlg'OAf  (.1.  ttiAtt  ITIac  itltnfeA'úAis) 
Sé  noi'óce  >óAm-f a  f  An  *otín 

III.  SmnfeAtvóAcu  if  ^AOt  AtAf'OAif  mic  CottA    . . 
tTlionn  f  út  &f  eAnn  1  n-At  CtiAt 

IV.  WotA'ú   SmnfeAri   Agtif    5A01^   AtAft)Aif\   tfnc 

CeAntiAf  5A°1>oe'Al'  ^00  CtAinn  Cotta 
V.    tTlotAt)  Itlic  TJomnAttt 

píof  mo  ttiotAt)  Af  IÍIac  T)omnAitt 

VI.  tJeA^Án  SséAtAi^óeACUA  Af  AtAft)Aif\  ttlAC  CottA 

VII.  Ceót  f  A"   AtAfOAIf  ttlAC  CottA 

ArhfÁn  AtAfOAif . . 

ITUtff  eÁit  AtAfT)fvtiim 

peAffAnA  Agtif  peAffAnuAóu 
T)innf  eAnóAf  . .  •  • 










seAcnám  nA  sct.óT)ómí. 


tíne        Sa  céx 

téigce^   m,d   ionA*o, 



inA|\cóf  mtmc-jióf 

tTlAficóf  fflunc^óf. 

















57  b 




57  c 




57  „ 








57  d 


ne<vp 5^1*6 


59  b 


although,  it  ík 

although  it  is 

62  b 


5-a  *OAim 


68  a 


-fAn,  (once), 

-tun  (once), 

73  b 


T)ún  T)aoi 

T)ún  T)é 

74  a 




t>|tOtt  &£. 

11í  figniít)  a  te-Af  mófÁn  T>e  teitfgéAtCAit)  T>o  tAVjAifc 
ttAtnn  fÁn  teAt)A-[A  fo  x>o  Cti«|t  te  Céite.  ÚÁ^t-A  a  gem 
Ann  ha  VjtiA'óAnCd  ó  fotn  iuiaiii  a  trí  CAmc  A^ttf  cogAft 
iT)ifi  tttCc  te-AfrAf  iia  5Ae>ó11-5e  V-á  *óé^ncú|Mít>  "  An 
tltCAig  tJexVOAi'óe  "  1  vj£Ámne  aii  t^e.  T)o  CAinctge.<yó 
Agttf  *oo  co^ftAt)  eACOjtiu  f  úT)  5ti-|t  tfiAtt  ah  c-a'óvjaii  teAtMin 
iia  *oé^ncnfAí  feo  "oo  ttiAi'óedmAii,  aCc  ^ed^Án  T)o  ótif 
teó  Af  "  teAtMti  Ótomne  TUgnAitt,"  ó  tÁ^ttA  tjóiVj  fém 
a  Vjett  itó-gioftitCAC  te  n-A  AgxM'ó  fm.  111  'oe^nA'ó  TMTMtrt, 
ÁifiúAC.  *ÓÁ  fÁttcéitt  a  vjí  teif  fm,  if  *oó£d  :  &  tiAon  T)íovj 
.1.  tocc  511ÁCAC  11  a  ^coifoí  Aft  tttcc  te-At)A«p  ha  nAimfifie 
fm  mA-ji  a  vjíof  111*0111  fém  a$  a  ftioóc  .1.  cttf  a\\  cÁifVoe 
A^ttf  ctif  Af  ^ctit  ó  Cftm  11111  tigAt)  50  cittnnnutgA'ó  nó  50 
£CAittceA«[i  ^niAitc  A£ttf  priAoineA'ó  Aft  An  5Cttfpói«[t  *oo 
V>í  itómpA  A^ttf  te  n-A  tmn  fni  fÁiitfiof  aca  aji  Vjftíg  An 
cfeAnfocAit  "  cttit  a^i  cÁi«|tT)e,  cti-fi  11  aC  feÁi-jtivoe  "  ; 
A^ttf  a  t>ó  .1.  fAttttge  Agtif  fttAi[te  ah  ttgD-Atit  fém  1  n-A 
ftéAncúfAÍvj  Aft  CtttrtA  uÁ\\  ctnn  fé  iUArii  ifceAC  1AT>  te 
H^gAit)  a  5Ctót)ttAitce — -cá  An  toCc  móit  fAm  Aifi  fóf  50 
T)cí  ah  tÁ  acá  mT)iti  Atm  Agttf  a  «jtÁ'ó  50  Vjftntro  fitoriitA 
a  *ÓÁ  *óéAncttf  1  n-A  fettvj  gttf  A11  Atn  fo  1  tÁtAi-fi  Agttf  nÁ«[t 
rmdotn  fé  jtiArii  Aft  a  501111  tA«[t  a  n-Aif  CttSAinn  ceA«[t- 
ctngte  pioctA  f^iomAitt^  ó  h-a  tÁirii  oitce  fém  ! 

ACc  ní  Vjca^  tiom  T>e  fui.  Ceifc  Atiotf .  Cé  íié  "  An 
ctltc^C  t)eAT)Ait)e  "  ?  O,  eom  1Í1ac  Héitt,  fCAtt  50 
rjftiit  a  Amm  1  mtoéAt  a  tÁm.  T)o  *óe-ACctng  fé  fin 
"  CAitféim  AlAx^OAip  1Tlic  tÍoriinAitt "  1  ^corh-Aiit  ^Ámne 
&t\  t^e  fÁ  mA-jt  T)o  tÁmi5  ^m^C  a^  ha  T)ÁCAít)  feo  .1. 
AibjteÁn  16  A^tif  t)eAtCAme  14,  1898. 



11í  Cútfge  T)o  comuuc  Ati  cAtvMf  Cog,<m  Ó  gf^ttiti.A  t*vo 
fO  fÁ  étó  t\Á  t>o  f^fíob  fé  tiui|\  Ciij;.Ainne  ótt  OiteÁn  lín, 

Agtlf    T>0    ll'lOt   fé    tUA    ItAtfCÍ    fc^f    C1011T1.         'Sé    THlbxMfC    fé 

fAti  tictfl  fiti  tiáf  téig  fé  ft^rh  xMfcí  T)ob'  fe^ff  tu\  uvo, 
"ASttft"  <Af  fetfCAti,  "  ff é  tfieafAim  fém  ^tif^b  í  an 
5-Aet)it5   if   fe^|\|t  t>o  fSftíol^vó   ó  xMtriftf  ,<mi    Céicmntg 

AlUlxXf  !  " 

1f  teóf  ttotn  T>o  motATj  é  fm,  -A^tif  ní  tne-Afdim  fétn 
5tif  c^tt  tMW  cuf  teif,  ^Cc  ^tfúiii  a  iU*ó  suf  b'é  fÁTj 
^n  At^n  6o$<Mn  fÁ  >óeoró  ^n  métT)  f eo  tétgce^jt  1  n'oeife^TJ 
a  UU|\e  acá  fA  ctó  t  bp-dtnne  Ati  \.Ae  va^aX)  t>áca 
ITIeiteam  18,  1898  : 

"  tlátub  f-ATí^  50  5CttnnimiT>  ^fíf  ón  t1tc<\c  t>eAT).<M*óe." 

Tt\Aimf  te  "  CxMtfénn  AtáfTMtf  fhic  'ÚorhnxMtt,"  tf 
bex*5  'o'^tfng-At)  t>o  ctnfe^f-f^  xMin  a^á  -AttfSfíobATj 
Annfo  TjAtn.  1f  féroif  a  tU*o  50  tjftnt  %ac  focat  cotc- 
ce^nn  5.411  .AtfUig^vó  x\f\  t>it  uAim,  11í  m^j\  fm,  Atfi,  T>o 
ctiro  T)e  n^  n^mmne-AóxMo  -áice  azá  Ann,  m^f  ^ttn  o'éi^e^n 
•oam  ^n  méro  f  eo  >oíob  *oo  cun  A|\  .áon  nóf  te  HiAtt  \Y\&c 
itltnfe^'óxMg  ^uf  te  ntigT>^f^tt>  eite  f u^f^f  teo  : — ■ 

As  c.  itiac  11.  A5  ngT>^t\Ait>. 

t)Aite-^n-cSAOi  t)^tte  n^\  Ctiaige 

t)xMte-fntiine  tj^tte  ITIón^iT) 

Oopp^-fntnn  (?)  Uiob^f  1Tlóf 

AtMtvoAOin  OtMif  >Úe<yóAin 

T)nn  t)^ot  (?)  t)ún  T)é 

an  éifmn  (?)  1nbtf  nAfUnn 

AtfOfT)  AtpOfC 

Cttt  S\te  (?)  Citt  S^robe 

Sciftmt;  Scftnbte 

Philiphaugh  fittpfác 


CeifU,  cat>  ctnge  *ó<Atn  a  n-.AtfítigA'o  ?  O  £tif  b'éiséan 
T>Am  é  •óé-Ati^rh  *o'éif  mo  óti^jVOAig  'fn-A  \\vc^oa^a\X>.  Ay\ 
céA*o  Y  -An  tMfiA  tiAitim,  'fn  CAn.AmAmu  ftAótAnn  .ACá  niAfi 
ugTXAfiu.Áf  A%Am  teó;  Gazetteer  n.A  tiAtb,An  «ABUf  téAjtf  gáite 
<An  tAe  m*oiti  fá  n*oeA$  Uiob-Af  tTlófi;  S^*01^  ^A  ftXHbAn 
b>A  btm  teif  t\a  uní  ttAmmne.AC.Aib  .aua*  'nA  ,ói,ai>ó  pn  ^tif 
te  Suftnbte  m^ri  ^n  ^cé.A'on.A  ;  f  ti.Afi.Af  xXtponu  -Agtif 
ptipfAó  az  tlMtt  IUac  rhtiifveA'óAig  fém  -ó^tif  Citt 
S.Ait>be  'fé  W°  AZA  Arm  A^  be.ACUAi'óe.ACU  *oo  b^mu 
-Af  ^n  t;ctimA  "o'f^E  tli-Att  -Ain  ó  n-A  1>Áirh  ! 

tlAó  téin  .Af  fom  cax>  if  fémin  T>o  'óéAn.Arh  te  ti.dinm- 
ne.AC.Aib  Áiue,  mÁ  cu^fVOAigte^rv  *oóig  A^tif  .An-*oóig  niAfi 
if  m'oéAnuA  *oo  £ac  émne  ?  tlíori  éimg  tiom  JJ.Ae>oit£ 
*o'f,AgÁit  A|\  Selkirk,  *oá  rhé.A'o  *oif  cu,AfiT>.Aige.Ar,  .acu 
•oá  mbe-At)  5Ae*óits  .Ain,  if  x>óca  ^tif  "  Citt  t)ot  "  -a  be.A*o 
«Ann,  .acu  ntiAifi  n-Aó  fti^fiAf  ugTMritÁf  nÁ  b-AfiÁnc-A  teif 
fm,  *oo  tei^e-Af  *oó.  tlft  5Aet>it5  1  tiAtbAm  fém  in*oit3 
-Airi,  mAfi  ttnt;im,  -A^tif  é  .Af  nóf  Williamstown  1  sContXAe 
n-A  5Aittirhe  -A^tif  Áiue,Ann.A  eite  1  néinmn  fóiníoft  ! 

Anoif  1  T>UAob  Af  bAmeAt)  .Af  te.Ab.Afi  Ctomne  Tl.Agn.Aitt, 
*oo  te.An.Af  *oo  c.Amu  atí  te.Ab.Ain  fm  corh  T>túit  -A^tif 
'o'fé.A'OAf,  -A^tif  mÁ  fSAfiAf  téi  1  ^cofifi-Áic,  *oob'  éi^CAn 
*o^m  é  Af  méAX)  avi  Atb.An.AC.Aif  *oo  tÁfiLA  of  mo  coiúAif, 
fiti'o  T>o  ctnfife-A^ó  ^f  50  mó|\  *oon  téigteoij\  eife.Ann.AC. 
An  uAtb.An.AC.Af  if  mó  bí  ^nn  .1.  n.A  >oéi>óe<An(Aig  -e,  -a 
-Afi  Láf  .Afi  tixMfiib  :  Cibé  .Áiu  a  fwAib  fm  ^nn  *oo  fmne-Af 
íax)  'o'^ife^,  A^tif  50  *oenfim  féin,*oÁ  mbeAt)  ^n  ceifu 
!pÁ  tli^tt  fém  *oo  rhotf At  f é  *óAm  é  *ó&An.Arh,  A^tif  ^tifiAb 
é  atí  ctifpóifí  *oo  ótnfi  fé  fm  foirhe  S^e^óit^  *óonrim 
éife^nnAó  téigmn  «Agtif  tiUfi^óe^óUA  *oo  f5fiíobA*ó,  if 
nU  teip  fm  .Aif  corifi-^m,  b'é  f^  n*oe^fi  é  ufeife  n^ 
c^n^rhnA  bí  A1|\  ^^tif  é  1  ^cém  ó  f^oituib  nA  tiéifieAnn 
1  5C^f  S^f  f510W  A^V  S^t^  fte-Amntng  CAn-Amn^ó^f  Aif4  1 


ti-A  fSl^ftVirm  u-AirteAncA  a  T^n-fiof  t>ó  fém.  x\6c  caji 
éif  an  cfAog-Ait,  má  ctnriceAri  «An  te-AVjArt  fo  1  scoimmeAf 
te  Reliquiae  Celticse  if  beAT;  x>e  •óeitrjiri  georjfcAf 
eACorirtA  1  ti-Aon  áic,  -At;uf  .a  freADAf  «An  c-eottif  *oo  t)í  a^ 
íliAtt  -Aft  $^et)it5  ngD-AtttÁfAi$  éife-Ann  -A^iif  Atban 
frié  óéite,  tx>  fiéifi  mari  *oo  rjí  .An  fS&At  f-An  Aimfiri  fm 
A5ur  5°  *°cí  Ar»  c-occm.A'ó  ceann-Airi  (.1.  finfeAjiA,  céxvo) 
•0&A5.  'Siat)  fo  tía  te-At-An^ig  *oe  Reliquiae  Celticae  II., 
1  n-«A  í>fuit  leArj-Art  Ótoinne  tlAgn-Aitt,  .1.  138 — 309. 

S60SA1ÍI    tAOVOe. 

ll5T)Ai|i  An  teAt)Ai]A  Seo. 

11í  5ÁT)  T)Atn  cnÁcc  x>o  -óéAnATh  aji  eom  rflAC  tléitt  A^tif  a  fiof 
A5  An  fAogAl  pó-olAC  cé  hé  fém.  CÁ  'fiof  A^Ainn  50  téin  5111,1 
ctif-oe  An  feAn  é  A^tif  hac  ceAfc  x>nmn  a  ttntteAT)  CAince  x>o 
x)éAnAni   Af  xmme  beó. 

mAtt  iriAc  rhumeA*óAig. 

X)o  rhAif  An  f5fíbneoif  feo  fAn  feAccrhAX)  AOif  x>éA5  A^tif 
1  *ocrjf  nA  ViAoife  'ha  X)1A1X)  fm.  A11  méro  T)o  DAineAmAif-ne  Af 
a  teADAf  fCAine,  x>o  f5fíobAT)  é,  mAf  fAOitueAf,  foim  An 
mbtiA"ÓAin   1700. 

Síot  1TltiifeA-ÓAi5  ó'  x>cÁmi5  An  tliAtt  fo,  *oo  broff  'ha  feAn- 
CAixVttb  A5  Ctomn  nA^nAitt  (.1.  "OomnAttAij;  ha  nOiteÁn  nó  1nfe 
^Att).  *Oo  bío"ó  xmtAij;  nó  AÚAfÓA  aca  1  nl1ibifc  ÚeAf,  oiteÁn 
x>'lnfib  ^Att.  T)o  fíotftii5eAX)Af  ó  rhtnrieAX)AC  Ó  T)ÁtAi5,  fiLe 
món  X)o  bí  1  néifmn  ctiAirum  te  cúf  nA  btiAxmA  1200.  tnráeAc 
x>ob'  eAX)  A11  fite  f eo,  A^tif  ntiAif  a  bí  fé  'tia  comntiróe  1  tiof 
An  *Ooitt  1  5CotroAe  6^1515  tÁmi^  ix>if  é  fétti  A^tif  Ó  "OomnAitt, 
1  5CA01  5tif  b'éi^eAn  x)ó  ceiceAX).  T)'éif  étne  x)o  fmbAt  A^tif 
5An  cofnAm  Ai^e  aii  Ó  n*OomnAitt  xio  ctiAiX)  1TltiirteAX)AC  50 
hAtbAtn  A^tif  tzá  ftiocz:  Aif  f  a  cíf  f in  50  X)cí  mx)iti  f  éin.  1nmf ceAf 
5ttf  riiAit  Ó  *OomnAitt  x>ó  fÁ  x>eineAX),  A^uf  50  xrcÁmis  fé  tArt  a 
Aif  50  héi|tmn. 

'sé  ati  ctifpóif  x)o  ctitf  tliAtt  triAc  rhtii|teAX)Ai5  rioime,  A5 
f5fíobAX)  fUAifte  C05AIX)  rhtmcfóf  A^tjf  AtAfX)Aif  x>ó,  ceAfc  x>o 
feAfAm  x>o  gAex>eAtAib,  *°°  ^1^5  ""^t1  Axnhtnj;  f5fíbneoiru  Ati 
t)éAftA  méAX)  tia  feifbífe  x>o  fmneAx>A|t  ^AexVit  éineAnn  A^tif 
AtbAn  mf  An  Ó05AX)  fAm.  t)í  fé  A|t  A  ctimAf,  x>Á  mb'Áit  teif  é, 
f5fíobAT)  1  mt)éAftA,  acu  x>o  5Ab  fé  x>o  fo^Am  tífÁix>  x>o  bAint 
Af  a  teAn^Aix)  fém  .1.  An  jjAexnt^,  A^tif  if  móf  if  lonmotcA  é 
x)Á  cionn. 

t)A  x>en  uneib  ceAxmA  CAtAt  triAC  ttltiirieAX)Ai5  50  bftnt  ctnx> 
x>Á  x)éAnctif AÍb  1  nx>Án  f ati  teAbAf  fo.  *Oo  riiAif  f é  f eo  f  a  céAx> 
teAt  x>en  feACcriiAX)  AOif  x^éA^. 

S.   t. 

R  é  1  rh  f  5  é  A  U 

t)A  rrió^  te  $M  AU\f*o,<Mj\  nu\c  CottA  lílrc  *Óomrn\itt 
U\  tm  tVAitt,  ^5tif  mÁnieAnn  a  cÁit  A^uf  a  ctú  1  TUcL<Mnn 
^Stvp  i  n^e-TteAtc-ACC  AtlMn  50  t>cí  rntnti  fém.  t)A 
*oe  fe-Ati-otmA'ó  Tte  At^fTMrn,  ^stif  oa  m<\c  é  T)o 
T)orhnAttAó  ó  CottMnnfxMg.  X)a  fe<<Mi-ona<Mt  X)Á  AtA\\\ 
SotfuMttte  "btn'óe  ITIac  X)oiiin-Aitt,  Atdin  cé\<yo  1-AttLd 
AonctAom^.  t)r  T)omn-AttxMg  AonctU)mA  r  n^aot  ^Aitti'c- 
x>Á  mtnnatA  férn  .1.  T)o  T)omnAttACAiD  íte  -A^tif  Cmncrtte, 
Agtif  -An  fóitme,<MAu  -A^nf  ah  fóiféigeAn  T)'imit\  CLann 
T)tnone  nó  t\a  C<Mmt)é\AUMg  a$  ah  «cMC-fme  T^fÁs  fé  fltin 
•oíogAtc-átf  '11A  n-AgAi'ó  fm  1  5CtroiT)e  v\a  nT)omnAttAó  AfV 
■$ac  c-aod  T>e  StAuc  nxx  ffl<\oite. 

UÁ  An  méiT)  fm  eottnf  «A^iif  cwttexvó  ^n  f^gÁit  50- 
ttéit)  1  te^tjAtr  An-T)e^f  T)o  fStnoo  tigrx<Mt  AUmiiac  5^tt~0v\ 
TXAfUb  xMnm  ^f  t)éA|\tA  John  Buchan.  'Sé  x\n  ceiT)e<c\t 
acá  AifT  The  Marquis  of  Montrose  aguf  1  n-utuit)  *oo 
cmt^eA'ó  xmtiac  é  ó  tig  Nelson  and  Sons.  tlgTXAH  cóitv 
ceAttc  if  eAX)  é,  fe^tt  a  riiotdf  AtAftXAi  p  .-Agtif  a  fArgTnwfí 
énAeAnnACA  50  ViÁipo  -Agtif  hac  f^g,<Min  tocc  -dtt  ALAfTMif 
férn  aóc  f-Á  m,Af  a  ctntt  fé  é.  Í1í  teigim  T)íom  t)on  co-ji 
fo  ^An  irornnc  vá  xVómoLc<MO  *oo  oawc  -Af  a  te^tj^,  lonntíf 
50  T)Ctii5feA,ó  gAe'óit  ét^eAnn  c.AiT)é  &  rhéiT)  *oe  cfoiT) 
-A^uf  *oe  óAtmACC  a  tnnne  n,A  néifeAnnAig  1  nAtt).Ain 
Agtif  ALAfTMr-jt  «AStT  m^gntif  Ó  Caúáw  1  n-A  ^ce^nn^f . 
Seo  mA-|t  cttÁóCAnn  Buchan  a$  n^   fArgT)imm'o    féin  :- 

"  Alastair's  Ulstermen  were  regular  soldiers,  inured  to  dis- 
cipline,  and  seasoned  by  hard  campaigns,  and  they  had  the 
advantage  of  bearing  firearms.  But  these  firearms  were  old 
matchlocks,  and  the  stock  of  ammunition  was  so  low  that  only 
one  round  remained  for  each  man  "  (.1.  tionri  c<\t  ÚiobAi^  lilóiji}3 
t.  85.      • 



Ajtif  péo  ihaji  6tii|teAiiti  fé  nvo  fAiu  A^uf  fAi$Difli|i! 
ah  Coitnmnc  le  caoio  a  óétte  : 

11  Hnrrv's  cavalry  were  the  troops  whieh  had  done  brilliant 
eervice  under  Leven,  and  Baillie's  foot  were  the  finest  regular 
eoldiers  that  Scotland  could  show." 

11  The  Irish  were,  of  course,  tried  veterans,  and  superior  to 
«ny  of  the  Covenant  infantry,"  t.  133. 

Seo  mdfi  tAujtAnn  fé  fóf  -A-jt  fAig*oiíiiitíu  rhtmc|tóf  pá 
mAf  *oo  oíoTMft  ^\onri  CAt  Citte  SAi*óue  : 

"  Montrose  now  commanded  a  force  of  at  least  4,400  foot  and 
500  cavalry  ;  a  seasoned  force,  for  all  were  hard  fighting  men, 
and  the  1,000  Irish  were  probably  the  best  foot  in  Britain  at  the 
time,"  t.  162. 

Seo  é  a  rheAf  A]\  ua  fAigT>unníu  t>o  fftíot  1  n5^e^e^Cx*cc 

aMoau  : 

44  The  Highlanders  were  active  fellows  accustomed  to  aa  out- 
door  life,  but  their  equipment  was  fantastic,  for  only  a  few 
-carried  claymores,  and  most  were  armed  with  pikes  and  sticksP 
and  bows  and  arrows  "  (.1.  fonri  caú  ÚiobAif  rhóits)  t.  85. 

t)í  T)o  tocc  ojttA  fo  50  T)céraíf  a  OAite  1  gcornnAi'óe 
T>'éif  av\  t&t&  cum  a  n-éAT>ÁlA  t>o  cujt  1  T>CAif5e.  11í 
n^fCA  fAin  T)o  díot)  lonncAoio  45  ITIuncftóf,  acc  Af  iia 
^Ae'óe-AtAio  éifte-dnndCA,  AriiAit  tiu^  AT)etf  Buchan  akv\  fo: 

(CAjt  éif  caca  "óiiin  *Oé)  "  He  had  now  a  compact  force  of 
2,000  foot  and  about  200  horse.  The  nucleus  of  the  infantry 
was  still  Alastair's  Irish,  who  may  have  numbered  from  a 
thousand  to  twelve  hundred  men,"  t.  125. 

Seo  cnÁéc  be-A^  ón  ugTM-jt  gcéApná  Af  A,n  gCAtmAóC 
t>o  fttnne  11  &  néif\eAnnAig  : 

(1  5CAC  ObAijróoA-óAin)  "  The  attack  fell  upon  Alastair's 
infantry,  and  gallantly  they  met  it.  They  opened  their  ranks 
and  let  the  troopers  sweep  through  ;  then  facing  round  they 
pursued  them  with  volleys.  The  Covenant  horse  were  soon  out 
of  action,"  t.  96. 

(1  ^caú  nA  fio-óbAix>e)  "  The  Covenanting  centre  advanced 
up  the  little  hill,  and  was  half-way  to  the  top  before  Montrose 
saw  his  danger.       He  called  to  a  young  Ulsterman,  O'Rean, 


whom  Alastair  had  left  behind  him,  and  bade  him  drive  the 
enemy  from  the  slope.  The  gallant  Irish  charged  with  pike  and 
broadsword,  drove  back  the  Covenanters,  and  obtained  a  supplv 
of  powder  for  their  famished  muskets.  It  is  recorded  that  one  of 
them,  looking  at  the  booty,  said,  '  We  must  at  them  again  ; 
the  stingy  rogues  have  left  us  no  bullets.'  Meanwhile  Lothian's 
horse  had  assaulted  Montrose's  position  on  the  flank.  But  the 
powder-íiasks  were  now  replenished,  and  thefire  of  the  musketeers, 
whom  Montrose  led  round  the  brow  of  the  hill,  was  too  much 
for  the  lowland  cavalry.  Argyll  drew  off  his  men,  and  put  the 
Ythan  between  himself  and  the  enemy,"  l.  102. 

(1  gCAt  Aitc  éi|tinn)  "The  Covenanting  army  became  a  mob, 
and  the  mob  a  shambles.  The  blood  of  Ulster  and  the  Isles 
that  day  had  recovered  its  ancient  berserk  fury,  and  the  Gordone 
were  in  no  mood  to  spare  their  foes,"  t.  144. 

(1  mb^ireA-ó  ptippÁc)  "  The  500  Ulstermen,  however,  were 
fighting  a  desperate  fight,  having  found  or  thrown  up  some 
shallow  defences.  Montrose  collected  his  hundred  troopers 
and  charged  Leslie  so  madly  that  for  the  moment  he  drove 
back  the  whole  Covenant  horse.  But  600  men  taken  by  surprise, 
and  with  no  advantages  of  position,  cannot  for  long  do  battle 
with  6,000.  Leslie's  other  division  harassed  the  Rovalist  right 
flank  with  musketry  fire  from  beyond  the  stream,  and  presently 
had  forded  Ettrick  and  were  attacking  them  from  behind. 
Again  and  again  the  Covenant  troopers  charged,  only  to  be 
driven  back  by  the  heroic  Irish  ;  again  and  again  Montrose's 
hundred  cut  their  way  deep  into  the  enemy's  ranks.  Philiphaugh 
was  not  a  battle  ;  it  was  a  surprise  and  a  massacre,"  l.  191. 

t)A    t>ui*óeAC    llltmcnór    *oe    AtAfDAin.       TVérp    céime 

^o'fAgÁit  t>ó  ^ém  óii  níg,  .1.  ti£uen,ánu  soiDeAttnórtA  A^tif 

CAipcín  fimr\eit  X)o  *óéAnAin  *oe,  *oo  rvmne  fé  nujt  te^n-Af, 

pÁ  mAn  mnfeAnn  thichAn  T)tiinn  : 

"  Montrose's  first  act  under  his  new  authority  was  to  confer 
the  honour  of  knighthood  on  Alastair.  He  had  nobly  earned 
it,"  t.  178. 

A5  ro  A11  Dtteit  tu%  Buchan  &$  AUfo^ijt  pém  -Agtif 
ní  péiwn  te  hémne  a  ^Stb  n^c  ptut  lÁn  an  cinx  Ai$e  : 

"  Sir  Alastair  alone  deserves  censure.  He  was  an  experienced 
soldier,  and  knew  something  of  the  difficulties  that  were  before 
his  chief.  But  his  knighthood  and  his  new  post  of  captain- 
general  of  the  clans  had  turned  his  head.  He  proposed  to  himself 
a  campaign  in  Argyll  which  should  root  the  Campbells  out  of  the 
peninsula.  He  promised  to  return,  and  no  doubt  honestly 
meant  it,  but  from  the  hour  when  he  marched  off  with  half  his 


Iriahry  and  all  the  Highlanders,  Montrose  never  saw  his  old 
lieutenant  again.  Five  hundred  Ulstermen — among  them  the 
gallant  O'Rean — to  their  eternal  honour  refused  to  leave  tho 
roval  standard,"  11.  183-4. 

"  The  next  few  months  of  blundering  in  Argyll  were  to  show 
how  little  of  a  general  he  was  on  his  own  account.  Two  years 
later  he  was  to  disappear  from  history,  stabbed  in  the  back  in 
an  obscure  Irish  fray.  But  as  brigadier  under  Montrose  he  was 
worth  an  armv,  and  his  stand  at  Auldearn  will  live  as  long  as 
feats  of  valour  can  stir  the  hearts  of  men,"  l.  178. 

Águf  peo  At\  u|u\cc  t>o-hí  Bvichan  a^  ah  ^cac  fw  x\itc 
6ifimn  : 

"  There  was  one  mistake  in  the  calculation.  Alastair  was 
undermanned.  He  can  have  had  no  more  than  500  men,  alí 
infantry,  to  oppose  the  attack  of  3,400  foot  and  400  horse, 
If  we  remember  that  the  musketeers  of  those  days  were  con- 
sidered  to  be  unable  to  face  eavalry,  unless  drawn  up  behind 
hedges  or  palisades,  we  get  some  notion  of  the  desperate  odds. 
They  were  increased  by  Alasdair's  own  impetuous  conduct. 
He  was  never  the  man  to  await  an  onset,  and  while .  Hurry's- 
army  was  struggling  through  the  marshy  burn,  he  sacrificed 
the  advantage  of  his  higher  ground  and  rushed  to  meet  them. 
Eight  to  one  is  odds  reserved  to  the  champions  of  fairy  tales, 
4  Why,  how  the  devil,'  asks  Major  Bellenden  in  Old  Mortality, 
1  can  you  believe  that  Artamines  or  what  d'ye  call  him  fought 
single-handed  with  a  whole  battalion  ?  One  to  three  is  as  great 
odds  as  ever  fought  and  won,  and  I  never  knew  any  one  who 
cared  to  take  that  except  old  Corporal  Raddlebanes.'  But 
Alastair's  deeds  were  worthy  of  the  Ossianic  heroes,  and  it 
is  not  hard  to  understand  how  in  Highland  legend  his  fame 
is  made  to  outshine  Montrose's.  He  and  his  Irish  conducted 
themselves  like  the  fierce  warriors  of  the  Sagas.  He  was 
forced  back,  fighting  desperately,  into  the  nest  of  enclosures 
in  front  of  the  village.  Like  Ajax  by  the  ships  he  himself  was 
the  last  to  retreat.  His  targe  was  full  of  pikes,  but  he  swung 
his  great  broadsword  round  and  cut  off  their  heads  like  cabbage 
stalks.  He  broke  his  blade,  but  got  another  from  a  dying 
comrade.  Again  and  again  he  rushed  out  to  he]p  his  stragglers 
to  enter.  One  of  his  men,  Ranald  Mac  Kinnon,  of  Mull,  fought 
swordless  against  a  dozen  pikemen  with  an  arrow  through 
both  cheeks  and  no  weapon  but  his  shield.  So  raged  this 
Thermopylae  among  the  pigstves,  etc,"  L.  141. 

1f  cuigte  'óúinn  Af  f^m  c^it)é  a  tfiém  T)e  c^ttn.Aóc  a  tn 
1  nAtAfO^if .  Uu^tih  Buchan  \:&t&t  fíocrh-Af  f^ocx)^ 
("firc-cating  giant  ")  Aif.  iiua-ji  ní  tié  Atfi^tn  50  nx>éA'c\Axy 


fé  cfótMóc  -Agiif  CAtniAóc  t)o  gnÁc,  átc  bA  riióf  xMI  feAft 
é  1  méwo  cotíi  m<MC  céxvotuv.  TM  bfAiuvó  fé  1  gGdttaift 
rhtmcrióf  50  •oeifte^vó  x\n  cé-Aimuv,  ní  lu\ogx\t  tix\c  bu<vó- 
l-wmo  ^5  aii  mbeinc  fin  A|\  ah  iumíumt)  fóf  1  gcorfmAi'óe. 
AUfTMijt  tu\  cféigeAn  cug  omexvo  ttluncfóf.  TM  fe-Af-At) 
fé  cdob  teif,  bí  a  niAlxMjic  x>e  cníc  x\f  x\n  rn-Aficóf.  Acc 
ní  fxxgCAfi  fAOi  5-aíi  tocc  :  x\n  cé  acá  Uvroif,  ní  bíonn  fé 
^Uc  1  gcorhtiAi'óe  ;  ^5lir  *°^  túéuvo  xui  tocc  fx.Mii  x\f 
AtAfX)xM|\,  if  fui  munn  cuimniugAt)  x>o  "óé-An-árh  -Aif,  Aguf 
x\  fexAb^f  t>e  U\oc  é  te  n-4  tmn  féin. 

seosAiii  U\oroe. 

Sé^mtif  5|tAem,  1TlA|\cóf  tTltmufiór. 

ÍTIÁ  t>A    TTlÓf    ATl    feAf   é   AtAf*OA1f    THAC   CotlA  CIOCAI5    mAf  tAOC 

C05AIT)  Aguf  rriAf  cufAT)  caIttia,   A^tif  é   'tia  mÁiT>reoif  fimneit 
A5  CADf  tigA-ó  le  m  A-pcóf  mtmcfóf ,  bA  mó  TiÁ  é  f  1T1  50  món  mtmcnóf 

félTI    TTIAf    ÚAOIfeAC    CO5AIX)    A^tlf    TTlAf   f1T11feit    Af   5AC   fLtJA^    A^tlf 

5AC  Afm  t>á  moíoT)  Ai^e  le  ctif  Af  A5AIT)  tia  tiáttiat). 

1)a  bfeÁj;  aii  c-eotuf  t>o  t)í  Ai^e  Af  ceitvo  A^tif  Af  eAtA-ÓAm  An 
C05AIT).  ní'i  -o'feAfAib  a  coniAimfife  Le  ctin  1  5ComóncAf  teif 
acc  C]iombAit  A^uf  Condé,  A^tif  A-omtngteAf  nAC  -oío^báit  nÁ 
*ootAit)  T)0  rhtmcnóf  An  comófCAf  fAin.  Af  a  fctiAim  fém  if 
mó  bí  fé  eotAC  1  5cnttpAÍb  C05AIT).  "óí  fé  ó  ffémi  A^tif  ó  nÁT>tnn 
Ann,  rriAf  A*oeifceAf. 

1f  "0015  Liom  50  bftntiT)  nA  f^fíbneoifí  50  téin,  nó  ^eAtt  teif 
1AT)  50  téif,  Af  Aon  focAt  1  "ocAob  5intéifeACUA  ttltmcnóf.  Tlí 
5ÁT)  f)Am,  ÁmÚAc,  acu  Buchan  t>o  ctjf  1  sceifc  Atn'f  *oíob.  Seo 
mAf  tAbf Af  fé  fm  Af  An  "CAitige  lon^AncAC  *oo  bí  A5  mtmcnóf 

Af     mnOAtt     A5tlf     Af     OfT)tl5AT)    CAÚA  I 

"  In  tactics  he  had  the  supreme  gift  of  suiting  his  scheme  of 
battle  to  his  material,  using  his  horse  now  as  mounted  infantry 
and  now  as  cavalry,  and  getting  full  value  from  the  impetuous 
Highland  charge. 

At  leisure  he  could  dispose  a  battle  with  great  skill,  as  at 
Alford,  and  could  defy  the  ordinary  rules  of  war  with  success, 
as  at  Kilsyth,"  t.  287. 

Acc  -oeif  An  c-ti5T)Af  céAT>nA  5tif  mó  50  móf  nÁ  fAm  111  te 
An  ctimAf  ion5AncAC  -cAOifi5eACCA  A^tif  cÁitce  bí  1  mtmcfóf, 
A^tif  ní't  émne  t>á  *octii5feAT)  An  cÁf  f  Am  'ha  éeAf  c  nAC  AbfócA*ó 
50  bftnt  cofp-tÁf  An  ciftc  Ai^e.      Seo  mAf  tAbAif  fé  Aif  fin  : 

"  More  notable  than  his  gifts  of  strategy  and  tactics,  was 
his  unique  power  of  leadership.  He  welded  into  an  army  the 
most  heterogeneous  materials  on  earth.  He  discovered  the 
fighting  value  of  the  clans,  of  which  his  kinsman  Claverhouse 
was  to  offer  a  further  proof.  Hitherto  it  had  seemed  impossible 
to  band  two  minor  septs  together  for  one  purpose  for  more  than 
a  week ;  Montrose  united  the  whole  central  Highlands  in  a 
campaign  of  a  year's  duration,"  t.  288. 

S^eAtLÁn  -o'tiAiftib  tia  hAtbAn  -oob'  eA*ó  é,  *oe  tfeib  ha 
n^fAemAc  út>  *oo  meAfA*ó  beic  'ha  bfine  JaU-oa  $Aet>eAtAC 
A^tif  a  fÁT)  5tif  Af  An  -ceof  Ainn  *oo  bío*ó  comntn-óe  onxA.  fMof- 
tiAf  At  *oo  bí*  Ann  t>á  f éif  fin  A^tif  é  'íia  "ótime  tiAf  At  1  n-oÁfítnb. 
tjí  fm  ó  fféim  Ann  ^An  AmfAf.  ní't  tÁ  t>á  t>ca5At>  Aif  nAC 
f A5CA01  50  CAom  cneAfOA  mm  mAcÁncA  é.  ní  *óeACAiT>  fé  f iatti 
cAf  cóif  1  n-A  beAÚAiT)  nÁ  CAf  ceAfc  ha  fiA5tAc  1  5Ctit.ifAÍb  An 
C05AIT).  ní  mifoe  tiom  'íia  teiú  fm  cAmc  An  fif  céATvtiA  (.1. 
Buchan)  t>o  cADAif-c  AntiAf  Afíf  : 



11  l  nlike  his  opponents  he  observed  scrupulously  the  etiquette 
oí  war  ;  he  never  put  a  prisoner  to  death,  not  even  when  his 
dearest  fnends  were  being  murdered  by  the  Estates,"  l.  288. 

1f  cm^te  x>úinn  fóf  50  f  Aib  Áinx>meAf  Aige  Af  a  f Ai5X>itnníb 
éipeAniiACA.  péAC  mAn  x>o  glAOi-ó  fé  An  ttlAsntif  Ó  CAtÁm  1 
5CAÚ  iu\  pox>bAix>e  nuAif  x>ob'  eA^Al  leif  50  mbmffix>e  An  cac 
Aif  A^tif  a  tAob  fém  1  ngtiAif  A^tif  1  n^ÁbAX).  péAC  leif  mAn 
x>o  lAbAif  fé  Af  AlAfOAin  1  5CAC  Aitc  éijimn  aji  ftige  ^tif  ctnn 
fe  oifeA-o  meifnis  A^tif  meAnmAn  1  n-A  Anm  tiite  50  léin  if 
5iin  btiAX)AX>An  Af  An  nÁmAix>  :  "  1f  món  An  nÁine  x>timn,"  Aff' 
eifeAn,  "  An  c-Aon  x>tnne  A5  cAbAinc  aji  5ctú  x>ínn  -oo  sriÁt, 
niAf  bnifceAn  Af  An  tnle  nÁmAix>  noriiAmn — A5  fm  AlAfx>Ain 
A5  bneit  bxiA"ÓA  Af  An  mtnnon  *oo  bí  of  a  comAif  fém  x>on  cAt 
A^tíf  -cn^Ai-ó-fe  An   AX>bAnnfA  50  5téAfx>A  5nox>-AttAm." 

11  í  hé  snó  An  teAbAif  feo  ITlAfcóf  rtttmcnóf  x>o  molAx>,  acc 
x>ob'  éi^eAn  x>nmn  An  méix>  fm  x>o  cnn  fíof  'nAteit  A^tif  ^un Ab 
f5ot  f  if  a  bí  Ann,  f  eAn  nAc  CA^Ann  Af  An  *cf  AO^At  acc  50  hAnnAiru 
A^tif  cé  5tifAb  é  Án  n^nó-ne  1  tÁtAif  ctnrimitij-AX)  x>o  x>éAnAm 
Af  f eAf  eite,  CAitfimro  a  AX>mÁit  5Uf  b'f eAff  x>'f  eAf  An  tttAncóf 
nÁ  x\tAfx>Aif  fém.  tlíof  b'f éix>if  "  cocn Af  Af  a  ceifctíti  p ém  " 
x>o  ctif  1  teit  ttttmcnóf,  acc  cá  eA^tA  onm  stifAb  é  An  ^AtAf 
mcmne  fin  x>o  bAm  x>o  tíiac  CottA  A5  x>tit  50  Cmncífe  x>ó  ctim 
é  bAinc  x>e  ÓtAmn   "Otnbne. 

níof  btiAix>  ttttmcnóf  An  CAt  x>eifeAnnAC  cti5Ax>  1  gCAfbAfx^At, 
coif5  tiAC  f Aib  Aftn  ceAfc  Ai^e  A^tif  a  fÁx>  nAC  fAib  toctAnnAig 
A^tif  a  ftiocc  1  nlnfib  Ofc  com  mAit  nÁ  corir  cAtmA  x>e  fAig- 
X)itnfíb  te  5Aex>eAtAib  éifeAnn  A^tif  AlbAn. 

'Sé  montiAif  é  !  *Oo  mitteAÓ  50  heAfonófAC  te  CoriiAinte  na 
hAtbAn  é,  a  n-ADAin  rhAtt  ITIac  rhtuiieAx>Ai5.  "OÁ  bfAnA'ó 
AtAfX>Aif  te  n-A  coif,  ní  5eobAx>  An  íx>e  fin  é. 

AtAST)Ain    ÍTIAC     COttA. 

— +. — 

I.    CAitttéim    ALAfOAifi   itlic   t)otíinAitt 

Com  ÍTUc  T1éittT)o  fteAóutng. 



1f  t>eA5  Á|\  mbexum  f^n  Aimfif  feo  a\\  gníoriuftAit> 
S^ifp'ó  Áft  fean  -A^tif  if  ritife-á|\.  1TU  téignnT>  utúóu 
of  tu  Att  Aon  óof ,  ní  tti5AmtnT>  ^éitteAt)  *óóit>.  íl-A  f^éAtc^ 
lon^AncAif  azá  Af  fdgÁit  ifn^  fe,dn-te,At>tuit>  ipÁ  Uoótui'ó 
tía  n'jgáe'úeÁt  <A5tif  fá  n-A  móf-ó,Atnuóu,  *o^f  tmn  if 
b|\é^5^  ut>  50  téif,  nó  ^e-Att  teif.  Y\a  Uféite  OAtnu 
tuó  ttf  tnt -Ag-Ainti  fém,  ni*  nuit  tmn  a  ATwúit  50  t>f  éA'Of^i'óe 
a  mbeit  a$  An  mtnnuitt  T>Atut>  fíottuó  fnm.  ttUife.A'ó, 
t)ío*ó  a  t>ftnt  'nÁti  nT>ui*ó  ^nnfo  fíof  nu  fUftnAife  A^ititi 
a$  -An  méro  OAtnuúu  t>o  t>í  Ag  fe-dtA  áittite  T>e  Uoótu^ó 
tu  njAe'óeát  «Afi  -a  tiftnt  ctmuAf  ctunnn  fítunneAó 
fóiftte-AtAn  ^5  tigT>Atuió  5^e>ó1^5e  ^5t1f  t)&AfvU  t>o  ttiAi|\ 
te  n-A  tmn  fém. 

Ctiifeám  fíof  ^tt  T>unf  gemeAUó  Ati  -pifv  feo  tk>  féif 
nujt  f  tutunutA  ttorrumn  é. 

AUfOAtt  rhic  eom  liióitt* 

ITUc  CotU  ÓiouAtg  tthc  Com  t\A  tiíte  * 

1íhc  5itteAfbtn5  ííhc  Aongtnf  Ó15  * 

líhc  CotU  x\a  gCAp^tt  1ílic  Aongtnf  ltlói|t  * 

1T1ic  AUfT>Aitt  Itlic  TWinAttt    (if  turó  azá 

ttlic  Cóm  £AtÁviA\%  CUtiti        13omnxMtt       x\a 

ttlic  Cóm  rilóitt  tiAttun). 

Itlic  "OoTfmAitt  t)AtUig 

*  CtigcAtt  móniTiAoin  lnfe  TijgAtt  ("  Lords  of  the  Isles") 
Af  ati  5CiSi5eAtv  fO. 

CotlA  ttaff,  lotnoffo,  t)0  fu\m  ahu\c  Ctn^e^  Uttfó  ó 
CU\niu\it)  Uta>iu\ije,  tf  tu\ro  *oo  fíotftng  an  Cunn 
T)orfiiu\iU  peo  aj  a  iu\iO  Infe  5-átt  Agtif  feAcc  fcoctu\t<\  iia 
ngtmne  1  nlUit  1Iu\tu\  $A  h-a  piiAéc  a-\\  peat>  n-a  $ceAT>cA 

1f  Ag  ciu\cc  At\  AtAfT>Af  111AC  Cotta  1111  c  51  UeAfbwt; 
1Ílic  'ÓomnAitt  t>o  bí  An  fite  SAfAnAC  Milton,  au  tiAiii 
t)o  fKfíob  fé  iia  £5  mA^At)  fAOi  ah  Amm  tu£ 
t;>Tu\rv     015111     Af     a     teAOAf     .1.     Tetrachordon, 

"  Why,  it  is  harder,  sirs,  than  Gordon,  Makdonel  or 
Colkitto  or  Galasp — these  rugged  names  in  our  strange 
mouths  grow  sleek  that  would  have  made  Quintilian 
stare  and  gasp  " — x>Á  cuf  1  ^céitt  T)úmn  guf  T>eACtu 
teif  f  ém  An  c-Ainm  fm  Tetrachordon  >oo  fÁt)  wÁ  Makdonel 

.1.    1TUC  'OotfmxMtt  11Ó   ColkÍttO   .1.    CottA   ClOCAC,   AtAHt  AX\ 

AtdfDAif  féAriifÁtiDce,  nó  Galasp  .1.   ^itteAfbuig,  AtAif 
ah  CottA  óéATmA.     "  Colkitto  "  au  c-Amm  if  mó  tti;gAiTríf 

5-Altt  Af  AtAfT>Af. 

Tlí  tuib  AtAft)Af  acc  mA  ógÁtiAó  fA  btu>OAin  1641  An 
uAif  "  cuifeAt)  au  fop  Ajt  féiT>eAT>  "  1  sCúi^e^t)  HU'ó 
Aguf  uó5A*ó  An  cogA'ú  mórv  1  n-AgAi*ó  nA  SAfAnAó.  t)í 
fé  mA  Corhnuróe  1  n-AtbAin  fÁ'n  Atn  fom,  Aguf  tÁmig 
fé  AnAtt  50  íiéifmn.  t)í  feAf  T>e  itlumcirv  ScmbAifT> 
Atmrom  a^  cfummugA'ó  Airvm  ^aIVoa  1  n-AgAro  gAefteAt 
ha  néirveAnn.  AtbAnAó  b'eAt)  é  feo  Agttf  bA  gAot  t>ó 
AlAfOAtt  triAC  CottA.  Ctnf  ré  AtAfT>Af  'ua  CAipcín  of 
cionn  buróne  T)Á  curo  f&igoiúijti.  11í  tuAite  brvif  An 
cosjAi!)  ArriAC  nÁ  T>'iompuig  AtAfOAf  Afv  tdotb  tia  n^AC'óCAt 
Aguf  tu^  teif  t)fons  beAg  *oe  fttiAg  An  SaubAfOAig. 
T)'pÁ5  fé  aw  SaubAfT>Ac  1  ^Ctut  ÍÍAitm  A£tif  T)'imtig. 
tetf  ó  T_>eAf  fA  fvúc^  (.1.  ctÁf  ConnX)^e  /AoncfomA  ó  tuAVó) 

Annfom  bí  a^  6iítge  ^hiaó  f if  n,A  Ofuoibe  nó  1Dtnnci|t 
C^tÁin  ^f  au  c^ob  toifv  T)e  t)AnnA.  tÁmi^  a  fiof  ^o 
Cúit-RAitin    £0   fAib    pf   iia   CfAoibe   aK   ^At  Af  'out 

cf<\fnA  nA  t>AiniA  cutn  50  $CAbtX)CAiT>íf  te  liALM/o^f 
ttuve  CottA.  pofc  At\  &tA  Ainm  íua  1i<mcc  1  n-Af  fAOit 
ftAX)  tmt  quvfiuv  tuv  Tu\bAtiti.  HtuMf  a  Ctu\t<v  A11  ScmbAtvoAC 
x\a  fS&Ató  fom,  x>o  gtuAif  fé  foitne  ó  Ctnt  ílAicm  Agtif 
a  tÁtii  'óeAf  teif  Ati  AbAtnn  50  OCÁ11115  fé  50  potic  Ati 
Áca,  stif  gdb  fé  tonspofc  4f  An  Ác  roif  AtAfOAf  Apaf 
111umcif\  Cacáiil  Sé  btn'úne  tíon  a  ftuAig  A^uf  ^An  a£c 
*oá  butóm  a^  AtAt/OAtt.  'Sé  tiux)  T)o  tnnne  AtAfOAft 
Aimfom  fAHAtiiAmc  »50  tneA'óón  oróce  ati  ctUc  *oo  U113  fé 
1  tÁtt  CAmpA  Ati  SctubAtvoAig  A$uf  ctnf  Áf  xv^tif  oeAtu;- 

fVUAtAf    OffA.  CÁ11115    íflui11C1f\    CaCÁ111    CAfl    ffVUC    At11Af\ 

t>á  éif  ftn  A^uf  t>í  AtAftMf  'iia  ceAnnpofc  oftuv.      t)'é 

fttl    COfAC    A    gtlíOtÍIAfCA    gAlfgtÓ    1    H-AgAt'Ó    T1A    HJgAtt.         1f 

é  AT>eif  Froude  A^uf  fc<vn  Aróce  iia  nj^tt  tnte  ^tift  b'é 
cofxvc  Af  ah  "  massacre  of  1641  "  é  fnu  "  Massacre  " 
l>í  4  mbéAt  ha  ngAtt  ftArii  ntuvift  tf  oftftA  btitfeA'ó  ah  cac. 
1  1111  ha  1lot)tA5  fA  DtiAiJAin  1641  tf  eA*ó  cÁftA  <mi  gníorii 
fom.  SeAt  geAff  'tiá  'óiAró  fm  x>o  gAb  AtAft)Af\  CAifteÁn 
t)Atte  iia  UuAige  Af  riiumcift  ah  SciubAtvoAig.    11íof\  tétg 

Atl      &dgi4     w't!      SCUlbAfVOAC      féttl      CeACC      CAft    ttUÍfVCúlb 

Cínte  TlAtttn  AniAó  50  ceAtm  1  bfAX),  nó  50  tuib  ftuAg 
fogAinceAó  cttumnigce  At^e  Aftíf. 

T)ia  n.Aome  ah  c-AonriiAt)  IÁ  *oéAg  T)e  tfii  nA  bpAotttroe 
fA  btiA^OAtn  1642  (1641  fA  cfeAti-ÁtfteAtii),  *oo  gttiAtf  ah 
ScmbAfVOAC    fiottiie    auiac    Af    Ctitt  ívAicm,    haoi    ^céAt) 

f  AlgT)1t11f  tíon  A  f  ttlAtg,  1  tl-AgAtt)  AtAfT>A1ft  llltc  TXmmAitt. 
Sé  céóX>  fAigT>túttt  *oo  bí  a^  AtAft>Aft  fA  tonspoftc  »00 
bí  Átge  1  nit)Aite  1YlónAi*6.  ÚÁfttA  ah  vá  f tttAg  te  óéite  a\\ 
ah  téAtiA  acá  ctiAifim  if  tníte  ó'n  mbAtte  fm.  Alexander 
Clogy,  mmifCénAe  SAfAUAó,  ctiAtiiAm  T)o'n  CAfbo^  t>é*oet, 
vo  beit^  cuAififS  A^\  An  CACAt,\  fom  niAtt  teAnAf  :  "  Sa 
céAX>  tonnfAtge,  A^uf  gAn  Aige  acc  but'óeAn  V)eA%  x>e 
$Ae*óeAtAtb  Agttf  t)tions  x>e  n'iétf  teAóAib  lAtttA  AoncfotnA, 

t)0  bt  1  DtOAtfC  teif  f A  tl-Ote,  1  11-Ag<VrÓ  OÓt  SCéA*0  SAfAtlAÓ 

AJjtif  A10aik\<\  rt]\  a  éif  vó  <\  ofxnigAiJ  xk\  ctnt)  báfAifl 
("  murdercrs  !  ")  á  r\-A\fm  tettie<At>  x)o  CAiteAt)  uaúa, 
xx>  ttuc  pé  0WA  le  t-Ainuit)  A^tif  te  fgeAnAiO  com 
ftu\ocx>A  peAfSAó  fom  sutuO  é  fgéat  *oo  ctiAtAmAtt  nac 
ivoeACAró  feAf  aca  Oeó  uai^ó  x>e'n  occ  gcéAX)  fom." 
ttij   x\a  fiAf AtiAig   ati    "  xmO-Aome  "   Af   An    .c\ome  fin, 

11  í     IIÁf  tOCC    OffA. 

SeAt  'ua  x^u\ix>  fm  óuaitV  AtAfXMf  te  pevótimvó  Huax^ 
Ó  tlént  1  n-AgAVó  An  Aifm  $AttT>A  Oí  a^  Sif\  thttiAtn 
ScmOAfX)  1  1oUíf\  ConAitt,  Agtif  X)o  ctujt  Sif  tlittiAm 
fuAi^  A^tif  Af  móf  offA  1  ngteAnn  ÍITac  Cumn,  1  n-Aice 
Káca  t)ot  An  feifeAt)  tÁ  X)éAg  x>e'n  tíleiteAtn,  1642. 
tlí't  ctu\ifif5  Af  nnteACAiO  AtAfX)Aif  50  ceAnn  X)Á  OttA'óAm 
x)'éif  nA  ftiAige  fm,  £tif  ctnf  a  tige<\t\nA  fém  .1.  tAfta 
AoncfomA  te  ceACCAifeAcc  50  t)Aite-,átA-CtiAt  é  cum 
lAftA  tlfmtitfiAti.  X)o  ctunnnig  lAftA  Aonc^tomA  a  mutnctf 
fém  1T)1-|\  X3At  tliAX)A  A$uf  CtAnn  Ao'óa  t)uvoe  Agttf  x)o 
cf umtng  ttlÁgnuf  Ó  CAtÁm  OuvoeAn  x^'feAtuiO  ha  CttAoiOe. 
tug  A|\x)-CorhAifte  nA  Confederation  cfí  tongA  ftóiO 
A^ttf  gtéAf  co^ai^ó,  A^tif  ótufeAX)Af  cum  fAiffge  iax) 
1  £Cuaii  pofctÁif^e.  t)í  Ctht;eAi3  tttAft  aóc  OeAj;  Ouavocc 
oftu  a$  Sir  David  Leslie  tÁmig  Ann  Af  AtbAin  ó  mtuncif 
au  CoiOmmc,  Agttf  ftuAg  tíontfiAf  AtbAUAó  A15C  A 
uaoi  a  £to£  Af  mAixun,  au  feAócttiA'ó  tÁ  X)e'n  fheiteAtn, 
1044,  if  eAÍ)  gtuAif  au  CAOtAó  fo  Af  CtiAti  pofCtÁifse. 

A5    CA1fX)CAt    t1A    fAlffge    >OÓ10,    X)0    §ADAX)Af   t)Á    fOtgteAC 

Oí  45  ccacc  te  Oia^o  f  Á  "óétii  Aif m  ha  pÁf  tAm<\iX)e  1  5Cúi5eA*ó 
tltAX),  A^tif  fotgteAó  eite  X)o  Oí  Ag  X)ut  50  tiAtOAm  Agtif 
complAóc  móf  AtbAUAó  Atm  Ot  CAf  éif  au  CoiOmmc  x)o 
cfAoOf^oiteA'O  1  X)ctiAtfceAfc  ua  néifeAnn.  tlíof 
cuifeA*6  Aon  xnnne  xMoO  fo  óum  OÁif,  fiúX)  if  suft  gnÁtAC 
teif  tia  JaUaiO  fÁ'n  Am  fcin  ah  tnte  CifteAnnAC  X)Á 
tis;AOAix)íf  Af\  muif  x)o  óAiteAtn  jau  fpÁf  fAn  OfAif^e. 

rfÁccfAm  uai|\  eite  aj\  gníorhAftAiO  AtAfX)Aif  Agttf  a 
ftuAig  1  nAtOAm.     Tlí  OeAg  tmn  x3o'n  óof  fo. 


CÚIg    td    t)Óltt    A"£    CA1]v0e<At    t1A    fxMfflSe    gUt\    §At>AX)-Af 

catxvó  1  funuA  na  tiíte,  Aguf  lAoitinc  Ldete  'na  •óuit> 
fin  cu<yoAt\  1  "ocíf  1  n-ájvo  na  flfluttóon.  &\oitexVOAi\  ^5 
ceácc  1  t>cít\  *óóit)  50  n-éi-feoóxvó  av\  $x\e>óeAtCACc  50 
téif  a\y\a6  1  n-AgxMt>  ^n  CoiE>mtnc  acc  Ctánn  T)uitme  nó 
tnumcif  ÓAimbétt  Atíiáw.  TH  mAf  ftn  tÁ^lA,  Ám.  t)í 
1Uac  Comtng  UftA  Síotputfc  catv  éif  n^  fíota  *oo 
tféigeAn  Aguf  5AMit  te  mtnnci-|t  ^n  CoiVjtnmc.  tlmne 
fflAfcuf  rnoncfóf  A^uf  TflAfcuf  Tlunctí  i-a^ivaóc  a^ 
£05^*0  t)o  tógáit,  -aóc  T)o  me&t  oft^  -AfAon  -Aguf  ní  fAtt) 
cof  -AfCA  ati  cfÁc  tÁintx;  AtAfOAf  -Aguf  -ah  t)uit>e<An 
éitteAimx\c  1  11AUM111,  sutvAt)  í  corhAifte  Af  xM,t  cmneAtMf 
*out  Att  Aif  ótim  tia  tong  -Agtif  ce^óc  .A-txAtte  50  néittmn, 
1f  AmUtt)  f tix*f at>&v  iia  tongA  ^guf  ut)  50  téitt  wigce 
A5  TITac  Aitín  tTlóf  (TTUfcuf  Aifif-jAe-óexa)  a"$  féAóAtnc 
xMi  tifutgexvó  fé  y\a  tiéifeAtmAig  *oo  g^Mit  1  fÁf  Aguf  *oo 
fgjuof  ^mAC  50  tiuttróe.  tlíof  t>'f etf tvoe  *óó,  Árii,  Ati  úeAftd 
fotn.  tluxMf  connoAf  ■o'AtAfO-ájt  v\aó  ttdtti  *out  -Af  -át^e 
tf  é  -jtuT)  *oo  fimne  f é  tonnf Atge  *oo  tAt>,Ait\c  -Af\  t)Á  óxMf  teAn 
Oí  ^5  1TIac  Attín  tTlótt  ^utt  g^t)  fé  Uictte^c  u*o  *oe  gm? 
ótArónfi.  Antifom  *oo  gtttxMf  fé  ttoitfie  fottt  fá'n  cíj\ 
50  ttÁti^A'OAtt  t>xMT)e<An,AC  1  gcttíocxMt!)  Ctomne  CaCxMu  gufi 
éifitg  cac  ,AtnAc  teó.  Af  fin  *oo  cttxvo^n  $o  nAt-JTó'otA, 
av\  Áic  1  T)cÁmi5  cuc^  tnonc-fóf  t)o  1)1  m^  Átto-c^oife-Ac 
Att  xMtm  tlíog  Sé^tttuf  1  nAttMtn.  X>o  t)ítMg  tnoncfóf  &\\ 
petfc,  A^uf  A'S  ce^cc  1  ngAtt  t)o'n  c^tAtf  fin  vó,  fUAijt 
fé  Attnl  nA  ng^e^óeAt  t^otme,  occ  míte  coifi^óe  ^guf  occ 
gcéxxt)  m^t^CAó  tíon  a  fUutg.  tlí't  cunnc^f  ^Am  ^tt  ah 
mé-At)  T)o  tíí  1  n-4.\|tm  ua  ng^e^óeAt,  ^cc  ní  tuogAt  a  \<fró 
tuó  t^viV)  a  te.At-ot^eA'O  fom  dtm.  T)o  óuijv  tnonctvóf  ti<\ 
tiéitieAnnAtg  t  gce^c-tAfi  a\\  tAtA' aq*\*  iat)  foinnce  1 
x>cfí  burónit),  A^uy  AUfUAf  trtac  CottA  nix\  ceAimf)Ot\c 

oj\i\a.  11í  jiáitS  ^s  iia  fAigTmufíb  6i]feAiniA61  acc  ufcot\ 
.AríiÁin  Ág  xmi  T>ume.     11íof  Uríung  fi-AT)  nó  50  T>cÁns-AT>-Ai\ 

1  DpOgtlf  T>0  fttlAg  -A11  CoibU1U1C,  -AgUf  AtmfOUI  fSAOltexVOAfV 

ha  pitétft  1  n-Aon  ptéAfg-At)  AtnÁm,  óAiteAUAf  uAtA  ha 
SuiuiAvóe,  Agtif  *oo  gabATMf  T)e  fge,AnAib  inf  An  cftu-Ag 
$AttOA.  11í  mó  nÁ  50  nT>eÁitnA  ha  g^itt  ptn^e^c  teó, 
acc  ctít  t>o  tAOAit\c  teó  1  n-éuifeAcc.      T)0    Ct11€  AR 

Aii  iiiACAme  sin  *&  rhíte  5Att,  A5us  níon 
CAitte<yó    omexvo    ^sus    X)\\me    *oe'n    Anm 

$Aet)eAlAC.  ^O'fÁs  11A  5-Aitt  uia  iithavó  -a  50111*0 
gtmnAróe  móf-A,  -Aiftm  fAob^Mf  Aguf  ceme-A*ó,  ptiTMf  -Aguf 
pitéijt,  bjtACAóA,  T>itomAVúe,  puibte  A^uf  cfof gÁn,  Agtif  'oo 
b'é  ttiAf  an  ceicit)  t>o  funneAT^f  50  bftuMft  cuvo  aoa  bÁf 
t>e  bxxff  ^n  fe^CA  fom  ]ym  fuitmgAt)  g-An  foif'óe^fSAt) 
fOfiAA.  C&t  tiob^Mi\  1Í1óiii  if  Ainm  T>o'n  c,At  fom,  -Agtif 
xMi  céAT)  tÁ  T)e  ríií  ríie^óm  fogtfixMjt  fA  btixVó-Ain  1644 
if  CAt)  bfife^t)  -An  CAt  fom. 

*Oo  gUuMf  au  c-Afm  J^e'óeAtAc  Af  f  111  T)íi\eAó  50  tiObAiit 
'ÓexVúAin,  m-Af  &  juib  ftu^g  b,Aittgte  -Ag  xmi  sCoibmmc  ó 
cti<Mfce-Aitc  n-A  bAtbAn,  cfí  ríiíte  coifit>e  -Agtif  ctíig  cé^T) 
mAfCAó.  T):>  fgjtiofA'ó  ^n  c-^fm  fo  50  Uuitvoe  acc 
baAS-Án  Tríob  T)o  cu<avó  1  bfotAó.  Tltof  CAittexVó  acc 
ceAtitAit  T>e'n  CfttMg  J^e'óeAtAc.  An  cfíoríiAt)  tÁ  T)é^g 
•oe  ríieAt>ón  fogríixMfi  f^  btixVóAm  1644  ctigxvó  An  CAt  fom. 

X)o  cttAT)Ai\  tfn-A  54|\b-Ct\íocAib  T)'éif  -An  óAtA  fom, 
-Agup  T>'fAnAT)Jki\  tonncA  a^  feAt)  míofA.  te  n-A  tmn  fm 
•00  bí  1TIac  Attín  H1ói\  Ag  ci\umniugAt>  ^Mitm  eite.  X)o 
gtttAif  lllDncfóf  mA  AgAit),  -Aguf  texMisríiuig  An  uá  -Aitm 
te  céite  &p  -Aon  tÁtxMf  1  n-iic  "OAjtAb  xMnm  ^n  ^íot>bA,ó. 
ITííte  fAigT)tttti\  -oe  Ctomn  "Otnbne,  míte  50  teit  T)e 
^AttAtb,  -Agttf  fCAóc  iiT>íoftmA  mAivcAó  bA  tíon  ftttAlg 
-o>  IIIac  Aitín  1116i\.  13o  C1111V  IHoncivóf  Ati  cotfvné^t 
HlAgnup  Ó  C^tÁm  Agttp  pfv  11A  CfAotbe  1  n-úi\tofAó  Án 

ÚAtA    Agtlf    b<A    gCAff    -A    UlOltt    OffA    mt1U1C11t    1Í1lC    AlUlt 

ttlóif  X)0  gtAUATj  Af  ah  tAtAtft.  An  c-oCcriiAtj  tÁ  ftCeAT) 
*oe  rjeifeATj  fogriiAitt  tf  eAt)  cusaí)  au  CAt  fom  ha 
pío>ót>Ai>óe,  fA  titiA'óAm  1644.  Annfom  *oo  gAt>  tTloncfóf 
AnAtt  50  ^oútAig  ttlic  Aitín  tilóif  fém.  T)o  cfeACA'ó  A^uf 
tjo  toifgeA'ó  au  cíf  fm  teó  *gAn  cfuAige  gAn  cfóCAife. 
T)o  gAti  TTIac  Aitín  tnóf  'gá  teAnAtfiAmc  50  *ocÁmi5  50 
li1u£>eAtt  toCAró  1  j;cf\íocAi£)  tocA-ÁbAif.  T)'tompuig 
ttloncfóf  Aif  fAn  Áic  fin  ^giif  X)o  gAt>  au  tjá  Aftri  fof<yó 
Ann,  teit  Af  teit,  of  cotfiAif  &  céite,  tÁ  feite  t)fig>oe 
fA  tttiA'óAm  1645.  tlí  fidit)  1  nAtt>Ain  te  n-A  tmn  CAoifeAc 
t>A  CutiiACCAige  nÁ  t)A  tfeife  fttiAg  nÁ  TTIac  Aitín  tTlóf , 
acc  T)Af  tmn  if  AtfitAi^ó  tÁmi*$  meACACc  Aif  cfé  iomAT> 
coriituATMif  te  gAttAitt.  CuaiT)  AmAC  Af  au  toó  1  rnt>AT> 
au  01*000  fin  Aguf  T)'fÁj;  An  CAt  fA  'ÓonncAt)  CAimbéAt, 
ageAftiA  ACAitt  ua  mt)feAC  t)í  An  T)onnCAT)  fo  CAf 
éif  ceAóc  a  íiéifmn.  T)o  CfeAC  fé  ReACfA  ó  tAOit>  50 
caoi£>,  Ajttf  níof  fÁ^  T>ume  nÁ  T)AonnAiT)e,  feAf,  beAn 
nA  teAnt)  ueó  'ua  ftiAift  A«|t  au  oiteÁn  fom. 

T)o  cutfeAT)  au  CAt  tÁ  Af  n-A  t>ÁfAC  .1.  Ia  £eite  tTluife 
ha  *$ComneAt,  T)ia  T)oifmAig  An  tjaju  tÁ  T>e'n  £eAt>f\A, 
f  a  t>tiAT)Ain  1645.  t)'é  cfíoó  au  fgéit  ^ti-jt  óutfi  tTloncfóf 
A*$uf  AtAfOAf  au  ftttAis  Af  muinctf  aii  Coit>mmc  "o'-Aon 
fUAtAf  AriiÁm.  SeAóc  gcéAT)  T>éA*$  X)\oX)  vo  tuic  fAn  Áf. 
1TlAf\uigeAT)   T)A    ficvo    ageAfnA   T>e    1í1umcif\    C<ximbéit, 

A^tlf   gAÚA'Ó  *01Af   cigeAfnA   Agtlf   fióe.        ÚÁftA   AtAfOAtt 

mAC  CottA  Agtif  cigeAfnA  Acavó  nA  mt)feAC  1  n-AgAit) 
a  Céite  fA  ngteó.  T)o  Ctnmnig  AtAft)Atv  Af  ^aC  otc  "oÁn 
mnf  T)onnCAt)  fiArh  Af  a  ttitnnci^.  "  A  f0áA  ^S-ac," 
A-jt  fetfeAn  teif  An  sCdimbéAtAC,  u  t)o  CfoCA*ó  'o'éif  an 
CAtA  nó  t>o  rhAf t)At) 'óom-f a  niA^  a  t)ftnt  cn.,>  "  tTlonuA*|t  !  " 
A^f '  An  CAimt)éAtAC,  ec  if  1AT)  An  x>&  'óíogA  gAn  Aon  -jtogA 
ut),M  50  t)fuit  au  ^t)  fum  'nA  feAnfocAt  50  T)cí  mT)iu. 
ílí  *ouúAifc  AtAfTjA-jt  a  tuitteA^  aCc  a  Ctoi'óeAm  T)0 
tógÁit  A*5Uf  av\  ptAOfS  t>o  tom^t)  *óe  of  cionn  a  *óá  CtuAif 


•o\\on  bmtte  AmMn  x>o  |\inne  X)Á  teit  *oe'n  ctos<vo 
n\]uirm  t>o  bí  ai\\.  t)í  bá-jvo  t>e  Ctomn  T)orhn<Mtt  x>a$ 
b'  Ainm  lAin  tom  tTUc  T)omnxMtt  x\g  fé<\t<Mnc  4f  An 
"SC&t  foin_5n*tA^6An  fé  avi  tx\oi*ó  a^  m-Aoi'óe-Arh  An  óx\t<\. 
t1íor^tC<Mtte,<yó  acc  beifc  nó  c^ití-p  x>e  fttiag  líloncfóf, 
pútMf  nÁfjfió  -a  ru\ib  beó  fjíob  foim  av\  $c<\t  ná  a  juib 
nuAfb  t>e  rhtnncif  1Tlic  Aitín  ltlóif  'n-A  'óui'ó.  T)o  fmne 
Uloncrvóf  mái'Of  eoit\-geme,<\-[Ut  Tj'AtAfo-Af  avi  tá  fom. 

Annfom^ctixMt)  ITloncfóf  -dgtif  At^fo^-jt  foif  50  T)ún 
T)é  ^gtif  ttigAUAf  Amtif  Af  -An  gCAtxMtt  fin.  tÁmig 
fUiAg  móf  *oe  $AttAib  'n^  n-AgAit)  x\$tif  b'éigean  vo 
líloncfóf  séitteAt)  fómp,<\  Agtif  t>ut  a^  xMf  ifn-A  5<\fb« 
Cfíoc-áib.  T)'imtig  AtAftMf  fAn  á\$o  CiAf  x\g  cfeacA'ó 
t)úitce  Ctomne  G<MmbéAt  50  ^ocAmig  ctnge  Sifl  tactAnn 
1T1ac  51^teÁm,  -^on  óéAX)  xtéA'S  tíon  a  f  tti-<Mg.  T)'fitteAt)x\f 
foif  1  bpoóxMf  ffloncfóf.  CAfAt)  avi  c-x\j\m  ^tto-d  ^eo 
d]\Atc  éifmn  1  \i-,<Mce  1nbif  nxV|t<vnn.  ttig  tTloncfóf  ,<mi 
bfiACdó  fíog*óx\  te  n~<A  6oméAX>  •o'Atafo^  mAC  Cottd 
CiocxMg,  Aguf  ttig  ceitf e  céxvo  coifit)e  t>ó  -Agtif  t)'otvotng 
*óó  ^An  gtti^fAcc  >Af  x\n  tát<Mf  1  f Aib  fé.  Acc  níof  teig 
a  ófoi'óe  *óó  ftn-ne-Aó  ó'n  qtoit)  -Agtif  *oo  cti^Mt)  Am-Ac  1 
n-x\gxMt)  nx\  n^tt.  Acc  ócAnA  t>o  ttng  cfom-fttMg  n-A 
ng^tt  50  t)tút  aif  -Agtif  x>o  tiom-ám  a$  a  cúUMb  é.  t)'é 
t>túf  aw  corhfxMC  fin  50  f^1»  píci'óe  x\a  ng^t^  1  bf^fcót) 
1  fgiAt  Atx\fOx\itt  nó  gti-f  ge-Aff  fé  r\A  cmn  *oíob  t>e  béim 
ctAi^óirh.  T)o  bfif  fé  x\n  clArteAm  -Agtif  ctiS-At)  cUM'óedrh 
eite  tó.  ttig  fé  lonnfxMge  a$  x\a  5-AttAib  ,<\n  At-UA^. 
¥&  'óeife-At)  *oo  bfif  ax\  CAt  Af  ^AttxMb  ^guf  t)o  ttnc  c-jtí 
míte  fex\f  aca  f^n  -áf.  An  n-AorhAt)  td  "oe'n  t)ex\tcx\me, 
fA  btu^óxMn  1645,  *oo  cuife-Ai!)  ^n  Cx\t  fom  Aitc  éifmn. 

An  t)x\fA  IÁ  x>e  mí  1úit  (nó  T)eife<vo  f-drhfxMt!))  *oo  bfif 
ITIoncfóf  CAt  eite  Af  rhumcif  -<\n  Óoibmmc  1  nAt^ofc 
flí  f^Mb  AtáfUAp  THac  T)orhnxMtt  f-A  óAt  fom,  aóz  bí  <<xn 
cin*o   eite  t>e'n    btn'óm   éi-|\eAnnAig  ^nn,    Agtif  c^ilte.A'ó 

OAipcin  T)ioú  T)-Af  ftoinne-At)  TTIac  UioOAifT).  "O'-á  cé*yo 
T)éA5  if  exVó  tuic  t)e  $aU-aiu  j\a  cat  fom  Aguf  fíof- 
ue-AgAn  *oe'n  cftuag  §AetteAtdó. 

X)o  cfummg  tttác  Aitin  1Tló^  Aguf  CAoifig  an  Coiommc 
ftu-Ag  eite  fá  ce-Ann  miof-A.  Se-Aóc  mite  coifi'óe  -Aguf 
mite  m^^c-Aó  tion  ^n  cftuaig  fin.  texmsmuig  -An  c--Aj\m 
SACóe-AUc  teó  1  gCitt  S-Ait)ue  1  ng^  *oo  Squiiute. 
&Aott  n-A  5^1  tt  50  cmnce  n*\c  fxMtj  T)ut  u-Ata  45  tttoncfóf 
ay\  uxMf  fm.  Tli  "óeAó^it)  fé  u-Ata.  t)íot)^|\  45  ce-Aóc  50 
T>iAn  xm-|\  aguf  s^n  -AriifAf  u-a  conc-Au-Aifc  cáf  na  njAe^óe-At 
«Af  pexVó  c-Am-Aitt.  tliof  géitt  n-A  néi^e-Ann-Aig  ^guf 
AtAfTMf  c-|\oig  t>o  v\a  g^ttAiu.  'S-An  ^oeijte-A'ó  tiAj\,  *oo 
ufif  an  an  f  UiAg  5-Atto^,  «Aguf  níot\  f  Cxvo  ua  gae'óit  •oe'n 
1^1415  fin  110  guf  te-An-AT)^  p<vo  ceit^\e  mite  "oóAg  iat>, 
^S^f  5°  'OCtiSA'OAf  bÁf  t>o  fé  tfiite  x>Á  ftu^g.  tlug  s 
cap-Att  THac  Aitin  ITIóf  f  tán  ó'n  ft^ig  -Aguf  ni  "óeAfn-A  f é 
fCAT>  ná  f-AT)-óomnui>6e  50  jvaiu  fé  1  mtXAite  aw  C-Aif  te-ám 
tlu-A  1  SdfánAiu.  tá  feite  tTluife  tTlói\  f-A  ufogriiAf,  f4 
utixvúAm  1645,  cuinexvó  -ah  c&t  foin. 

Sc-acc  gcAtA  Aguf  f e^cc  f  uága  tug  ah  c--A-|\m  gdelteAtdó 
foin  iT)itf  $x\et)it  éife-Ann  -Aguf  $Ae*óit  Atb^n.*  tli 
\\&\X)  f iaiyi  -A^uf  ní  uevó  50  T)eó  -A|\m  ua  CAtm-A  ná  iat>,  A$uf 
11  i  mó  t>o  tíiAif  t\utii  C-AoifeAó  t)A  c-Atm-A  n«d  AtAfo-Af  niá 
CottA  CioCAig.  tlmne  tTloncfóf  fiTNfe  *óe  te  liugTMftAf 
Ttiog  SéAftuf  -An  c^iom-At)  \Á  *oe  mexvóón  fogniAif,  f-A 
utixVóAm    1645.       T)eió  td  X)Á  éif  fin,   bi  fex3kóc  gcéAT) 

*  1f  1  gCAt  T)e  11 A  CAtAIÍ)  fltl    CÁ|llA  "OO   1ílÁ5t1Uf  ó  CAtÁm    Agttf 
•o'fGA^AID    11A    C^AOIOC     |1\JAtA|1    "OO     tAOAl^C    \>&    11A    ^AÍtAlb,    50 

^Áti5AOAf  50  ceA|ic-tÁf  a  5CA111PA,  aii  Áic  1  \[ Aib  mó|A-ctii'o  A^m 
ceineAÓ  vAÁ  itéip  aca^  Tltts  f  i^  ha  CfiAoibe  A]t  ha  1iAtimAib  feo, 
acc  b'ótseAii  -oóib  ctíttisAÓ  ^101111  c^om-ftuA5  *oe  gAttAib.  IIuai^ 
tÁuiis  fiA-o  111A  n-Áic  vóm,  -ottbAt|iT:  ?e&\\  aca,  "beAg  a  mAtt 
x)\jiiin  Atmii  teitioAó  5AH  put)A|i  \?  pitéiji."  "  if  ^tott  TJtttrv" 
A^tf a  ttlA5mir  ;    <4  tií  mótt  "oííuiti  f itteAÓ  A^ttf  pítDAf  tf  pitéif 

fA5Á1t.,,       *O,fltteA"0At1   Afíf  1  tif   ATI    Alfm  gAttt)A  A^Uf   tu^AT>A[1 

tón  p\ioAit.t  tf  pttéAjt  AmAC  óti  ^CAmpA  teó. 


éifCAnnAó  as  ITIoncrvóf  1  n-Áic  T)AfAb  Atnm  ptipfÁó  t 
n-Aice  Selkirk.  tÁftA  ceó  Ann.  Ó11115  Afvm  An 
Coitimmc  'nA  T>amóeAtt,  Aguf  Leslie  'nA  tAotfeAó  offvA. 
t)í  <mi  rjumeAn  éifveAnnAc  Ag  cfvom  50  CAtrriA  Aguf  gAn 
fútt  a£  feAf  aca  te  ceAóc  beó  Af.  5^^^  cáijvoe 
•óótfc  ^S^r  A  n->AnAm  t>o  tAt>Aifvc  teó,  aóc  a  gcuiT)  Afvm 
t>o  teA^At)  uAtA.  1lmneAT>Afv  AmtAró.  CutfeA'ó  óttm 
bÁif  táitfeAó  iat>,  CÚ15  céAT)  a  tíon,  A^uf  mumctfv  An 
CAiiipA.  Ufví  céAT>  beAn,  Aguf  T>fvons  rhófv  T)e  pÁifDírj  Aj;uf 
T)e  fetfvtMfeAÓAirj  t>í  >óá  teAnArhAmc.  Httg  étfeAnnAó 
AmÁm  Afv  rjfvACAó  An  fíog,  óuifv  'n^  ttmóeAtt  f ém  í,  geAffv 
f  ttge  rionrie,  Aguf  tug  An  rvíg-meitvge  f^tt  ^e1f  5°  'ocí 
ITIoncrvóf.  CrvpcA'ó  TTlÁgnuf  Ó  CAtAm  1  nT)ún  éAt)Am 
5^n  ftú  An  T>ttgi,ó  T)o  cuf  Aif.  tug  pÁfvtAttiAiT)  nA 
tiAtbAn  ofvTmgA'ó  Afv  ^n  uite  CtfveAnnAó  T)Á  fvAit>  gAtitA  1 
bpfvíof únAit)  nA  tiAtrjAn  T>'éif  An  Ue  fm  T)o  ófvoóAt)  fUAf 
^An  cútfvc  ^An  T>tigeATj. 

Ó'n  uAtf  T)o  fgAfv  AtAfDAfv  wac  CottA  te  riAfvm  ah 
fíog  Aguf  te  tDoncfvóf  T)'éif  CAtA  Citte  SAVórje,  ní  fAit) 
acc  mí-Ág  A£Uf  mí-fvát  ofvfv^  S°  ^elf  •  *Oo  gAt>  Tflumcif 
CAtmt?éit  CottA  Ciocac,  AtAif  AtAfOAtf,  Aguf  ófvocAT)Afv 
Af  ófAnn  a  ttim^e  fém  é. 

t.Áint5  AtAfOAfv  fém  50  hétfvmn  1  ftt  nA  btu^ónA  fom 
.1.  1647.  t)í  TTIufvóAt)  n.A  ocóiceÁn  Ó  t)fviAm,  ctgeAfvHA 
1nfe  tlí  Cumn,  fÁ'n  Atn  fom  Ag  cofnAtfi  nA  iTluttiAn  T)o 
pÁfvtAmAit)  nA  SAfAn.  An  UigeAfnA  CÁf  t>A  óeAnnpofvC 
Af  An  Afm  CifveAnnAó  mx\  Ag^ró  fm.  t)í  btu'óexvn  coiftT)e 
Ag  AtAfOAf  m-dc  CottA  f ^n  Afvtn  éifveAnnAó.  C^fvtA  cAt' 
roifv  A11  T)Á  Afm  Afv  Cnoc  nA  nOf  1  gConnT)Ae  CofvCAtge, 
roif  TTUg  AUa  Agttf  CeAtm  CturvC.  tng  AUfOAf  t^t1A15 
Afv  Ati  tett  ótl  T)'Afvm  Vlí  t)fviAm,  Agiif  ctttfv  óttm  ceióró  iat>. 
te  n-A  tmn  fin,  T)o  gAt>  ah  iQAt  eite  ^o'Armi  tlí  t)fiAm    1 

-OCimCeAtt    Afv    AtAfT)Afv,    Agup    ^AVJAt)    é.         'O'lAff    fé     A 
AltAtn  Afv  Atl  01PS0AC  *00  gAO  é,  feAf  T)e  1T1tl111C1fv   $HÁT)Alg 


■oob'  exvó  é,  aguf  paAifl  fin  tt-Afó.  teif  pti  CÁ11115  oipi5e<só 
S^tiac,  Major  Purdon  a  Ainm3  -Agiif  *o'f14ffuig  ^e'11 
$f<vo<Aó  cia'|a^'  é  feo  fu-Ain  4  Atum  u-avó.  T)'innif  fé  t)ó 
cia'fb'  é.  T)'iompuig  ^n  S<AfAn<Aó,  cóg  piofcot  Agtif 
f5-Aoit  Ati  c-uncof  cfé  mcmn  AlAfO-Aifi  rfitc  Cottd. 

T)'fÁ5    AtAfO-Af    ftlOCC    'll-A    *Ó1xMt)    -AgUf    cá    ,An    ftiocc 

fom  ipiA  gtnmib  1  sConmMe  Aoncfom-A  50  T)cí  -An  IÁ 
A€Á  mT)iu  ^nn. 

Sé-Atnuf  niAC  lilicit  fttt4fó  n'nc  AU\fUAif  mic  CottA 
-An  lilintmn  rinc  AtAfUAin  nnc  CotlA  CiocxMg,  if  é  ^vn 
T)occínf  ífl^c  T)on'inAitt  m>  T>o  cuif  -Af  bun  peif  ha 
gcÚUfifeAó  1  mt>éAt  f  eiffoe  cá  bfeif  -Aguf  cé^vo  btu'óxMn 
ó  fom  -Ann. 

Cá  cunime  &\\  AlAfo<Af  m-AC  CottA  aj;  g^6"0^^1^  nA 
IUUIxaii  50  fóitt,  -Aguf  if  lom^ó-A  fgéal  AtÁ  -Af  mnfmc  -ac-a 
a-\\  <a  gníoniAftAib  SA1r51>°  ^5llT  *\\  &  C-Atm-Acc.  1f  be^s 
T)Á  cuitfme  azá  -Af  m.AfCAin  1  néif  11111,  -acc  cá  pofc  -Ann 
TXAjub  -Ainin  111-AiffeÁit  AtAfo-|Uiim,  ^guf  if  é  cu4ifim  ha 
iroAome  gujub  é  -ah  ponc  fom  t>o  femnc<yó  t)ó  <\n 
Cfiit  bí   f é  Ag  stu^f^cc    cum   c-aúa  Afl  Cnoc  ha  nOf. 


II.  CAit|\éim  CtAinne.  ttAgriAitt. 

tlutl  tTUc  tíluifexVóAig  vo  *óe,Aóctiig. 

Cf  AccAim  A|\  ní  éigm  uÁf  éijtig  fe  tititi  m'-áimfijte  jrétn. 
íf  é  fá  fí  fe  tmn  mo  céAt)  óuimne  .1.  ^n  tétfo  S&ajtttif 
nu\c  *oon  cfeife<A*ó  Sé\Amuf  *oon  cjteit)  SautxAjvo-Aig.  A& 
f o  ctHT)  t>o  n  a  tiu-AóCAf  ÁnxMti  t>o  tri  ^f  ^Aoi'óe.AtAiti  f-Án  f  íg 
f-Ati  Aimfif  fm  .1.  Íl-Agn-Att  Ó5  m-AC  TUgn«Aitt  AjtAnnAig, 
tTl^fcóf  AoncjtomA  -Af  x*n  TIúca  Agtif  Ajt  n-A  gtmmt)  1 
néifmn,  A5«f  SiottA-G-Aftnns  Gaoó  rtiAC  5iottA-CAfbui5 
$fti^mxMg  mic  5iottA-C^fbm5  T)umn  .1.  ttUjtcóf 
CAfft-$AOit)e<At ;  Sif  tAótumn  THac  510  tLA  Góm,  cigeAf  r\A 
tht&AifVo  ;  Com  tnúroeójvo-Aó  m^c  T)omn.Aitt  ttitc  -Aitín, 
CAipcín  Ctomne  TtAgtixMtt  -A^uf  uige-Afn-A  tÍ1úi"oeó|v*o 
-Asuf  thfcifc,  Com  mac  Hu-Arófí  fhóif  tíhc  teóro  ha 
tiGAf a"ó  ;  Sif  DomnAtt  gofm  triAC  giottA-GAfbtns  tilic 
ÚotrmAitt  ufi-At  Ótétttce  -A^uf  Cfónu<Afnif,  cúifcéif  móf 
A5  ftf  SéAftuf  ;  ^suf  tlutt  xmi  C-Aiftém  mAC  Tléitt  ttlic 
tléitt  tXAjtjuig  ;  t^ótumn  m^c  Cóm  ÍXAitt)  ttlic  fiongume 
ah  cSjtACA  ;  Com  5^1^  ™AC  510^  Cottnm  tlAAjtfAig. 
Cóm  5^1^  ™&c  (5óm  AbfAig,  cige^fn-A  CotA  xvguf 
tnufcxvó  tTUc  51°ttA  £óin  toóA  tDui*óe  ;  T)orhn-Att  an 
cSfówi  iimc  AongufA  rhic  AtAfDxMf,  cige-Afna  5l1nlle 
gAfAt)  ^5uf  CnoroefrAfc  'n-A  feAn-LAoó  1  "ocofAó  mo 
cuinme  ^Suf  -a  ua  'n-A  ósÁnac  -Af  táirh  1  nT)ún  £auahi 
-A5uf  'nA  t)iAit)  fin  'n>A  rhófmAO|t  Ctomne  T)omn-Aitt  .1. 
Aonguf  mAC  AtAft)<Mf  mic  *ÓoriinxMtt ;  ^Suf  Aitín  m-AC 
T)omnAitt  t)uit>  'ha  u-AóCAjiAn  &\\  Ctoinn  CAmffóm  ^5t1T 
a  ua  f^m  9t\A  (Vgán^C  .1.  Co&ati  m-AC  G&Ain  rhtc  AtUn 
nuijtfeAf   fóf  ;    -A^uf   Seofuf  T)onn    1TIac   Comnig    Ó15, 


UftA  Slotptnfc,  u&tVA#At\  Clomne  Comnig  ;  Ajuf 
'Oomtuvtt  X)ttAO^it  tTUc  <k>í)A,  tu  tTUgnutf,  .1.  múftrfiAOft 
ttlegfVAt,  'n-A  Ce-A-nn  aj\  TÍIot^SAnaACAiO  ;  ^guf  mófiÁn  *oo 
"ó-AOimO  mxMte  oite  x>o  Oí  'n-A  n-u-ACCAtún-AtO  f-An  -Ainvptn 
fin,  -aCc  tiAó  fSfíoOtAfl  ^nnfo  -aCc  n-A  T)«Aome  T)o  Conn-Atc 
mé  féin  -Aguf  f  eAf  cotm  vá  nsmomxvpt-AiO  -Af  cutmne  <A5<Am. 
gtóexvó,  if  fututfO-A  *óutc  «Af  Ati  ue-Ang-Ai'ó  CoicCmn  in^ 
OfutteAf  45  fSfíoOxVó  fAn  fíogACc  fiof  -a|\  tfioOlóro 
iia  lMimfi|\e  *o'f,AgÁit,  -aCc  fo  ^m-Átn,  sujiaO  ctttmneAC 
ttom  stttuO  txvo  n-A  tiAtO^n-átg  if  c-AOfg-A  *oo  tionnfS^in  ati 
co^a'ó  fo  tfn^  Ufí  ítfog-ACcAtO  ^uf  náf  O'tAt)  SAgfAtiAig 
nó  éineAnn-Atg  ;.  ótn,  CAjt  éif  CotOme^ncnó  cottíiCe-An^At 
T>o  'óéAtt-Atn  i  n-^g.Ató  ^n  fíog  -Aguf  á-A^fAnAC  nm  n-A 
tieAfOo&AtO  w  Cttf  ^f  gcút  -Aguf  PfefOicfí  *oo  Cun  'm 
n-ionA*o  guf  Cutt#\e.A,o,Af\  fiof  ^n  &  tuO^  *o'oift5e^C-AiO 
AtO^n-ACA  ifti-a  fíog-ACc-AtO  etle  caoO  tAtt  T)'fAiff5e  Agtif 
50    tmeAmtA'O-Af   Aiivo-CommAti>o,Aitii   T)'AlAfo«At\    leiftí    .1. 

feAn-f^tgTHtltf    T)0    Oí    [50]    fAT)A    1    gcosxVó    ^t*    ^Ot^CfíC. 

X)o  gttixMf  -An  c-A|\m  ftn  ,Art  a  n-Agaró  50  S^^fxMtt  ;  if  é 
fm  -An  C&vo  Afm  T)o  cttifteA'ó  aa  coif  1  n--Atmfij\  ttíog 
SéAftutf  <A£uf  if  'n-A  .Ag-Atft  X)o  Oí  fé.  X)o  CÁi^ó  n-A  |\íogACc.A 
C|\é  n-^  Cétte  ó  fin  .Am-AC  'f  an  Otu*óAtn  *oon  ^nnÁt-áC 
cáfLA  fin  1639,  A^ttf  1  t)ceAf  n.A  ngnóroige  ftn  vo  Ctttn 
fn,A|\cóf  Aoncfiomá  .1.  TlAgnAtt  Ó5  m^c  íUgn.Aitt  AttAnn.Aig 
pÁt,\c.Aig  Atfm  .a  néttmm  te  hotvoug.A't)  ^n  túog  50  tiAtOAtn 
«Aguf  •o.Aome  uAtfte  txá  Cine-At)  teó  .1.  ALAfOAf  m-AC  Cotta 
mic  51(>t.tA-6Af0ui5  -A^uf  Cottenett  S&Amuf  m.Ae  Somuifte 
mic  SéAmttif  nA  t).Ann.A  <A£uf  'DAOitie  tt^ifte  otte.  T)o 
CttA'OAtt  'n^  tomsexxf  1  mtXAtte  Ó-ac  1  mí  tutí,  1644.  Híoft 
g-AOA'O^t^  c&l&*ó  nó  cíjt  50  fÁnSAt)-At\  C^ot  ttlutte  ^guf  x>o 
Cttit\eA*OAf  tétgeif  má  CxMftén  Cmn   IoC-a  ttAt-Ann  astsf 

*00  g-AO-A'OAjt  é  AgUf  "00  fÁ^f AT)  O^-JVOA'Ó-A  A1f.      T)0  gtU-Alf- 

eAX),Af  -Af  f m  50  CAif tén  íhío'óAifi'ó  ;  vo  g-AO^'O.Af  é  te 
móf  f,AotAif  ;    vo  fAjO^  T)Aome  ,Aif  x>&  mtimcif.     Vo 


gllUMf     AtáfOAf    1)U\C    Cott-A    -Agtlf    -A11    jf^flCAtg    T)Á    ^COtf 

50  C&ot  Ueice.  T)o  feot  aii  totnge^f  50  toc  Cif  eójvo  f  au 
Sjutt  50  Sif  'Oorhtt^tt— T>q  bí  ofrjug<vó  au  |\iog  -Aguf  ^n 
ittAjtcóif  .Aoncj\onu\  tnn  óe-Annitf  tu\  iroAome  t>o  g^b-Ail 
Cuige  -Aguf  >Q*éif$e  leó  A^uf  £-aó  Tnnne  tjo  ét|\ge*vó  teó. 

teAt-btuvóAm  foitite  ftn  puxMf  Sif  T)orim.Att  bÁf. 
U^in^eAf  AtAfO-Af  m<AC  CottA  ce.Ann.Af  tiA  tmAome  T)o 
Sif  Sé-Aitiuf  111.A  c  T)orim-Aitt  ^^ttf  T)iútC4f  Sif  Séx\muf  ftn, 
óifv  btró  be-Ag  teif  411  curoe-AóCA  -Aguf  <ah  ]\íogAóc  tnte 
'iu\  n-Ag^iX)  ^gnf  gxMi  jv\n  curoeAóc  .Atc  C1115  cé,AT>  véA^ 
fe<\f,  stijt  b'é  coniAifte  t>o  ctnf  AtAfOAf  fowie  pitte-At) 
Afl  Aif  50  tiéiftmn,  ó  r\Á\\  fpe.ASitA'ó  ofotig^'ó  .An  fí  u&tá. 
"p\\n  Am  fin  cángxroAtt  cfú  tong-A  mófu  t>o  tomge-Af  cog-Ait) 
n^  p<Af  tAtneince  Atb^n^ige  ctmóe-Att  ó  tíce  guf  feótmAf 
50  fÁnSATMft  bttn  loó^  tiCifeófvT)  .Aguf  tomge-df  AtAftMifi 
tfctg  fAti  toc  ;  cug^TMtt  c-ftoit)  T>óib,  gróexvó  tjo  5-Ab-At) 
tomgeAf  At.Aft)Aijt,  lonnttf  suf  b'éise.An  T)'.AtAfT>Att 
AntftAW  fAn  ftíog-Aóc  w.a  ■ocÁf  tA,  otc  -Afi  riiAtt  teif  é. 

5tti-Aifif  itomie  CAjt  Cx\ot  fteite,  c^f\  monAt)  Cuaió, 
Af  fm  T>óib  50  gte.Ann  S-AftA'ó,  50  n,oe,A;jm1AX>-Af\  CAmp.A  -Atin, 
A^tif  fti^ttA'OAit  m.AfvC.Aóc  go  fxM'óbitt  *o<Á  riitnnncift  -Agtif 
níof  ér|\ig  a  Dexvg  t>o  t>,AOinib.  Af  f m  T)óib  50  t)Ároewe-Aó 
Aguf  t>o  finneAT)A'|t  CAmpA  Ann  fom.  T)o  frógtiA'o.Ait  *oo 
rhumnctf  h-a  cífe  fm  ccaóc  tfce-Aó  1  n-Atrni  -An  fíog  nó  50 
toifSpeA*ó  .Av;uf  50  ^c-jteAóf aí>  An  cíf  *oo   cAifbe-Án^ó  au 

C-OfT)tlgA*Ó  *ÓÓlb  A^tlf  T)0  tÓsjbATíAtt   tdf   A1l  0^*0^1  g^\t)   f  111 

CtAtm  ttltnf  eA'ó-Atg  t)ÁiT)emeAó  -A^uf  c-Atpcín  -Agtif  ceAtm 
peA^ónA  m-Att  x>Á  bfutt  fém  fómp^  .1.  CogAti  Óg  nuc 
AnT>ttA  mic  CogAin  cu^  c-(tí  téA"o  feAf  *oÁ  furt  fém  teif 
1  n--Aftn  -Ati  |\íog  ^guf  T)o  bÁT^ti  fo-fe-Afrii-Aó  f^n  Afni 
A11  pe-A*0  T)o  riiAif  An  cosa^).  T)o  éimg  CtAim  ponntAOig 
t)fÁtge  ttl-Afti  teó  -A^uf  ceAnn  pe^ón-A  vá  bptnt  pém 
fómpA  .1.  T)orhn-Att  Ó5  m-AC  T)orimxMtt  tfnc  fionntAOig. 
'Oo   gUlAlfCAT)Af   -Af  fin    'o'/ít-pVol .a     ^guf  cii^U    t^fU 


tHunCfóf  T>óib  1  uilJtÁf  ah  &t&-1fórotA  1  SCjUit  ceAtttititfce 

cUjWiJe    ^Sur    uiÁitín    fÁ    n-A     bfÁgAiT)   Af    T)Ce*Cc   ó 

&ASf-A1t1      Agttf     OfTHlgvVÓ    Atl     |VÍ()g      t£tf     UUl      sJllltClf 

iva  iiAfmAite  t>o  beit  -Atge  A^tif  AU\fT>A|v  nu\c  Co  Ua 
'11^  riiÁrofeoif  fmifeAt  -Ai^e  Aguf  t>o  $U\CAT>Af  50  coit- 
eAriuMt  cuca  é.  T)o  gAb  ufriióf  feAf  ÁtA-póT>tA  teó, 
CtA.nn  T)onnóAiT>  A^uf  ScuibAf\T>Ai5  ÁCA-frVotA.  T)o 
bí  cofAC  au  fogriiAif  aca  'nuni  Am  fttt,  Agtlf  t>o  gtuAif  t>o 
cum  au  ttlACAife  j^AtVOA.  Uu^  AftnÁit  tfióf  t>o  va 
CombmeAnCAif\fi  comne  *óóib  1  n^Af  t>o  f)eifc  uia  fAib 
occ  tníte  feAf  Agiif  ní  fÁn^cVOAf  fém  tu\  tfiíte  coirroe 

T)0  ftUAg,  AÓC  pT)eAT)  fU$AT>Af\  bUA1T)  Of ÉA  ',  11Í  T>CACA1T) 
Af  T)ÍOb  ACC  A  f\U5  tUAf  CAC  UACA.  T)0  §AbATU\f  peAfC 
A£Uf    T)0     bAT>    éATUÁtAC    101intí1UfAC    1AT>    CAf\    élf    Atl     CAÚA 

fom  peifvce.    11í  uaoa  acc  CÚ15  tÁ  T>éA5  eiTUf  An  cac  fni 

T)0  tAOAIfvC  AgUf  CAC  ette  T)0  OfvlfeAT)  A^  ObA1f\  t)eAT)A111 
Af    UA    C0lbltieA11CA1ff15    Á1C    A    bft1AfvAT)Afv    CUU1Af5    CJVUA1T) 

A^uf  cfoiT)  teAnn  cofAim-bofb.  T)o  iitéATnug  buAró  ati 
t>á  ca£a  fin  nuftieAó  A^uf  meAnumA  $AoiT>eAt  ó  fin  auiac, 
lonnuf  11AC  cu^T)íf  cút  T>o  uáu'umt)  Af  comtfvom  tu\  Af 
au  óotntfvotn. 

UÁftA  TK)    fílAC    CAltíll,    .1.    lAfvtA    CAf  f\-$AOlT)eAt,   A   bdt 

'tiA  ceAun  T)on  pfefbicfví  Aguf  'ua  uffAiT)  riióif  vo  va 
CoibmeAnCAiffi  Aguf  1   n-AgAro  au   fvíog  A^uf  cáuuc  fé 

T>'Af\T)     UA     fnUfvCOtl     A^Uf     TX>     Ót11f\        fÍT)f1     ttlÁ        CA1ftél1 

1TlíoT)AifviT)  A^uf  níof  cmn  teif  a  tAbAifvc  auiaó.  Uáwic 
Cóm  múiT)eófvT)Aó  ón  CAif tén  Uifiim  T>'ionnfAige  av  óAmpA 
f1U  IÍ11C  CAltín  Afv  1AffvAT)Af  titic  CaiUu,  Ó1fv  fÁ  T>óig  te  ttlAC 
CAitín  50  n-éifgeAT>  eóm  tTlúroeófOAC  Aguf  CtAnn 
TlAguAitt  teif  'v.a    Afm    fém    1    11-AgAiT)   Aifrn  An  fíog. 

Tlí  f  AT>A  T)Ó  f  A11  ÓAUIpA  I  T>0  f itt  CAf\  A1f  A^Uf  T)0  tlOUÓlt 
feAÓC    tllblfC  A^Uf  d^e,     1ÍKl1T>eÓfvT>     A^Uf     Áf  AfÁ1g  A^Uf 

if  í  céAT)  feifbíf  T)o  fvmneAT)  teó  .1.  SúmeófT)  T)o  CfeAóAT) 
£An  bó  4vAti    CAOfA  T)'fA^bÁil    ir.tire  Agitf  A  T)CAbAifc  50 


iwitcc  ah  C<\iptóni  Cif\im,  Agtif  oo  6uif\  pó  t)ointi-Att  a 
iiu\c  te  ctiro  *oon  Cj\eic  fin  t>o  Cum  ua  mUáfVO  t>o  bí  Af\ 

CvMf tén   ÍÍlíO'ÓAIftrO.     AgUf  f  Atl  Atll  6éAT)nA  CA1Í11C  At<\fT)Aft 

iíiac  CottA  AnuAf  ó  tíluncftóf  T>o  tAbAifC  |\etíf  vo  Caif tén 
tÍTíotxdlftró  ;  Agtif  cÁf\tA  AtAfDAft  A^uf  T)oriinAtt  niAC 
Oóm  1Í1thT>eófVOAig  t>á  óéite  Ann  Agtif  fÁ  tútgÁifteAc  iat> 
fÁ  n-A  céite  T)'fAiCfm?  óitt  t>o  b'é  fm  cúf  a  n-eóUMf  Aft  a 
6éite.  OtigA'OAft  Af  f m  T)on  Catf  tén  Uiftim.  Aft  bfÁgbÁit 
AtttugA'ó  bÁtvo  Aft  CxMftén  rhíot>Aif\i*o,  t>o  gtuAif  Cóm 
ttlúroeófVOAt  A^tif  iat>  pém  T^fUfÁig  Aguf  T)o  Thófffón 
Agtif  *oo  6uif\eAT>Aft  ceA6CA  T)'tonnf<Mge  TTnc  1601*0  X)Á 
n\f\ftAro  Aif  ceA6c  tf  ceA6  1  n-Aftm  An  fíog  t>o  ftétf  a  'ótigit) 
A^uf  t>o  tnútc  f  é  *oóib  Aguf  cÁn5AT)Aft  t>o  CnóiT>eóftT>  Aguf 
cÁf\U\  Aonguf  m<\c  tmc  AtAfDAtft  tuú  Antifm,  Aguf  *oo 
bÁT)Af\  a^  lAftftAró  Aift  éttvge  Aguf  ní  *óeAtttiA  f  An  uAif  fm. 
510*0  e.cYo,  *oo  éifttg  T)orhnAtt  S0!™1*  T)eAf\btUtAif\  a  AtAft, 
teó  Agtif  An  6uro  btró  rhó  T)'feAtuib  Cnóroeótvo  A*5tif 
Jtmne  gAtu-í).  T)o  tfttAttAUAfi  ó  ce^nn  1o6a  11eirheif 
AtnAó  tlUm  Ctoó  Atvo  50  I06  hAbAf  Aguf  T)on  t)tUige, 
Aguf  *oo  étf\ig  T)oriitiAitt  gtAf  uiac  mtc  ttAgnAttt  Agtif  f  ift 
aw  "DftÁgAT)  teó,  Agtif  cáimc  SaubAtvoAig  riA  tiApAn  6uca 
Atm  fotn  Aguf  CtAnn  CAÁm  $tmne  CorhAn  Aguf  fift 
$ttnne  tleirhetf  Ajuf  a  fuib  caob  toift  T)o  1ó6ai*ó  t>o 
Ctomn  C-Amfftóm.  T)o  gUuif eATUft  Af  f om  50  tMroeineAó 
A^tif  c^f\  rhonAt)  'Ofttiim  tl-Acc-Af  -Agtif  50  tDtÁft  n^  háta- 
)TóT)tA,  ^Stif  cAftA  ítlAfcóf  íTítmcfóf  ftin  x\nnfin  «A^tif 
fÁ  btiróe-Ac  é  *oon  cotóeAfCAt  ftttxMg  fm  *oo  ctiifteAt) 
te  tiGóm  intiiT)eóttT)A6  6tnse  t>o  "óé-AnArh  fetftbífe  a  f\íog 
fAOg-AtcA.  X)o  cuit\eA*ó  corhAtfte  cos^ró  'n^  fui*óe  f^n 
bAtt  fm  T)'féi5fm  c'Áic  a  ^CAitfe^'ó  pAX)  aví  5eirhfte^*ó. 
1f  é  fAOite<<yó  An  fmifeit  gutub  Aft  $AttOA6c  T)ob' 
ion6Aitthe  An  seitíifteA'ó  A^uf  tk>  rheAf  cÁ6  ^ttfub  Aft 
$AoróeAtCA6c  fá  "OAmsne  *oó  au  c-Af\m  t>o  beit.  Xte> 
Aonctng  muncfóf  An  ní  ftn  Af\  6omgeAtt  50  bfuigeA*ó 


Atl    C-AjWl    1>UVÓ    A^tlp    lÓtf'OttléA'O    Atltl    AgUf    X>0    CUl|\eAvOAf 

fiof  au  Aonguf  riiAC  Aitín  Thub  50  tÁCAiu  ua  coriiAiute 
.1.  mnne  u-dfAt  T)'feAj\Aib  Jtmne  CotfiAn.  T)o  cinu 
llluncfóf  ceifc  au  Aonguf  nÁ|\  b'eótAó  Atm  1  T)cíofCAib 
1ílic  CAitln  nó  ati  bf  uigeA'ó  ah  f  tuAg  biA*ó  nó  fof tonspofo 
ioutica  f<\n  geitrifeA'ó.  T>o  fueASAin  Aonguf  au  móftriAon 
Aguf  if  eAtt  AT)ubAi[\c  11  ac  f\Aib  bAite  nÁ  teAC-bAite  fÁ 
tigeAtuiAf  tíltc  CxMtín  nÁu  b'eót  T)ó  Aguf,  t>á  bfógnA'ó 
agce  T)íouaca  Agnf  bA  ueAtrifA  uiau  biAT')  ue  GdtteAtfi 
tonncA,  50  bftngeA'ó  T)ótb  é.     T)o  CAicm  au  fueASfA  ptf 

A11  UIAUCÓf  AgUf  T)0  AOtU  CflAtt  T)'CAf  f-gAOI-ÓeAt.  *Oo 
gtUAtf  A11  f  tUAg  A  t)fÁlge  ACA-fÓT>tA  A£t1f  T>0   CUATMf  K° 

tiApAmn  au  1íleinnémig  A^uf  T>o  toif£eAT)Af  í  A^uf  Af 
fm  T>óib  50  ceAnn  Ioóa  Uáca  Aguf  t>o  toifg  fiAT)  au  ^ac 
CAOb  *óe  A^uf  cÁnnc  CtAnn  $fiosóiu  Aguf  CtAnn  au  AbA 
cuca  T)o  óun^nArii  te  tiAfm  An  tuog.  X)o  cuifeA'ó  Cóm 
tnúroeófOAc  A^uf  a  mumncif  fém  A^tif  pu  au  ÍJuÁgAT) 
au  f  Ugi*ó  Af  teic  011  Ó111T)  eite  T>on  Afm  T)o  >oéAHArii  cf  edóAt) 
Af  feA*ó  ^ac  cífe,  lonnuf  11  Áu  cÁftA  j\e  ITIuncfóf  é  50 

fÁn^ATMf     Cltt     lílÁUCAin     1     nJtAffAlt),     A£ttf       cu^      A11 

cuiT>eAecA  fm  míte  bó  au  Aou-fmbAyó  *oo  cueic  irceAc  50 
CAmpA  fhuncfóf.  tli  futt  ue  fÁ>ó  aiu  aóc  £un  cueAc<vó 
^S^f  5l1u  toifSeA'ó  cíouca  Tflic  CAitín  T)on  coif^-fm  Aguf 
guf  mAUbA'o  occ  ^céAT)  Aguf  ceitfe  f1Ó1T>  A^Uf  CÚ15  f1f 

T)éA^  'ft1A  CÍOftAlb  SAn  btÁf  J^AVi  tí1ACA1fe  T)0  tAbAlfC 
10UUCA.  T)0     gtUAIf    AVi     C-Afm     A     llCAff-^AOI'ÓeAt    CAf 

AV\    CongAlt    lA'ÓAfUAlg   A^   flUOAt  gAC   CÍfe   gO    fÁn^A^OAf 

InbeAf  tóóAit)  1  loó  tiAbAf . 

flí  fAibe  1TIac  CAitín  T)íoriiAom,  óif  *oo  óuif  fé  lAffAiii) 
Af  tigeAf ua  Aóai'ó  ua  mt3f eAC  Af  6ifmn  ótuge,  óif  T>o  bí 
1  néifmn  ó  tof ac  atí  óo^ai^ó  A^uf  T)útAig  lAf tA  AoncfomA 
At^e  A^uf  a  bAitce  mófA  Af  a  tÁirii  A^uf  Aftn  ^nA  feAfAtn 
Ai^e  lonncA.     'Oo  óuai^ó  av\  mAf cóf  *  fém  50  T)ún  éiT)m 

*  .%.    TTI^C    CAttÍTI,    1A|ltA    eA^t\-gA01T)eAt. 


-oÁ  ó-AfAOVO  \\e  Cotitoifite  tu    n<\U)Aii  iiac  juib  1Yltmci\óf 

r.ó    dtAfUAIfl  111AC   Cotl-A  ^S   ft111te,AC   ívir  ^0    Ctim   CAtA  T)0 

tAbxMfC  *oóib  «\siif  x>o  ctnfe.A'o.Af  iteifimemc  óvng  cé<\*o 
teif  *oo   fAigTmnfíb   rhxvp   ctmgnArh   «A5tif  mAf   pu^m. 
CÁrnic  nge-Afn-A  Acai'ó  ha  mt>ite.AC  x\f  éhfmn  ctiOA  -dgtir  *oo 
§At5  nni\e  Agtif  *oii\\cc  é  mA|\  f  tiAif  f é  Aft  n-,A  tofSAtt  -Agtif 
a\\  n-x\  cite^c^t)  a  ^óntAig  ^  a  óionn.      H>o  óf\timnig  fé 
CUnn  tileis  "Otnone  50,  tíonriiAf  téiit-tionóitce  Agtif  »00 
cfiAttct'OAf  x\f  tofg  ^n  Aifm  fm  tíltmcfóf   -A^tif  AtAfO-Af 
n'nc    CottA,   -acc,   -Af  T)ccacc   t)o    itltmcfóf   50    nlnbCAf 
tóc-Aró,  CÁ1111C  Sif  toctAinn  tWAC  gipttA  6óm  ctiCA  Atm 
A^tif  Aongtif  niAC  nnc  AlAfVA^ ,  cigeAfnA  gtmne  gAfUt), 
acc  *oo  bí  'OAome  mtc  rrnc  AV&fo&$  fAn  Afm  itoirhe  fm  *oo 
gn.Át  x\5tif ,  AV  ngtti-AfAcc  Af  Inbe^-jt  tóúAró  t>on  c<Aob  cti-Aró, 
ní  fxVOA  *oo  cti-cVOAit  AntiAi^  cÁmic  f5é,AtA  cuca  50  *ocÁmic 
ttldC   CaiUii   -AStif  a  rhóf-fttiAg  fm  50   ti1nbe,Att   tóóAro 
A'£UV  S^V  toif5e-A*o-At\  t)fÁige  toóA  nAb-Af.    T)o  fittexVOx\it 
a  Citt  Ctnmm  1  n-ObAif  t^ifb  Ati  c-x\fm  fm  tlíog  Sé\Aitttif 
fAn  tix\if  fm  x\5tif  tn^fcóf  tTltmcfóf  'na  gemitex\it  aca 
-Agtif  AtAfOAijt  m^c  CottA  mtc  5iottA-6Afbtii5  'nA  mAigeof 
5mifeAt  -Agtif   nx\   titix\ifte  fm    Ctomne    TlAgn-Aitt  -A^tif 
Ctomne  *Ootíin,Aitt  .1.  6óm  Vft&meéfVAó  m^c  >Oomn.Aitt 
rrnc  /Attín  -A^tif  a  rhAC  T)omnAtt  -A^tif  Aongtif  iuac  mtc 
AtAfOAf,  cigex\|\n^\  gtmne  5<A-|tA>o,  ^5«f  &  gcinexvó  -A^tif 
a  ntMoine  mumncife  fém  teó,  ^sttf  n<A  cfí  iteifimemce 
6ifeAnnAóx\  *oo  *óex\itb->óAome  mtnnncii\e  1x\titA  Aonctiom-A 
*oo  bí  x\nn,  a  5cmn  f  eA*ónx\  fém  fompA  .1.  Coitnett  Sé,Amtif 
m^\c    SorhAtfte    ttnc    Óéx\mtnf    n-A    t>Anr\A    rhic    ÓotriAiitte 
t>urúe   A^tif    Tlx\gnAtt   Ó5   mx\c   AtAfo-Ajt  rhtc   AtAf^ft 
tfnc  Aongtnf  tlAibmg,  xvgtif  tTligntif  mAC  au  $iottA  'Ótnb 
í   CAtÁm,  T)e-At\b-óorhAtCA   ^a^Ia  AoncforaA.       T)o   tAob 
tTlic  JiottA  Cóm  Sif  toótAmn,  ní  fAibe  *oo  •óAOimb  'n^ 
foóAif   aóc   ctiAifim   T)Á   ireAjt  *oéx\5    r>Á      mtnnnciit  x>Á 
ó      X)o  bí  THnne  mAit  <Ann  *o'tiAiftib  AlbAn  ,i, 


TllófriiAOf  OsUbí  Agttf  d  rii^c,  •oume  g-AfO-A,  .1.  Sif  Cámóf 
t)o  gtuAife<vo-Ai,t  6  Ciit  Cttwifti  c<m,\  tAiftc  tti|\tWMT>  Ajttf 
ifceaó  50  JteAnn  ttuáró  .Aguf  caiflif'  ^11  SUoAtAm  Agi  r 
cÁftA  páfCAig  T>on  nÁrnAiT)  *óóib  xMin  fom  A^uf  >co 
teAnfAT)  1-at)  -Aguf  T)o  niAfrjA'ó  a  n-ufriióf  .Aguf  An  •ofoi  5 

T)0    Ctl-AfÓ   ,Af   T)ÍOb    Cttgd'QAII   fS&AtA   T)011    Camp-A   AgUf   T)0 

bí  AnmoC  T)14  S-AttMinn  -Att  "occaCc  oftA  -An  c-jUt  tUn^TiAf 
Af  Corh-Aif  a  nátftAT).  T)o  ótiAi*ó  aii  ftu-Ag  [ftn]  ltlic  CaiUti 
Af  a  scoim&AT)  A^tif  t>o  bí  fottAife  gAC  fttt,Aig  *óíob  ^5 
LáriiAó  -Af  «a  Céite  -d|\  fe-AT)  n-A  tioróCe.  T)o  Cu-aitj  TTL\c 
CxMtín  fém  Via  ttiing  «Aguf  *oo  frájjAtb  cige-AtmA  ACai-ó 
tiA  mt)fe.AC  fe  tiAg-Aró  t\a  tnofg.Aile,  -aCc  1  bfíof-tOfAC 
na  mArone  *oo  cóifige.A'ó  n>A  catA  1  n-e-Ag-Aii  -Aguf  1 
n-ófvoug<yó  T)u  T)orim,Aig  tá  £éite  t)t\ig*oe  -aii  C&at)  iá 
•o'e-Afttuó  Anno  T)omim  1645.  T)o  cutfe-At)  Am^ó  a  tiAfm 
&r\  fíog  cuvocaCc-a  -Aguf  ftlÁgnuf  m-AC  -ati  $k>Ua  *Ótnb 
t  C-At^m  riomp-A,  -Agttf  T)o  ctnfCAt)  cuvoe-ACCA  eite  'tua 
n-AgAró  ^f  xmwi  tíhc  CAitín  45tif  SiotLA-O-Afbtnj;  ^1^0 
5iottA-G-Aft>ui5  Ó15,  ogcAtm.A  tiA  bpmsmse-A'ó.  Uu^ 
An  T>-d  T>Átvc.Aig  cttoiT)  T)Á  Céite.  Ttíott  b'pATM  £uf  bftfe.A'ó 
é|\  -An  páfC-Aig  fin  .Aittm  TÍTic  CAitín  gutA  cuife.A'ó  'n-A 
Scottp  fém  50  ti.Aiirroeon.AC  ut).  T)o  Cii-avó  cofp  ^n  -Airmi 
oút)  >a  Céite  t>e  fin,  cug-At)  ^n  AT)bxMinfA  oftA  .Aguf  t>o 
bttife-Aij  uite.  T)o  rriáttb^vó  utttiióri  -An  CftttAig  -Aguf  *oo 
bÁtAt)  lUomAT)  T)íob  A|t  bun  tleiriieif.  T)o  m-Attb-A'ó  cigeAttn-A 
Aóxmtj  n^  mt)t\e^c  A^tif  cige^rvn^  CÁttATnut  -Agtif  pttóbifo 
Citte  1t1unn<A.  T)o  ^Ab^  cige-A^n-A  ah  t)iit\tt  í)t\ic, 
cigeAtttu  05  Cif^tnt,  TTI.AC  Íorii-Airv  n^  pmsmse  THóitAe. 
T)o  £Ab,At>  An  curo  nÁr»  m-ArtP-A'ó  t>o  óme^ij  TÍIic  CxMtín 
tnte  ^n  tÁ  ftn.  C^rb^  -Airim  ah  r^íog  .1.  Uómóf  m^c 
TTIórvtfiAoiri    ÓgtAbí,    CAipcín    t>ttAin    A^ur    feifeAr*    T)o 


5tuAtfif  TTIunCfóf  CAf  éif  -An  óAtA  fm  ^guf  Afm  xmi 
|\íog  wn  c-Aob  a  vzviavó  -Ajtif  tÁmtc  TTIac  Commg  .n 


UvfU  Síotpofc  cuca  Agtif  ctij;  a  bfiAtAf  50  T)aocf  Att /pém 
*\j;tip  a  T\\ome  teif  1  i\-Áfm  aii  ffog  tk\  CtnTmigAt).  Do 
ótitf  fé  cionót  Agup  aomfACAt)  a\\  a  mtimncirv  a  teo'ótíf 
A^tif  Af  ^ac  cíf\  oite  T)Á  fAb  Aij;e.  lomttífA  flloncrxóf  t>o 
óAit  pé  An  c-eAfttAC  mp  An  CAob  a  T>ctiAro  Ag  neAftctigA'ó 
a  Atfm  pém  Agtif  cÁmig  nA  gótvoónAig  VÁ  scorhmófvA'ó 
Aj;tif  1Tlóf\iiiA0^  Sórvoón  ^1^0  fílAticóf  Tltmctí  Agtlf  TK>b' 
f  eiffoe  iat>.  f  Án  Atn  fin  cÁmig  Attm  nA  CorhAifte  AtbAn 
Af  An  caoo  a  nT>eAf  ;  Agtif  cÁTmc  TTIac  Commg  Agiif  a 
Afm  fém  ó  tfÁig  feAf  teo'ótnf  Aguf  An  otfif  a  ,ociiai>ó. 
1f  é  ní  *oo  fmne  TTIac  Commg  fém  A^tif  a  mtnnncif  /00 1 
T)'ionnfAige  Atfm  nApA[\tAmemce  Agtif  a  focAtT)o  OfifeA'ó 
a-[\  Tntmcfóf  Agtif  Af  Afm  An  fíog.  UÁf tA  Ag  Atc  étfmn 
Tlluncfóf  Agtif  Afm  An  fíog  'mÁn  Am  fm  Agtif  tTlófmAOf 
górvoón  Aguf  a  rhAtfttiAg  Agtif  a  fttiAg  coife.      UÁtmc 

tlACAniAt    S0^"0011     ori     0'f°fA1f^     CtlCA    A£tlf    Cttg   f^ÓAtA 

•óótb  50  fAOA  An  nÁmAro  1  ngAf  *oóio  ;  niAfCAC  mAit  An 
f eAf  f m,  tÁm  f  tntceAó  ÁtAf aó  ;  ah  ^óipoónAt  Caoc  Amm 
ette  *óó. 

T)0    CÓIflgCA'Ó   CAtA   StéAfCA   5tAn-AfmACA    gAOI'OCAt  Att 

óorfiAif  a  n-eAfCAfAt)  A^tif  ctigA'ó  An  tÁrh  *óeAf  T)on  rhAfc- 
fttiAig  gtomn-rfiif  ^ójVOónAig  Agtif  x>Á  mórtrhAOtt  Agtif 
fCiúfA'o  ctnrvp  An  óAtA  T>on  ttlAfcóf  rheAf  rhótvóÁtAC 
ITItmcfóf  A^tif  gAOAf  Sif  AtAfOAif  Attm-'óeAfS  éóc- 
rhmic  .1.  mAC  CAtmA  ctifAncA  CottA  CiocAig  rfiic  giottA 
OAfbtng  rfnc  CottA  rhic  AtAfOAf  tfnc  Cóm  ÓAtÁnAig  tÁm 
óté  An  Aifm  cm^e  pÁ  corhAif  tÁime  T>eife  nA  nÁrfiAT). 
Agtif  Af  mbeit  >o'At^tvOAif  a^  cóftigA^ó  a  rhtnnncir\e, 
cÁmic  Titime  tiAfAt  ón  mórirhAof  te  ceAóCAifeAóc  ótnse 
Agtif  T)o  tAOAif  f An  bf oifm-f e  : 

"  T)o  ótiAtAmAf,  a  Thic  "ÓorhnAitt,  50  fAbA  coirhóeAnSAt 
Agtif  CAt\AT)rv<vó  Ag  Áf  fmnfeAfAib  fé  céite  Agtif  nÁf 
btiAiteAT^Af  btntte  1  n-AgAit)  a  óéite  pbé  aj\  bit  ceAnnAfc 
*oo  biA*6  evotf  An  Cum  ette  "o'AtbAnACAtb  Ajgtif  iat)  A^tif 


nÁ\\  mó  ctú   cnu«vo-AL\  Afl  cnj*\b*\ib  oite  t\Á  oft*\.      Af 

A11    -A'Úb-An    f111,    *o'x\tnt1x\*Ó>A'Ó    A11     C0lrilCL\A1l5-Alt    b-At)    1Í11-A11 

tiom  a  C01151UVÓ  -o'fAgb-Áit  u-Aib-re  <\5uf  if  í  rm  m-AtAinc 
coip'óeA'ó  ati  óé-cVT)  Ui  t)oni  feinbíf  T)oni  níg  fao&Atca — ir 
6  fin,  1110  fttug  coire  fém  *oo  g-AbÁit  cusaT)  -Aguf  "oo 
coirnJte-re  ■oo  ctin  cusaui." 

'Oo  nmne-A'ó  50  íiacIaiii  te  IvAtAfo-Ain  hiac  CottA  -aii  ní 
rm  '.  T)o  étun  "oeióneAb^n  x\$uf  ceicne  ficro  •o'ionnfxMge 
1l1ónriix\oin  g0^*0011  ^00  11^  f  e-An-fAigT)iúiníb  Af  11-4  n*oe.AnbA\t) 
50  nmnc  1  món-'óocn.Aib  1  n-ionuvo  T)'Aicib  ;  «A^tif  cáhhc 
ctuse  'nA  n-Áic  rin  cní  cé\AT>  coifiX)e  t>o  iiitiinncin  t)ojyAig 
11  a  5A01te  ^5lir  SpAta  t)At5^ig  <\£uf  t)nÁige  ah  íÍUC^inc 
nÁn  cte«\cc  cuiiu\ir5  iu\  cnu-Ait>e  coiiiL\nn  11Á  cofAnn 
cne>At<Mi-g<\nb  cnouA.  Aec  gén  b'otc  *o'4\U\fUAin  An 
n'iAtAinc  rni,  ]TÁ  111AIC  "oá  liuunncin  í,  óin  ní  nAb^"0-An  1 
tnbtÁn  11Á  1  f^einnur  nu\tii  $Á  fAoine  *óóib  11Á  é  ;  x>s\\  teó 
11  ac  n<Mb  *oo  cún<\m  <\n  liuncftti^g  iu\  ngónwn^C  *\cc 
a  beit  A5  cex\fAn5<\m  11  a  5coipt)eAX)  ón  uite  concAb*Mnc. 

lomttifd  AtAfo-Af,  c*\if  n^eAr  -a  riiumnan  <\nuc  -a  S^nfóA 
1  ii-v\  *ocx\nt<yo*\n  Aj^uf  xúqq  congAib  -Ai^e  T>á  gn^t-triumncin 
péw  -acc  t)eicne<\b*\n  Aguf  t>*5.  ficit)  *o-a  t)A.\oinib  uxMfte  ; 
^5t1f  ctnnif  cúige^n  Af  fiéro  xriob  fm  f-An  cé\At)  n-Ans-A 
Agtif  ctngeAf  <\n  f lófo  fsMi  fAn^A  T)éi'óe«c\ii(AC  tríob,  -A^uf 
vo  t-AffAing  a  tní  céAt)  coirróe  50f°011^0  '11<A  uie-A'óón, 
-Aguf  vo  gtuAif  f ém  nómp-A.  Aguf  if  1^*0  *o-Aome  c-Áf t^\  -Af 
a  sconixMf  féifimemc  tige-AfHA  l_x\bx\if,  TKA0ine  c^éx\n- 
Aitce  t)é-AncA  ^^uf  TMome  uAifte  leo*ótíif  1  5cuit)ex\óc 
-a  óéite. 

T)o  tionrif5x\in  cof<\nn  na  cfot)-A,  -Aiiix\it  if  ^nÁt  f*\n 
uite  iti<\cAife,  Aguf  níof  riixMt  &  fut^ng  fm  ^5  11-A 
coifi'ótib  "oo  bi  1  n'oixM'ó  AtAfo^f  mic  Cott^,  óif  ní 
ctumfe-A'ó  cum  *oíob  fionnf-A  fxMg*oe  nó  fe^t)  peitéif  iu\c 
*oé\<\n-<yó  cfomA'ó  cmn  nó  iomfx\tt  xMfoin .  1f  é  f-Á  cofiiAiii 
'o'AtAf^if  x\n  uAif  fm,  a^  imte,<\óc  1  trouit)  a  ctiit,  ^5 


rméfoeA'ó  á  Utriie  áf  á  ffiutnnctf  mtfnedC  rhatt  ^Stif 
nu\iffeÁil  Atl&ril  t)o  tXumumíi,  -Aguf  5-A11  •o'feróm  ^s  A 
■óAonnb  UAtfle  vá  *ótwiu\rii  aóC  ^s  con$bÁit  &  gcuroeAccA 
'iu\  n-oivoug,vo  nó  5111^  fÁtung  oftA.  T)ob'  xMtnró  t)Aiíi 
OAotne  x)o  ftnne  mAf&A'ó  a]\  tix\  cotpótttt  góivoónAc^,  vA 
5Conj;fr&tt  ó  bftfeA'ó  "oo  gAbÁit.  lllA-jt  *oo  óonn&tc  aii 
iu\riu\ro  aii  nf-fea  'o'étritgeA'OAft  -a  n-ionnfAige  -Agtif  aii 
c-v\|\\tc   *oo    CAbAi-|\c.        Úug   AtAfOAtf   oivougAt)    .1.    aii 

S-Af  ftK\  Af  Afl  tf  1Att  AtXAf  fOtffte  ftn  X)0  tAOAtjtC  OfttA,  AJJUf 

cAngAf  oftA  fdot  ftn  te  pícíb  AStif  te  fAigotb.  T)o 
bÁtu\f  <\5  'o&AUArii  nu\"|tbtA  oftA  A-ft  s^c  CAob  t)on  g-AftvúA 
uu\  Ófu-Atf  au  curoe-AccA  ifceAó  Atm.  T)o  bftf  ctoroeAiii 
ALAfaAf,  ^giif  ftiAtf  fé  ctoróeArh  oite  '11A  tÁm'i,  A^tif  ní 
jutB  cunnne  At^e  féni  cia  cu$;  t)ó  é,  a£c  t)Aotne  -AS.CAu-Aifc 
bAfAintA  gtijt  b'é  a  ctiAriiAin  1TIac  'ÚAróe  .áift)  tia  Cfotfe 
cug  *óó  a  CtoróeAtii  fétn,  Aguf  t)o  ttnc  1TIac  T^áróe  fAn 

UAtjt  flll,  Agllf  peAtVOOttCA  111  Ag  ACOA,  AjJUf  *OA011ie  UAtf  te 

nuMte  oite  nu\  t)ofuf  -ah  gAftvóA,  t)o  bí  A5  fAnriiAtu  pe 
hAt&fOAtjt  tx)  óufv  ifceAó  fómpA.  ^Suf  A«|t  irout 
-o'AtAfOAi^  tfceAó  fán  gAftvóA,  t)o  cutn  stéAf  ct\ot>A 
Ajt  a  tutb  ifag  Ann  t)o  tAbAijtc  «petífe  x>Á  rhutnnctf  *oo  bí 
Auung  A£Uf  fÁ  triob  &&gnAtt  uiac  T)oiTwaiU  tntc  Aonguif 
1Í1tntig  1Í1tc  CeAtiAin.  11í  téisitn  to«|tm  au  beASÁn  fo  t)o 
Cuf  ftof  t)A  gníoriiAftAib  :" 

T)o  i,\AtA  *oó  a  bett  Att  fiubAt  imeAfS  n^  n5óttt)ón-Aó 
(-Aguf  nl  tttonArin  c^ob  -oon  g^tt^óx\  si1f  AV>  S^D  f^  ^5«f 
An  curo  ette  t)o  -ó^oinib  uAifte  x\tAft)-A|t  t)o  bí  tme-Aft; 
iia  nJófOón-At  Afv  ftub.At)  nó  S11^  tnotutg  fé  ^n  ce-Ap-Aft 
Oi  óu]t  uiA  tua  f tmnótuMb  -Atge.  T)o  tompÁig  ^  ^gAró  fe 
ti-a  náttiAtt).  T)o  bí  a  ótoi-óeAfh  'mÁ  btvágxMt)  -A^uf  f 51  At 
Af  a  Utrit  Cté  ^uf  ^untiA  5tAtce  'ua  Uim  ^óetf .  T)o  CutfA 
fé  An  gunnA  pú  Ajuf  *oo  fCAt)Af  curoeAóc  t)o  tuóc  píce-At) 
OO  W  'iu\  *6u\r65  nu\fi  cAftA  ftige  óuriunS  |\OmpA.  tctf 
fm  111  fAbA  "outue  t)Á  curoex\Cc  fóm  t)o  bl  'n^  'óiaití)  sau 

T)ul  ttoirhe.  Do  bí  \y\a}\oax>  cuig  a%  ttiCc  bog<vó  '5Á  •oádn-Aiti 
a\\  11A  coifi'ócib  g0^*001™^»  'ttUn  ^m  fm  cdfUx  T>'fiof 
bogA  a  beit  Ag  fiot  feACAt)  ^f  TUgn^tt  Agtif  é  a^  ctijt 
fxMge^'o  Af  góf'oónAc^iD  ;  ctrg  fúit  CAf  ^  gtiAUMtm  a%u\> 
*oo  connaic  An  ftnfe^C  t)o  Ctn^  ítdgn-Att  <df  ttiCc  íía 
bpíceAt)  Agtif  t)'iomp<Áig  a  LÁiti  ón  bfe^t*  t>o  bí  ttoime,  *oo 
fCOt  A  fxMgCcVO  &■$  tÍAgn-Att,  *oo  btlAtt  f<M1  peifceAtt,  *oo 
ctnf  vor\r\  t>í  axwaó  a^  av\  bpetfceAtt  oite.  Annfin  vo 
fS^oit  TUgnAtt  av\  c-tifCx\f  -dgtif  ní  ax\  fe^f  av\  bog^. 
Ueitgif  ^n  gtmnA  ti^A  -Aguf  ctnfif  t-dtíi  1  ^ce^nn  a 
Ctorónti.  T)o  01  a  fgiAt  a  of-AX)  uava  AniAó  t)x5,  mróroe-An 
^tt  pícíb.  Utig  MffAit)  *oA  ctoróeArii  -Agtif  ní  cáuhc  teif , 
óif  vo  \mt  av\  cfiof  ctmCeAtt  teif  ^gtif  ní  C4imc  ah 
ctoi'óexMti  AmAó.  Utig  An  TMfU  fe^cc  Agtif  ní  txMmc. 
Uug  An  cfe^f  feAéc,  Ag  te-AgA'ó  tátttie  r\A  fgéite  fÁ  n-A 
AfgAitt  a\\  tftiAitt  >An  ótoróirii,  Agtif  cngAt)  AtndC  é. 
gróexvó,  *oo  cmfietfó  ctng  píce  eiT)i|t  av\  CíoC  agtif  av\ 
f meig  ^nn  teif  ay\  bfotmtigxvo  fm,  ^cc  ní  \\aoa  ofitdC  aí\ 
TK>irime  1  n-&An-áUvt>  vá  nT>e-dtmxVO>Af  Aif  ^nnfom.  Se^t 
a^  ^n  feot  fom  Ag  ge^ttf^'o  pícexvó  -Agtif  Ati  mém  T)o 
Cufttáot  1  fÁf  nx*  fgéite  tríob.  T)o  tA-jAf  fé  a  t)ftnm  fif 
^n  ngAttftíA  t>o  Ctim  a  CoiriiéxmA,  4gtif  *oo  oí  x\g  X)éAn4m 
imte^CcA  -a^  éigrn  'o'ionnfAige  ^n  *ooftnf.  T)o  oí  ttiCc 
11  a  bpíceA'ó  Ag  *otit  1  n-éA'OÁnACc  Aif ,  ón  rhéxvo  t)o  t)í  a^  á 
nSe-AffAt)  ^óíob,  -aCc  -Aom-feA'f  vo  bí  *oÁ  tti^fgAm  50 
tuf^tmcA  lom-A-rxC^C  ;  t)Att  teif  ax\  bfe^f  fui  go  gcomiéAt)- 
fA*t>  -a  píce  g-An  ge^tWó  ^b^f  S°  ^octncfeAt)  a  fe^f 
comtAinn  teif .    T)o  bí  TUgn^tt  Ag  éif  ce-ACc  f  e  íiAtAf t)4if 

Ag   gAbÁlt  "OO    frACA   A^    $Ó^*OÓt1AÓxMb   f-Á   OtC^f  xM1    tÁttlxMg 

*oo  b^*OAf  'oo  •oéxMiAm  *oo  tdbxMfc  fetífe  *óó  fém  -áf  ax\ 

\QV\Ai)  MT\A  fAlb,  ^CC  *00  bí  f é  A"S  CfMAtt  gO  t)0^t1f  ^n  gxXff^ 

céim  ^t^  tétm,  Agtif  ^n  tMif  T)o  f Aoit  beit  1  ng-Af  *oon  t)otttsf 
ctig  téim  Áx\x>  AtUtti  ó  fe^f  n^  píce  Agttf  cug  a  Cút  *oó 
Agttf  a  AgAt^ó  a\\  An  iDoftif,    Agttf  x>o    C^om  a    óe^nti. 


teáttAif  feAf  11^  P10e  e  5l1t*  cfom  a  úeAtm  fAot  An  "oofuf, 
T)o  bí  AtAfOAtf  f An  UAtf  fm  t>á  bf  eicttfi  Aguf  cug  bttttte 
X)'Viof  nA  píce,  Aguf  géf  b'ACtAtfi  t>o  óttm  tompót'o  Afíf , 
if  eA*o  cÁftA  ceAnn  An  ógtÁig  x>o  buAtAt)  fÁ  ha  niof gAUAtb 
-&H  RAgnAtt  ón  btntte  cug  AtAfU<Mf  t)ó.  UtnceAf  a  cottp 
fAn  t)otuif  Agtif  a  ceAtm  fAti  gAftvóA.  Ajt  ntrifgeAt)  a 
•óftomA  t)o  ftAgnAtt,  Aguf  Af  n-AtfiAfC  'ha  *óiavó  Af  An 
T>ofuf,  Agfm  mAf  connAtfc  &  compÁtiAC.  X)o  geAffAt)  ati 
Cf  AtgeAT)  *oo  ti)i  1  TUgnAtt  AgUf  CUgAT)  Af  í  AgUf  f  UA1f  A 
ceAn^A  50  niAic  Aguf  cumAf  tAbf  a,  ní  nÁf  fAott. 

Dob'  futuifOA  a  ^Áx>  uac  50  citn-'óíorhAOiti  do  bÁT>Ait 
An  ctim  oite  *o'Afm  aíi  fíog  fAn  uAif  ftn  .1.  tTlAfcóf  meAf 
meAnmnAc  mifneAc-móit  fTlunc-ttóf  A£tif  fnóitmAOf  cfó'óA 
cujuncA  gAfT)A  ^AtAncA  gAtfseAmAit  g0^*0011  5°  11"'A 
uAifttb  'tia  fAftwó,  Aguf  aii  curo  01  te  tx>n  T)ttotn5  >óÁnA 
úÁfACCAtg  "ÓomnAtt^tg  Aguf  *oon  féim  tvún-btnfb  tto- 
óAtmA  tteAcc-Aij5eAncAig  fUgnAttAig,  acc  cugfAT)  1 
n-AgAt'ó  a  nÁmAt)  50  nAfitACCA  uffAnncA,  gAti  uAtfiAn,  jjaii 
imeAgtA  buttte  nÁ  ufCAtf .  Aguf  cÁftA  *oo  fhuncttóf,  a 
n$;ionAttAt,  50  tiada  fé  n-A  ftuAig  Aguf  é  Af  Átvo  cntnc, 
A^uf  X)o  connAifc  au  guAfAóc  Aguf  ah  sáijxVó  iua  ttAbA 
AtAf^OxMf,  Aguf  tf  é  ní  vo  tunne  vo  téi^  jgtAot)  móf  Af  45 
bfofnugAt)  ua  n-úAtfte  A^uf  An  CftttxMg  x>o  bí  1  n-Átc 
OifceAóCA  t)ó,  Aguf  if  exvó  A*oubxMfc  : 

í4  tf  móf  xmi  nÁijte  ^oútnn  ^n  c-^on  ^otnne  Ag  CAbxMfc 
Áfv  gctú  ^óínn  x>o  gnÁc,  m^tt  bfifceAtt  Af  An  utte  nÁiiixMt) 
^óm-Atnn  ;  a^  fm  AtAfDxMf  Af  mbfeic  bu^^óA  <df  ah 
mumnctf  vo  bí  óf  a  óotrixMf  fém  *oon  óac  Aguf  cuSAt^ó-fe 
An  At)bAnfA  50  gtéAfOA  stto'o-AcUm." 

X)o  ftteASfA^ó  50  fuifeAóxMf  ^n  fógtu  fm  ón  ^*o- 
gemifét,  tonnuf  uac  tubA  mAfC-áó  n^tt  cexvnn  a  fÁt  *|te 
HAfSAttt  a  eic  nÁ  coift'óe  nÁf  cttuxM^óig  a  céim  50  CAtcmA-tt 
cf oig-éAf x^avó  Aguf  50  f Annc-ác  f o-tÁtriAig,  lonnuf  50 
troeACA-OAtv  imeAf$   a   nÁniAT)  t)on    ftiACAf  fm,   Agtif  *oo 


bjMfeAt)  aq  riu\tfUu\g  ha  nÁriuvo  guf  cu\\\qso  imeAfg  na 
gcoip-óexvó  iao. 

lonitúfA  AtAfOAf,  t>o  riiotuig  t>o  meifSe  rftói^  Ati  fiog 
a$  ccacc  a\\  cút  ah  i\ei"orinieinc  *oo  Oí  a$  caOai^c  civotm 
*oó.  Annfin  *oo  cui^  ^téAf  -Afv  a  riiuinnciu  x>Á  'DCAfiftAttt;!; 
aiiiac  Af  Atl  nSA^vóA  vo  cuni  cfo*OA,  Aguf  cÁunc  nttfCAC 
ó  liluncfóf  ctiise  fAOl  fin.  Cuj  AlAfUAif  a  úAOttte  Af  Atl 
gAfivóA,  aii  tfiéro  vo  Oí  mfeA'óniA  t>íoO  ;  5it>e  axj,  xx> 
fÁ^AiO  feACc  bftfl  t)é^5  w  Oí  OtiAttce,  ifcig,  t)Á  -úaoiuiO 
uAifte  nÁf   fé<vo   ceACc  Anu\é  CAifif  Af  uiaivOax)   X)íoO. 

T)0   Ctllf  £téAf  CfOXM  Af  A11   £,CU1X)eACCA  Agttf  X>0   lOHHfAlg 

a  iumiumx)  ah  feAcc  CAtiatfCe  Agttf  x>o  lonnfAig  Hluncfóf 
Af  ah  tÁnii  otte  iax>,  lonntif  gtif  tuic  ah  fterofttttetnc  ftti 

ClgeAfllA     ^AOAIf    Agttf     Ufrilóf     fe-Af     teO'OÚtf     ltiA|t    A011 

1\iú  'ha  1U115A1O.  T)o  teAtiAt)  ah  1UIA15  oftA  guf  CeAfAtfg 
InOeAf  1loif  A11  cuit)  *oo  téAfiiA  Af  X)íoO,  Aguf  ip  Afl  615111 
"00  (UA1X)  íllAC  C011l11lg  Af  Afl  eAC,  Af  £CAtt  A  XJA0111C 
AgUf   A    CtÚ.       IDoO'   1011UJA    U\til   ÁtAfAÓ  X)0   *Ó01ÍinAUACA1  0 

Ajjuf  $óivoóuacaiO  xjo  Oí  fAti  L&tAtfi  fin,  5A11  101111UVÓ  &\\  a 
heAngnArh  tu\  Af  a  hÁfX)-co  f^Af ;  AriiAit  AXjeif  Hluncfóf 
ax;  ce-Aóc  Af  ah  U\  1  11-ÁIC  01  Le,  gufAb  Aige  fém  vo 
comuMC  ah  retfeAf  tf  1110  x>o  gAO  nnfe  Aguf  xjÁfAóc  CAtA 
50  utAfOAXj  x>Aome  xu\  Of  aca  fé  -Aige  fém  nÁ  45  "0111116  oite 
1\oniie  nó  'n-A  "Ó1A1X)  ;  Aguf  yÁ  X)íoO  11x\c>Amet  gófoón  Aguf 
UAgiiAtt  05  111AC  At-Ai^OAit  uiic  At-Aft)-Ai\  n'iic  Aonguif 
tlAiOfig  Aguf  ITIóivitiAOf  501V0Ó11  péni,  -Aguf  ciMtín    oite 

pOé  1A*0.       1  t)CÚf  f-AUl^Alt)  CUjyVO  -A11   Cx\t  fO     AltC    6l1\11111 

f An  OtiAt)-Ain  1045.      Ua-|\  éif  cu^  aii  OtÁii\  *oo  téi^  fiAt) 

A   fgíOf  CAtHAtt   1    limitAlg    111Ó1\111A011\    ITlAffAlt  VO    Oí    'llA 

CoiOmeAnncAif  A^uf  'ua  eAfOAfAVo  t)óiO. 

Oimc  AtAfOAif  uiac  CottA  50  cfiig  vo  tó^OÁit  t)Aoine 

A^\    $AOlt>eAtCACC   AgUf   'o'lAffAlt)    1TllC    51°^    ^0^    ^5l1f 

6óm  fhúmeófVOAig.  tf  Ann  x>o  c\u\\  ah  CoiiiAiivte  AtOAtiAC 
Afm    aj\  a  Coif  Aguf  Snniveit  béittí   fónipA  Agtif   IIIac 


CaiUii  'tid  5cuit>cacc.  T)o  oí  fgéAtA  aca  fiti  50  fAib 
AtAfOAif  Ag   cfAig.       T)o   étnfeATMf   fómpA   coinne  t>o 

tv\0<\1fC   T)0    ttlunCfÓf    11Í    tf    CAOfgA   tti    tlOCfA'O   AtAfT)A1fl 

AS«f  Ati  curo  oile  t>o  $Aoi*oeAtAiO  T)A  cungnArii,  Agtif 
cájUa  ati  111  pn.  Uti5AT>Af  comne  T)Á  cévte  1  tiAtpofc  .1. 
Sttitjtett  t>éittí  -Agtif  ITIac  CaiUii  Agttf  Afm  ha  CotfuMfte 
AlbAiiAtge  50  UontiiAf  téif-tionóitce.      Agtif  tf  iat)  fo 

T>0    Oí    1    OfAf\fA*Ó    1l1uilC|\Óf    T>'Aft11    All    |\ÍOg    .1.    HlÓftÍlAOjt 

Jójvoón  Agttf  a  riiAfcftuAg  gtéAfCA  Sfoig-éAfgAit), 
5ó-|voónAc  '11A  focAi|\ ;  ^guf  Aonguf,  mAC  riitc  AtAfT>Af 
ageAftiA  $tmne  5^1u>ó  f^11  t1A1f  f1t1>  ^5(T  ^  fAOA  to 
Ctomn  tlAgtiAitt  'ha  foóAif,  Aguf  ftf  t)ÁiT>emeAó  Aguf 
pAfCAig  T)'feAfAiO  ,<StA-pQT>tA.  Aguf,  aj\  OfAiCfm  a 
céite  T>o  ha  ftuAgAtO,  t>o  cutf eAT>A',\  gtéAf  fíoct)A 
ftiAttiiAf  fíof-AttAtii  oftA  teit  Af  teit.  T)o  cuifeAt)  ó 
xvfm  ah  fíog  buit>eAti  T>'feAfAiO  ÍMrDemeAc  T>'fó;gf\A  ha 
T>eAOtA  Aguf  t)o  tionnfSHArii  ha  cf ot>a  Agtif  T)o  cuif  eAt) 
buroeAn  oite  'ha  n-AgAit>  fm  ó  Aftn  tusi  p^f  tAniAtnce. 
Ann  fm  T)o  tAOAit\  aoh  T)o  ha  coiOmeAtiCAtffe  fe  n-A 
Afm  fém  Aguf  if  eAt>  A*ouOAifc  :  "  1f  gnátAó  tetf  iia 
T>AomiO  azá  m  Otif  n-AgAit>  cúf  $aó  ionnfAige  tk>  Oeit 
aca  oj\aiO  A$uf  ua"  cugAiTV-fe  An  cofAó  ftn  T>ótO  111*0111 
acc  lonnfui^ró  iat>  50  liAttArii  AigeAncAC  ;  "  Aguf  t>o 
tAOAif  feAf  01  te  1  n-Afm  ah  fíog  .1.  HlófriiAOf  5ó1moir  : 
"  ÍU  bíot)  fAicceAf  Af  Aon  AgAtb  nAó  auOfA  mife  t)éittl 
cugAiO  Af  riiuméAt  a  meA'óón  a  cutoeAccA."     1f  Antifom 

CU£     Atl     T)Á     ÓU1T)eACCA     f1tl     T)Á     "fUAtAf      feAÓC1Í1A|\      fO- 

tumeAfnAó  1  5ceAfC-óotii*óÁit  a  céite.     t)AOi  *oo  tuAf  nA 

mÁ-|\fÁtA  T)0  fÓtlfAT)  50  nT)eACA1T)  CtUfp  AU  T)Á  Afm  'ua 
Ó6ltC  f  Ut  tOtfg  Atl  T)Á  pÁfCAtg  *0O  ÓUAlt)  UAtA  T)0  ^ÚfJA'Ó 
nA    CfOT)A    A011    UfCAf   Af   A    CéltC,    gUfAb    é   nt    T)0    fÓUfAT) 

béit  a  n^unnA'ó  ^o'iompói!)  A|\  óofp  Ati  Aifm  Aguf  at\  tAT) 

T)0    Oí    10nnCA    T)0    tAbA1|\C    T)ÓiO    AgUf    1f    UAtA    cAmic    A11 

c-ut\CAf  cubAifceAó  téf  ttnc  móftiiAOf  góf^oón  Aguf  é 

27  i 

<\5  cut\  a  Lám'ie  jv\n  ófiof  ciorónfi  t>o  bí  f-A"  bfAgAit)  Smifcit 
t>éittí.  T)o  bÁD-Af  n,A  ftu-Atg  1  tToofÁtiAio  a  céile  f-Aii 
nAif  ftti,  An  mAcftu-Ag  -ASl1f  a  nSfUAS-A  1  ivoofiixMb  clé  a 
cétte  Aguf  ia*o  x\5  5AOÁH  t)Á  bpiof  CAtAib  1  501015111!)  Afoite 
Agtif  av\  ftuag  coife  5-ah  fiof  -ac-a  cféAt)  •oo-gémtnf  6 
ouAi'ofexVó  a  n-e-AC.  T)o  b'ftA*ó,Am  Aif  fin  xVtAfOxMf  m-AC 
HAgiixMlt  n'nc  Aitín,  óif  if  6  fém  Agtif  A1U11  Ó5  111-AC  nnc 
AtAftMf  t>o  b'oifi^ig  t>on  Ctomn  U-Agn-Mtt  vo  bí  jwn 
tÁfcAif-fe,  ói«|\  t>o  oí  ui-ac  rrnc  AtAftMf  fóin  jvmi  cfup-A 
f-Afe  Hluncfóf .  /At>eit\  xU-AftMif  hiac  TtAgn-Aitt  50  f ad-a 
féin  cauiaU,  «A^uf  biof-tnAf  a  cloit)iin  fe  LÁf  5A11  fiof 
415^  cia  a\\  a  mbuxMtfeAt)  buitte  5^11  -Aitne  -Ai^e  -Af 
óAfAi'o  feac  nÁniAit).  T)o  bÁtxAf  m-Af  fni  nó  gu-jt  fS^Mfc 
-An  c-oifise<Ac  c-Ap-Afó  IHxMgef  titMf  fAti  ce-An^xM'ó  IJéAftA 
n-A  tietó  uite  t)o  fe^ff ugA"0.  Ilíof  cuaU\  Atl  f oc-At  fm  -aoh 
riiAfCAó  nÁf  gUMi  a  eAó  fém  -aiiiac  6  11--A  coifi*ócib.  0 
fin  AniAó  fuAijt  xmi  tnte  ■ótnne  ctiniAf  fe<Atmu\  *oo  úéAttAfíi 
te  11-A  IA1111  A^uf  te  11-A  tomn  -Agtif  níof  teise-At)  -aic- 
lompóio  tx>  mAfcftuAg  n^  ^coibmeAncAiff  acc  a  te*MnfuMn 
Af  á  nt)f uun  t)Á  fbf-niAf b-At).  T)o  ctuf  cuicnii  l1lófiíiAoif 
5óft>6n  *oo  cfÁt)  offcA  5tif  fóSfAt^Af  54  n  ceacfiAriiA  t)o 
fcAbAifc  t>o  ^óume  Af  bit  xMi  Ui  fm.  tlíof  fitt  *oume 
a\í  btofc  011  |\U>A15  t)o  riixMfcftuAg  filuncfóf  nó  suf  pgtt 
4  n-eacfxvó,  ^suf  t)o  bí  cigeAfn^  $tmne  5^1^*0  V  ^11 
ftuis  Aise  Af  UUfcóf  CA^-S^onoeAt  nó  5u^\  fSítig 
caó  f^oi  ^suf  é  1  11-Aice  ff^xMfC  *  *óó  t)o  gn-áfc  ^uf 
rii-AtAi^tc  An  ffl-Afcóf  cfí  neió  au  tÁ  fm  a&  ceióe^  foune 
50  n'oe-AfcxMt)  ^f  te  tu-Af  a  e-Aótui'óe. 

lomfcúf-A  AlAfVA^  riuc  Cott-A  t>o  gtu^Mf  f é  ó  fctUig  ajuf 
ó  n-A  gAfb-ófíoóAib  A^uf  cuit)e-ACc-A  riióf  riixMfc  teif,  .1. 
a  í^va  ^5  b^ite  -A5  Cóm  111úit)eóft)Aó  *oo  ^onnb  05^  & 
•óútfcA  ^suf  a  Cmit)  A^tif  T)oriinAtt  a  rii^c  fomp^  -Aguf 

*  .i.  1  n-Áic  |tA-6Ait\c. 

CIahii  ^iottA  Cóir)  ó  tihnte  Aj;uf  SaubAivoAig  ha  tiApAnn 
45«?  CtAtiti  S"P10S'">11X  ^5ur  FotfleAtin  otte.  ,Af  fioccAm 
t)óib  CAtnpA  tHuticfdf  vo  bí  fAitce  mhó|\  Ajjup  ttttgÁif 
aj  ftluncjióf  Agtif  Ag  các  oite  nómpA.  T)o  CAifbériA'ú  gAó 
euroeAcc  Af  tetfc  t>  oo  *oon  jmifeit  Aguf  cug  ah  curoeACc 
fni  nnc  Com  itltíroeótvoAig  (vo  CAit;béiiA,ó)  .1.  T)omtiAtt, 
feAf  mAtroA  Cfoc-Aó  lúfAC  tieAmfocAtAó  1  bfiATjtiAtfe  a 
óAfAt)  A11  feAf  fom  Aj;uf  é  tieAfcmAf  tieAmfgÁtmAf  Af 

AgAtt)    A    eAfCAfAT)    AgUf    1    5Ce-A111l    A    flÓeAT)    bttA'ÓttA    t)Á 

Aoif  fAn  -Am  fom.  UÁftA  comiuVó  An  oróce  fm  1  *ocemc 
Ati  $mifeit  erotf  ah  JJtntpeit  Ágttf  An  mAigetf  siotiAfAt, 
.1.  -AtAfOAtf  mAC  CottA,  50  tmubAifc  ílluncfóf  nÁf  móf 
Ati  curoeAccoo  CxMpcín  Ctomne  tlAgnxMttgAn  tíon  cfetce 
*oo  tAbAtf  c  ifceAc  50  tiAfm  An  fíog  [Aguf  ]  vo  ctif  te  11-A 
rfiAC  cuige.  X)o  ff eAgAtf  AtAfOAtf  guf  ctnf  f é  fni  teif . 
X>o  éifig  AtAfOAtf  Af  aii  cemc  Ariuc  Aguf  fÁmic  ah 
tóifoín  hia  fAbA 'OonmAttASUf  vo  fÁro  f if  :  "  A'ÓorhtiAttt, 
a  11110,"  Af  fé,  "  *oém  tittmugA'ó  t>o  mumncf e  vo  cum 
cfeAó  >oo  t-AbxMfC  t)on  cAtnpA  Aguf  broíf  féit>  a^at)  50 
5tu-AfAóc  Af  mArom  AmÁfAó  Aguf  ní  juca  te-AC  aóc  vo 
niumncif  fém  Aguf  tucc  eottnf  *oon  cíf  t>Á  mbí  Af 
n-oivougAt)."  X)o  fUAfA'OAf  a  n-ofT>ugA>ó  Af  mAiT>m  'iia 
^oixMt).  'Cw%&va\\  cfeAó-A  mófA  wn  óAmpA  1  tt-Aimpf 
-Atgoif ro  t>ó.  T)o  txMcm  f m  te  ttluncf óf  Aguf  teif  Atv  Afm 
tnte,  lonntif  gttft  *>'£  T)omttAtt  Aguf  a  liiumncif  if  mó  x>o 
juntt  cfeACA  x>Á  f^ib  fAn  -Afni  tnte.  Cum  >o,At)bAfAib 
n^  IgcfeAc  fin  *oo  cuic  xMf  CAf  momib  oite,  vo  bíot) 
mófÁn  t)o  S-AOi'óeAUib  01  te  vo  cuftAOi  vo  cógbiit  ófeAó 
Ag  imteAóc  teif  n^  CfeAóxMb  w-nmíf  t)'ionnfAige  ,a 
t)cíf  e&?>  f  ém  5-A11  ce-At)  VÁ  nginif  At.  11í  >óé&r\A>ó  m-AC  Cóm 
lÍlúmeóf-OAig  An  ní  fm,  óif  ní  téigpe^  ne,Aó  VÁ  mttmncif 
te  cfeic  tiá  te  cobAfCAó  ua^ó-a,  Agttf  -A'ób-Af  oite,  n^f 
b'ufufo^  vá  mumncif  ^o'fe-AfAib  ha  n-oitéti  ce^cc  te 
r^\cACAib  t)'ionnfAige  a  *ock>ftA  féin  011  tTlACAife  $AttOA. 


0  iia  iKvV)VMi\v\iV)-pe  *oo  ttuc  CfK>m  n-d  gcpe^ó'op  óttfl  "ooti 

r.\tii|\\  fÁite  ah  cfAiiif  avo  pm  Aif.      Uu>;  fé  CfeAC  rftófl  a 

T)útAig  lÍlófiiiAoif  ÍÍUffAt  Aguf  cfeAC  ó  lllACAife  Aonguif 

A^uf  if  é  tx>  ófeAC  au  ttlAOifne.    OftA  f  CAnT>ume  onófAC 

T)óib  A£Uf  iat>  Af  au  ó|\eió  fin  T)o  bí  at;  tnntfiti  fgéAtd  if 

feAnóAif  T)óib.      1  ^ceAnn  ^ac  f^éit  eite  *oÁf  mmf  T>óib 

ATnibAifC  nÁf  cfeACAt)  aii  tÍlAOifne  ón  Ainifin  T)o  cfCACA-ó 

Le  T)otnuAtt  a  tiíte  í  Ati  bliA*óAin  cti^  fé  CAt  JjAfbtoc  t>o 

Tinnbce    tTlufCAT),    "  Agtif   f AOitnu,    a    ó$ÁtiAig,    511U   Af 

ftiocc  ha  ivoAome  acá  fib-fe,  md'f  fib  CAipcín  Ctomne 


'tllÁn  Atn  fo  T)o  cruiinnig  CoiiiAifte  ua  liAtbAn  1  gceAun 

a  eéite.     T)o  riieAf  *  fiAT)  gtifl  nÁi\  Agttf  fgAntiAtAó  T)óib 

pÁfvCAlg      óeÁg     Alftll     T)0      ^AOrÓeAtAlb     VO      CÍOfACATJ     HA 

ruogACC-o.        ttnne    fin    *oo    óui|\eAT)Af\    crvuimnugATj     Af\ 

ftUAgAlb  tlA  fUOgACCA  Ulte  A11  tflélT)  T)0  bí  10tlA1ftU  Tjíob. 
T)0     gtUA1feAT)Af    1     HT)1A1T)     1TUmCf\Óf    A^Uf     ^AOlTJeAt     A11 

mófftuAg  fin  iia  hAtbAn,  a  n-uAifte  Aguf  a  n-otftjtg, 
a  tiiAfffceAiinuikóe  A^uf  niAi|\néAtAig,  lonnuf  50  fAibe 
ct'n^  míte  niAfAi'óe  'ua  j;cuiT>eAccA  nÁf  tforo  a\\  cíf  fiAifi 
gtif  A11  uAif\-fe.  AnuAif  T)o  rnotuig  au  beA^-ftuAg  fin 
tlíog  t)feACAn  Ajguf  $AoiT)eAt  au  ní  fm  tx>  cutfeA*OAf 
^téAf  coirhéAT)A  oftA  fétn  t>á  nT)íT>eAn  ó  tíf  50  cíf  Ajjttf 

fACféCA  OftA  £AC  AOn    IÁ  A^Uf  HTlteACC  Af  01^111   ACA-fAU 

'gÁ  *óéAnAtn  50  tiuffunnuA  eot^AfAó. 

1á  *óóib  ó  Coitt  TheA'óóm  Aguf  f ACféCd  50  ceAnn  A$uf 
miteAóc  Af  étgtn  aca,  T)o  b'é  tÁ  f  Á  mó  au  c-Afm  nArriAT)  t>o 
óonncAT)Af  fiArh  'ua  nTHAfo.  OftA  T)o  tfiAC  Cóm 
ttlúiT)eó«[\T)Aig  A^uf  T)Á  mumncif  a  beit  fAn  fífAf  ah  tÁ 
Aguf  au  mAigdf  fmifeit  A5  feAf aui  a  pofDA  f ém  Af  aou 

f1Ú   A^Uf  CfOIT)  T)0   gnÁt  A^  A   11ÁU1A1T)  TX)   COn^bÁlt  OftA. 

T)o  bí  Aon  tiiAfCAC  Aff auua  foirh  6Á6  a^  ceAóc  ifceAó  T)o 
*  miof ,  céx. 


ffojt  101111CA  lonnuf  iia6  ceAngrhA'ó  béAt  ÁtA  nó  Attamn 
tuú  ua6  cutffeAó  a\\  mAfCA6  ftn  buArót>e,<vó  móf  tonncA 
Agttf  v&\\  le  a  mutnncif  Agtif  teif  f  ém  gttf  b'é  aou  Um 
feAtmu  ha  tiAtbAn  6  (CoituutAfv  *oo  b'Atnm  Agttf  x>o 
b'otps  t)ó).*  Utig  fé  a  Cf\í  nó  ceAtAif  t)o  ua  tteA6Aib 
bAgÁtfoe  'oíob  au  tÁ  fm.  X)o  bí  Aonguf  mdc  Aitín  T)uib 
Af  T>eifveA>ó  a  curfjeA6cA  fém  Af\  mtnn  et6  gAn  jjtttín  §Ati 
xnÁttAT)  Aguf  gtmnA  fÁOA  cfAfT)A  Via  u6c  Af\  a  béAtAib  ; 
ní  *oo  ttiutn  ei6  fÁ  snÁt  tetf  con;gnArh  x>o  'óéAnArh  a6c  t>á 
óoif.  T)Af\  tetf  guf\  rhoturg  av\  mAfCAC  Ag  *oéAnAm  ttAif\ 
nó  tjó  Aif.  ttAif  x>'uAif\ib  x>Á  ucáintc  1  nTMAfó  Aongutf  cug 
Aonguf  au  6of  f\e  tÁf\  Aguf  uo  téig  a  eA6  fém  uAró,  x>o 
ótifji  a  gunnA  Af\  6toi6  50  tiAttAtr»  Aguf  t>o  totfg  <vn 
c-uf\6Áf  Aguf  vo  ttuc  feAtt  ax\  ctttifS^m  •oeifs  fó  6ofAib 
a  ei6  te  a  fgAtujAib  f1^6it  Aguf  te'  tÁf t>Aib  Atf 51*0.  Uug  a 
mumncif  gÁifv  rhóf\  T>Á  6A0ineAij ;  x>o  fAobuigeAiJ  é  Aguf 
fÁgrjA'ó  Ann  fin,  Aguf  ní'  tÁttuj;  An  n-drhAtT)  ní  btró  "oáua 
nÁ  fin  oftA  ^n  tÁ  ftn  nÁ  An  tá  'tiA  tjiaiij.  T)o  bÁT>Af\  Af\ 
a\\  orvougAij  fm  a  Cf\í  ^o&dg  nÁ  ceitit\  T>éA5  x>o  tAotttb 
£An  f uAirhneAf  Af\  btot  a6c  fUAis  T>o  £nÁt  oftA,  tTUmcfóf 
Ag  T)éAnArh  t>íóitt  gttoCAif  ^o'féACxMn  ax\  rjféAX)fAi!>  An 
c-Af\m  móf  t>o  t)í  '11A  i)\A\i)  ix>  fSítiugAt)  Af\  rjAtumAit 
50  fgAOitexVó  cutt>  t>!orj  uAtA  1  n*oói$  50  DféA^OAt)  bUf 

•00  tAtí)A1f\C  T)Ólt),  gl^ÓeAt!)  t)0  £>í  t1A  f AlgX)1U1f\í  t)Á  fSÍtltlgAlC) 

te  x>ít  bí-ó  Aguf  cot)AtCA.  Af  "oceAóc  1  ngAf\  t>o  Cttt 
SAróbe  T>óirj  Af\  ftubAt  oit>óe  vo  %aX)at>a^  CAmpA  Aguf 
ton5^)Of\c  fAn  tonAii)  fm.  tTloó  nA  mArone  Af\  n-A  rh^f\^6 
cféAt)  xjo-óí'oíf  a6c  An  c-A|\m  móf,  ett)if\  mAf\cf tUAg  A^uf 
coifróte.  1f  é  ní  tx>  bí  Atm  guf  rj'éiseAn  t>'Af\m  An  f\íog 
atí  CAmpA  X)'fÁ5rj-dit  gAn  feóit  gAn  AfÁn  "oo  CAiteArh,  mÁ 
bí  fé  aca,  Aguf  s^f  ^0>0A  ^10  cet6ró  t>o  6uf\  of\tA.  X^f\ 
*ocAf\fum;5  ua  scuit)eA6c,  t)o  6uAt)Af\  a  n-uAtfte  Aj;uf  a 

*  aliter  ('f eA*ó  btít)  Aintn  'óó  Coi|tnilAft. ) 

n-oifi£;ig  1  scoiiuifte  cia  aca  ■oo-géAiiAiTríf  btÁn  tk> 
t&ttatftc  \\A  ah  f&cftéc.     T)o  i^t*f  flltmcttór  411  ttnf  t>o 

16i5Cxmi  fAoi  bfeiteAiiitiAf  iia  fAigT>iúii\e  Agtif  au  Aiftn 
tnte.     Vf  é  111  AT>ubAinc  ah  ftuAg  tnte  T)'AiteAf5  Aomfin 

gtlft    b'fe-Aff  btÁf  T>0  tAbAlfC   Af  ifléAT)  A   ÓU11t1CAbA11\C   r\Á 

f  11A15  t>o  beit  ontA  tx>  tó  Aguf  *o'ovóóe  t>o  gnÁt.  CtnneAf 
ITIuncfóf  cfonip,AX)óif  T)'ionnfAige  ah  Ainm  nióif  te 
f^éAtA  50  bfAlgTííf  UIAÓAIfe  tk>  óon^O-Áit  flú.  tlUft  *oo 
úuaIa  A11  niófftuAg  fm,  but>  11'ióf  a  meAnmnA,  101111 11  f  511  n 
téigeATMf  «gÁftA  mófA  Aoibtnf  A^uf  tntgÁife  óf  Áitvo 
Af ca.  T)o  cóifigeA*ó  1  n-eA^Af  Ajtif  1  n-ojvougA'ó  iat>  : 
T)o  ciufeA^ó  Cfí  11*1  íte  T)o  tnóc  píceA'ó  A£uf  n'iof^A^ó  Af  a 

UlbéAtAlb  Af  Cfí  f501111fAlt)  AgUf  TK)  CÁIfH^eA^)  A011  ríiíie 
T)ÓAS  feAf  'llA  mbACAltlél1AlO  Af  A   Ótít  fm,  Asjtlf  T)Af  tOAC 

bu'ó  cnuAiT)  aii  obAij\  T)o  beAt;Án  btifóne  AgAi*ó  *oo  tAbAin c 
oftA  'mÁti  Am  fni.  T)o  cóifigeAt)  CAt  cofAiiCAó  ctuiAit)- 
ófonúeAó  ^tAn-AftiiAó  J^01^^^  Agtif  tf  é  a  n-tnmif 
ceitne  míte  coifií>e  Agtif  ct'115  céAT>  niAfCAó.  1f  é  mneAtt 
T>o  CtnneA'OAf  oftA  coftomnoóc  Aguf  a  témce  1  n^AbAt 

^AO  A0111  ACA  Agtlf  téince  ^CAtA  Af  UAÓCAf  eAffA'Ó  A 

T>o  gttiAif eAT)Af  11A  foifne  f eAf  AintA  f eAf5-Ai*ól)feAó  f m 
1  n-AgAi'ó  tiiofSA'ó  A^tif  n'iói\-gunnA>ó  bÁT)Ait  fe  11 -a  11-uóc 
f A11  tiAif  fin.    T)o  cioiinf5Ain  A11  CfoiT)  te  cogA  i\eifimeince 

T)0  gAOI^ÓCAtAlO  élfeA1111AÓ  A£Uf  AtDAUAÓ  T)0  bí  CltÍHCA 
Af  tÁlflAÓ  A"$Uf  CCAgtÍlA  Af  CfOIT)  A£Uf  11lÁ1T>f e01f  tAÓAimÁm 

fompA  Aguf  AtAfOAif  mAC  CottA  '5Á  n^feAfAóc,  T)o  bí 
•oÁ  i\eiT)fimencoile  fefeitíf  T)o  tAbAinc  T)'AtAfDAiit  A^uf 
T>on  btiróm  T>o  óu.Anfr  fíof  Af  T>ctif  .1.  feiT)fimenc  1Ílic 
JiottA  60111  Aguf  iteiT>fimetic  T)ouinAitt  n'uc  60111 
ITIúroeótvoAig,  aóc  t>o  b'f oifge  T)o  tfotT)  T)o  tAbAifc  CtAnn 
giottA  6om  T)o  tAOb  a  n-ofT>uigte  nÁ  CtAim  TlAgnAitt 
Ajuf  t>o  bí  T)o  teAf  tia  cfoT)A  Af  TTlÁmfeoif  tAóAnnÁm 
gtif  fSAiitc  AtAi^DAif  niAC   CottA   50   t)eifii\eAó   •peitíf. 

TApUv  c£lt  (viécAnvnAip  ]V\n  i\a\\\  pm  cfoijv  T)otf1ttAlft  mAC 
Com  lÍUiraeófOAig  AStif  TJorivtiAtt  niAC  e^ÓAHi  Ó15  t1lic 
5iolU\  Com  nm  tofAó  *out  fíof,  sitjcatj  seAffAif  CtAnn 
Ua§tvai11  ati  Cf  tige  CAf  ujt  ÁgAro  CtAtnne  510  Ua  Com  -ágtif 
t>o  ionnf tng  nA  f  sonnfAiTve  Af  a  f  aoa  An  nÁriiAm  TJoriitiAtt 
111AC  Com  íhtimeófvoAig  fe  h-a  riunnncif  A^nf  pÁT>fAis 
Caoc  1Uac  5fio^óif  ^5tif  a  riHimnuif  1  n-Aon  ferofimemc 
A^nf  CtAtm  UAgiiAitt.<  Uti^vó  An  c-AfÁtc  Tj'Aomfétm 
te  tiAfm  fAtriiAf  TUog  t)feACAn  f  ah  tiAif  fin  Agnf  if  é 
A11  uiac  fm  Com  itltimeótvoAig  céAT>  Tnnne  t>o  téim 
fSjonnfA  nA  nÁmAT)  tjíou  At;tif  a  tfitimncif  'nA  tjiaitj. 
T)o  ctnfeATj  'nA  ftiAig  riiATjmA  tmeAfg  An  Cf  ttiAig  rhóif  t>o 
oí  fe  n-A  gctit  iat>  Agnf  tjo    teAnATjAf    các    50    tji  An 

TJÁfAÓCAC  1AT)  Agtlf  T>0  Uf1f  Af  AV\  fttlAg  tflóf  tUte  5° 
fAOA'OAf  feATJ  A11   tA01  1   ft1A1£  OftA  TM  teAT)A1fC  A£t1f  TJÁ 

tÁn-cofgAf  Agtif  Af  scfíocntigATj  Af  5;ctif  An  otÁif  tjo 
gAUAT)Af  CAmpA  iii  tlAmAtctm  Agnf  cÁimc  eoófACA  ah 
óAiftém  riióif  ó  "Ónn  émiti  ctiCA  A^tif  t>o  fCfioc  AtbA 
tnte  tjóiu. 

T)o  geiúmn  mófÁn  fe  v\-a  fgfíouATj  tjo  fSéAtAio  Af 
gnóiTjitj  nA  nAimfife  tjá  sctuffmn  fotíiAm  é,  aóc  if  é  ctij; 
ottm  An  oifeAT)  fo  fém  tjo  fgfíooATj,  mAf  tjo  óontiAifc 
mé  ^An  lomfÁfj  Ati  biot  Ajt  $AOiTjeAtAit>  Ag  An  fgfíoonóifri  o 
acá  a^  ccaóc  Af  gnóróiu  nA  tiAimfife,  An  tfmmncif  t>o  ttmne 
aii  Cfeifuíf  tnte. 

1omtt1fA    ttlA|tCÓ1f    rhtmCfÓf    T>0    gttlAtf    Agttf    CU1TJ    TJÁ 

Apm  teif  Af  ftigiTj  T>tit  50  SA^fAin  t>o  tAuAifC  feitíf 
T)on    fíg   Agtif   é   1    n-éi^eAn   a^  SAgfAnAcAio,   A£tif  tk> 

DflfeATJ  A£  pit1pfÁ6  A1f  AgUf  níOf  féAT)  ftlfCAÓC  t>o 
tAUAIttC  T30n    fíg. 

UÁmic  AtAfOAtt  mAC  CottA  ó  óAmpA  ÍÍAmA tctin  50 
Cmncíf e  Agtif  T)0  gtAn  tjó  fém  í  A^tif  T>o  fó^Aitt  Aifce 
CtAnn  1Tleis  "Ómone.  T)o  tógAio  T)ún  ÁDAfCAig  mAjt 
T>AinseAn.      "CÁmic  T)omnAtt  mAC  Com  lílúiueótvoAig  ón. 


CAmriA  ftn  llAinAtcún  t>a  cíf  pétn  Aguf  *oo  bí  ttttmcttóf 
A5  ceAócón  bfvifcAT)  [ftn]  ptip£AC  fAn  a\ob  a  'ocuavó  Aguf 
a^\  tfi&tf  Ai^e  t><>  *OAomib.  An  ah  feot  pn  •oúitt  feat 
■o'-Aimfin  :  tthmCf\óf  fAn  CAob  ttiAVó  T>'.AtbAin  A^tif 
AtAfOAin  mAC  CoUa  1  £Cmncíf\e  &$  cun  "oíte  a^  &A$fr 

$AOVÓeAt    AJjUf    A|\    CothgAlt    A^tlf    Af\    11 A     CfVÍOCAlb    AgUf 

Com  tlhivoeó'fVOAó  'ftiA  SAf\b-ct\íoóAib  1  "OceAnncA  pe 
CfÁig.  T)o  óuavó  Com  IttúvoeótvoAC  A^tif  a  itiac,  "OomtiAtt 
50  híte  A^tif  a  bfeAóc  féiti  teó  A^vtf  t>o  pó^uv'OAn  Atpce 
a  f\AbA  t>o  Ctomn  lilei^  *Óinbne  mnce. 

]?Án  ahi  fni  cÁmiv;  lAftA  AoncftoniA  a  héhf mn  x>o 
Cmncítte  T>'piop  Ati  Aitwi  ftti  t>o  bí  Ai^e  pétn  mnce  A^up 
T)o  ctiift  piop  Af\  a  f\Aib  mAft  aoh  pe  tthmcf  óp  Aj;uf  cÁn^A-OAf 
fin  ctii$e  T>on  céAT)  lAfifUVó.     UÁini$  *óe  fin  tthmcfóf  t>o 

*ÓUt  4f  411  fUOgACC  T>'iAtV[U1>0  C0115A11CA  Af\  fÚOgAlb  AgUf  -ífl 

PtnonnfAíb  oite  t>o  con^nAm  te  Ríg  SéAftuf  A^uf  /n 
bpitteA'ó  *oó  ón  cufuip  ftn  *oo  mitteA*ó  50  neAfonófuc 
te  CothAifte  11A  nAtbAn  teif  11  a  CoibmeAtiCAiffi  é  fém 
A^tif  ttlAfcóf  Vltinnctí  A^uf  móft&u  T>'tuMftib  oite  *oo  bí 
An  tAob  ah  ftíog. 

T)o  óf\uiunig  cuvo  tfiAtt  T>'uAiptib  tnfe  ^All  50  hlAfttA 
AoncftomA,    mAft    cá,    CtAtm    $10  Ua    Com    Ajuf    CUnn 

IvAgnAlU.        T)0    bÁ*OAf\   Af   CÍ   AlfWtl   *00    ÓH^   Af\   ÓOVf  AfVÍf   1 

teit  ah  fvíog.  Sau  Annfift  cóathia  cÁnnc  ofvougA*ó  An 
fvíog  50  tilAfttA  AoncfomA  f5AOiteA>ó  t>o  téi^eAn  T>on 
Aftm,  ót|\  *oo  bí  An  tií  fAn  Am  fm  Af\  tÁnli  a^  á  nÁirhTnb  .1. 
PxMttAmemc  ÓASfAn  Agtif  AtbAn  T>'Aon-tÁim  'ha  AgAit). 
T)o  léig  lAt\tA  AotictioniA  fgAoiteAt)  T>on  A|\ni,  Agttf  *oo 
cttAit)  fém  Tí'éifinn. 

T)o  An  AtAfT)Ait\  mAC  CottA  1  g&tmrffe  Agtrf  T)o-foign  ^ó 
•OAigtieAó  *  mnce  Ajttf  1  nTte.  X)o  fnvó  nA  5^01>ó1t  oite 
•oo  bí  1  tett  An  ^íog  1  T)CimóeAtt  a  bpeAjunn  fém  '^á 
fe Af  Arh  Af  nÁrhAiT). 

*  «  •oo-ttniti©  *OAitistieA6  (x)Aiti5e^ti ), 


CAnjyAf  'nU  gctiAifc  oftA  fÁ  *óeovó  te  nAfm  móf  Si|\ 
TUttat)  teiflí  AJtif  1Í1ic  CaiIíh.  5°  Cnmcírie  "Oóit)  £,An 
DfAt  *o'v\Agáit  -Af  A  tnbeit  ^5  ce^óc  nó  50  tUnjjATXA|\  ^n 
te-Ajts,  <Áic  ina  ttAit!)  AUf&Aif  -Agtif  a  rhtnnnci-|t  fjjdoitce 
ó  n-A  Céite.      T)o  Ctnfe-A'ó  «Af  a  Céite  An  CnroeAóc  fin 

AtAfO-Af'         T)0     JJAttxVÓ     íUgn-Att     Ó5    1TIAC    AtAfDAtt    1111 C 

Aongtnf  Agtif  *oo  ctnfexVó  50  tUf  1  nlnrjeAf  xXgtUt  é 
CAmAtt  'iia  >óiai>ó  fm. 

T)o  Cti-Aró  AtAfO-Atf  rriAC  CottA  50  tiéifmn  «Agtif  x>o 
niAftiAt)  1  gCnoc  11A  nT)of  é  A^tif  mótUn  'o'ti.Aif  ttrj  oite  *oo 
Ctomn  T)omnAitt  fAn  gCAt  ctig  mtifóA^ó  Ó  t)fi-Ain  *oóiO 
fxMi  t^ttA^nA  1647. 

Omic  An  c-Afm  mórv  fo  *ÓMat>  teiftí  ^Jtif  lllic 
GAitín  teo  50  tiíte  ^Stif  50  1Yltnte  «AStif  tk>  fCfíoc  -ah 
tnte  tnnne  *óóifj  aCc  Cóm  1Tltn>oeótvo,AC  Via  Aon^r*  .Agtif 
Af  gAtt  teif , 


CAtAt  tttAC  ltlt1ineA>ÓA1$  cecmic: 
[•00  ^ÚomnAtt  iiuc  Qóm  1ÍKn>oeótt>OAig  ttlic  "ÓomiiAitt.] 

Cóif  fÁitce  fe  fe-Af  t>o  fgéit, 

A  fif  [te']  IDC-Áng-Af  ón  CfÁig  : 
SgéAtA  tiom  óf  íofAt  *  uAit), 

X)A  TDCíofxVó  m'tiAitt  óf  cionn  CAig* 

t)mne  r\Á  ceot  cfoc  t>o  fgé-At, 

A  giottA  g-An  toc  gAn  teon  : 
Acaoi  mAf  of^Án  óf  fíon, 

tTlA'f  corhfÁt)  fíof  *oo  £>aoi  f  1*0  tieot. 

*  ífeAt,  MS.  t  M' 


Rom-feintvoe  a  n-éifceAcc  |\etn  beo 
Ati  fSéAt-ftn  te  a  TICÁ11115  cn  : 

X)o  ine\Aoui$  ceAfC  teAm  ^ac  tÁ, 
UeAnn  6   CÁ  mo   nex\f\c  a-iiíi. 

111o-géAHAf  t>o  |\iacc  nn  fiocc 
T3'éifcéACC  féT>  bfiAtfAib  50  beAóc 

ÓT)  f^éAt  fro  111  úASiunn  tonc — 
Uníb  ahocc  CAT>tAitn  50  ceAfc. 

Pfít  teAC  *oo  miAroróeAcc  haoi, 
A  btiACAitt  if  ^AfOA  gné  : 

SpaIa  teii  ceAnsl<ró  ino  ctí, 
SgéAtA  ón  cí  tc|\  me&'ófiA'ó  mé. 

T3on'niAtt  niAC  G0111   cúi  ha  gcUvó 
1lím  t>o  fseoit,  a  gAftXA  §Iaii  : 

UCACC    CAf    CUA11    10111  tÁ1l    T>011    fK>]l 
C1011    T)Á    10m|lá,Ó    1f   THlAt   TMll'l. 

A  teAóc  f tÁn  50  tieAiuiAif>  05 

f  Át  fni  T)oni  ineAnniAin  Af  tnéAT)  : 

SIac  1  5CAOitn-tiof  cfAtm  11  ac  túb, 
Ag  ftiT)  tn'Aoibmof  A1111  50111'  éAg. 

T)Á    féACA111    CIAgAim    Af    CÍ1f 

X)o  tUAgAtt  111Á  géAbAnn  stiÁf : 
1116  itn  téitn  50'  CAiT)feAin  $aii  CfitAf 
'S  céitn  ftiAf  fe  m'Ai^neAT)  a£  Áf. 

'Oo-cím  é  ?gÁ  frofgUvó  f út, 

An  cé  tef  bfontiAT}  mo  bfíog  : 
*Oo-nvm  CAf  mtiifi  T)'Aitne  tiAim 
;    A  gftiAiT)  gAtf te  "o'fctnl  niAf  £íon« 


CféAt)  ik\C  n-<\itninn  a  Ctit  Odf 
T)o  •óúl  jie'  maicne  x>o  tfiedf  ? 

5iViVó  q\omi-ingeAn  fíogiu\  ó   Rof, 
Dof  11'iíonlA  ■óomn-ingne.A'ó  troeAf. 

AitneoóA'o  fém  bfiAtfA  a  beoit, 
'S  An  *oéAT>  m.Af  néimmn  Af  néltti 

1UC  iioCca  50'  mnttnf  "ónm, 
'S  An  ufint  ftntúif  fotCA  féiriu 

x\itmgim  ped'ó  n-u«|\CAin  tiAim 

An  mAtAit>  ^ceifc  gctimtA  5CA01I  : 

510  Ua  f^of  fé  a  nwACAif  *oféim, 
'S  ah  uaoO  féi*ó  mAf  eACAit  aoH. 

T)o  AitneoCxMnn  cénn  a  Cof 
5o  ViAttAm  A'£  téim  iia  tiof  : 

T)o  t)féx\5  cfoi'óe  nA  mbtixVó  mbfAf 
5tAf  mo  toite  tiAm  £An  fiof. 

1U  *OorimAitt  mo  meifneAC  rhóf, 
1Tlo  f eif  e  comtAinn  f ém  Cút : 

fflo  féxvo  é  x>Á  n^AX)Am  5fÁ*ó, 
1Tlo  fé  tÁn  if  m'AbAtt  úf. 

Hlo  tnte  btixVóA  f  a  me-Af ; 

1Tlo  Cfitte-f  e  An  ctiAnnA  CAf : 
TTIac  ftAtA  Af  nÁjt  foitgexvó  fiof, 

tTlo  Cfiof  CAtA  An  bomn-geAt  bfidf* 

Af  n-tnfse  cobAif  nAC  CfUig  > 
Af  nmff a  co£;ai,ó  t>o  Ctóft : 

fÁt  Af  mife  ['f ]  -Af  mtnfn  fAOf, 
&V  Sctnfm  *>Aoy  's^  tiitte  a  tiOf. 


TVIo  ótome-Am,  mo  óAOit-ftcAg  óOftS 

tTlo  togA  j>Aoi>oeAt  tf  $Att : 
Acá  aj;  CxMfgit)  a  yúr\  fiom, 

'S  mo  rinonn  fút  f\e'  fAicfin  ann. 

Sinn  fi4tfi  |\e  xmtóAf  a^  *ot\éim, 

"Oo-Tmm  Af  tk)  *óútfuóc  t)óig : 
ttlo  neA-fc  nl  óeitim  ót)-cím — 

Ufíb  t)o-geibim  ce^fc  if  cóif. 

Cóif  fÁitce  ^e  feAf  *oo  f^éiU 


tomttífA  60111  ttltíroeófVOAig  rtiic  'ÓomnAitt  mic  A1U11, 
cigeAfnA  Ctomne  TlAgnAitt,  x\-[\  n-A  cféigfin  *oon  tirte 
•ótnne  CAf  éif  tnttncfóf  -Agtif  tÍlAfvcóif  tltmctí  *oo  ctif 
ctim  bÁif  A^tif  A-p  tfiAi-f  beó  T>o  v\a  tMif  tib  *oo  bí  1  teic  An 
fíog  Af  TMb^eA'ó  1  gcfíocAib  ciAnA  cotfiAigteAóA,  *oo  bí 
f eif e^n  'nA  AonAfi  a£  f  AntíiAm  Atmng  ón  fíogAóc  Agttf  An 
c-iAffmA  t)o  rhAift  *oon  mtnnncif  x>o  bí  1  teic  ah  fíog  a^ 
•ocionót  'mÁ  cice^tt.  T)o  bi  ce^ccxM^eAcc  te  comta 
xk>  gnÁt  Ag  ceAóc  ctnge  ón  t\íogAóc  t>á  acaó  ttm  j\éice  fiiú 
Agtif  níof  gAb,  acc  *oo  ctn-j\  «a  iúac  T)omnAtt  50  tiéifmn 
^S^f  W  tíi&ifi  Aige  'o'éife-AnnóAib  -Agnf  ctiro  t>á  tMomib 
tiAif  te  AtbAnAóA  teó  Agtif  *oo  f  aii  f ém  Agtif  An  cttro  eite 
*oon  rhtnnncif  Ag  feAfAtn  a  tmtóA. 

lomtúfA  "ÓorhnAitt  t>o  gttiAif  f é  &  trthbifc  &y>  ftige^c 
^té^fCA  t>o  ttim^  $AttT)A  "oo  bí  ^ige  Agtif  xxf  ttim^  f at>a 
J^oi^eAUMg  1  T>cimceAtt  c^t  céxvo  voo  f  Aig'ounfib  T>éAncA 
TmtóAntuvCA  fAti  btut>Ain  1648,  Af  fnt  *oóib  50  C&ot 
nitnte/  go  CotbAnnfAíg  4511  p  50  Caoí  íte.  OfvU  tong 
tnó-[t  xtótb  xvnn  A^ttf  t)o  gAbAT>At\  í  fÁ  11-A  tticc  t)o  ftot 


CófllA.       t)o  glAOA*OAf   lOtl^  Olle   fAH    CUAJ1.       11í   fUAflfAt) 

é.\t>ÁiL  a\\  btoC  tnnce.    T)o  tétgexVOAtt  uaca  í.    T)o  feótfA-o 

50  tlél1A11111.  U115  fCOIjWl  0|\t^  Af  xMI  OltACAf,  10111lUf  5111,1 
fSAfAt)   Ó    Óélte   -A    n-ÁftttAlg.        ÍU1111C    CU1t)   ACA    CUAU    114 

SCcAtt  t)e«Aj;.  T)o  cu-Ait)  T)orhn,Att  -Aguf  ^Afi  te«An  fif  Afi 
cíf  a\\  óo[\iiáh  ^1^*0  lílerg  5iottA5Ám.  T)o  téig  u^tt)  h-a 
tiÁttqtAig  50  tiAtb-Am.  T)o  gtu^Mf  50  ttAcA'ó  T)Á  CAttAt), 
Áic  %t\A  X)rA\\lA  5eitie^fT)oii  CAiivooAtiixMt  t>ótb»  Af  ftn 
t>ótb  50  CuuncAOt  ah  CdoÁm,  Áic  ma  *ocÁf\tA  pttp  Ó 
IvAibitt  fiú  .1.  ctgeAtmA  11A  círie  fin  x\j;uf  caiia  >óóib-feAn 
T)o  gtuAtf  Af  fin  50  ITItiiteAnn  CexMtf  ua  tílvóe  ^gtif  t>o 
fÁgAib  a  iiititniicitt  xma  ceAt-twh.A  f^n  bxMte  fm  ^gtif  t>o 
gttuMf  fé  fém  50  Cttt  Commg,  bxMte  ma  ttAibe  Cotfi<Mf\te 
n a  liéitteAim  'n-A  f  tifóe.  ptiAifi  f  é  otvottgA/ó  é  f  éiu  Aguf  a 
riitiiiincirv  t>o  *óut  ifce-Aó  i  n-Attni  na  CoiiiAif  te  f a  cúuiAtiT)A 
Simrieit  Pfiof'oón.       1f  é  fm   dfm   ioa   juib  xVtAfOAif 

111AC    lAVvtA    AonCfvOtllA    -A^Uf    -Afl   ITIxM^    t)'AU)A11ACxMb    AgUf 

•o'CifCAiuiAóAib  t>o  011^1*0  te  liAtAftMirt  mAC  CottA  50 
tiCir\iiin  vo  Ctomn  T)otimAitt  -Aguf  *oA  nt)Aoinib  mumn- 
ccAtvóA..  tll  jtxMbe  -aii  fcmfimeinc-fe  gAn  ctítj;  céAt>  t>éAS 
t>o  togA  UAome  tiAifte  tnnce.  T)otiinAtt  iiiac  Cóm 
1Í1tnt)cóf>o-Aig  '11A  tif cenxMtc  coitmeit  mnce,  Aguf  Aongtif 
nu\c  AtAfO-Af  cige-Afn^  ha  tcAfSAai  Ceiiinci*|tige  'ha  ccwo 
cAtpcín  mnce. 

Se-At  fAH  -Afvni  f  m  [t)óib]  fv\  ctú  Agtif  f &  onóif  45  Cx.\bxMf c 
bAitcc  mófA  -A111AC  ó  n<A  nÁniitnb  nó  guf  bttif  fiAt>  Amx\é  a 
tu\fiii  A11  ptttofcúnxMg  go  fi«S-á*ó  ofCA  f-An  CunnuAig 
Ui-A.bAtg.  T)o  bí  buit)ex\n  trióft  13'éitte-AiinACAib  t)o  Caoiíiáiia- 
c-Aib  tiiAitte  fu%  ^S^f  ^*0  f^  ^^c  GoU>if  X)ótb  Agttf  ah 
uAif  fÁngA'OA^  fiti  eottif  a  gqtíoó  fém  -Aguf  ffA'óAfc 
coitte^-0  "00  bí  1  bfoifge  "óótb  t)o  tetóeAX)4f  -^S^f  "°0 
f AgfAt)  fif  cáó,  lonnuf  go  iDC^mic  An  nAniAit)  'ua  tneAft; 
itxeAó  oftA  ^uji  cutfeA'ó  Af  a  céite  t^t)  s;utt  SAb^t) 
T)oiiiiiAtt,  cigexMmA    Ótotnne     UAgnAitt,    Agttf  Aongtif, 


cige<AiuiA  §tinne  g^t^*  *0°  cuifiexVó  4f  táitti  *oo  Citt 
Couimg  iat>.  T)o  tiÁTMii  fin  f  edt  1  bpfíof  ún  nó  50  £>f  uxMti 
tTLvfcóf^&onctionvá  ftige  a^  &  OftMfSUvó.  1f  tu-Aifce  cámic 
mac  mio  AtdpoxMH  Am-Aó  ná  mac  Cóm  TíIúto eófVOxM 5  <Aj;uf 
t>o  tjuatt  mdc  mic  AtAftMf\  Anonn  &$  fAifitge  1  n*oiAi*ó 
xxn  tuog,  ^S^f  T)o  fág  T)orhnAtt  jMn  pttíof  ún  -aguf  *oo  £>i 
feAt  -ann  nó  50  n'oeaóxMT}  ctntte<yó  «diflgro  x>Á  fuAfgUvó* 
ó  ttuicf  e-Af  bucmse^m  .1.  bex\n  póf ca  til^f cóif  Aoncfomd. 
T)o  CiiAi'ó  fé  -Af  fm  50  toó  ^f™^1*  ^0  ctnneA'ó  tong 
te  ITlA-fcóf  Aonc-fom^  teif  nó  jju^  ctnf  fÁ  ttf  1  gGAotaf 
ScÁUig  1  ntlir3ifc  é  -Aguf  Aongttf  iuac  nuc  AtAfDAif, 
cige-drvn-d  11A  te-AfS^'ó?  inx\|t  aoii  p[Uf.  £Á  tútgÁifeAó  -a 
óÁirvoe  fÁ  11-A  teaóc  t>á  n-ionnf<Mge.     UÁngxmAf  &  *óAome 

U-Alfte    gO    gf\OT)    'l1A    'ÓIAI'Ó    -A-f    tumg    T)0    gAtMTMfV    -Af    xMI 

otp^Af  éif\e<Min,Ac.  T)ot>'  iat)  11-A  TXAome  fm  T)o  CuxMt) 
teif  "0*611111111  .1.  HlufOxVó  tiiAC  1Tlic  T1éitt  tXdffxMg,  T>ume 
móf\  rn-AifeAó  ^guf  6  cféigteAó  >oeAg-CAt)^ft-A  fu^f, 
AtAfUAif  mAC  Com  n'uc  A1U11  'ha  rju-AóxMtt  (?)  05,* 
T)ornn-Att  5°1n11  t1l^c  A1U11,  T)omnAtt  Ku<a*ó  rriAC  T)ornn-Aitt 
tfieic  toótumn  1Í1ic  1Í1uife<vóAig,  Cóm  nu\c  T)omnAitt 
p*\gtAC  1Í1eig  tíe-AtxVó,  Aonguf  m-AC  AtAfDAf  riitc  gofcf  túi*ó. 
UÁ1111C  Cóm  m-AC  bfiAin  1Í1eig  tíltiifle-á'óAig  -Aguf  curo 
dte  t>o  11A  tmohiiVj  -Af  f  tigvó  eite  t>óiO  fém. 

Af\  T)ceAóc  *oo  T^ou'mAtt  ón  cufuf  fin  t>o  óxMC  a  ACAif 
^guf  é  fém  a  n-,Aimfif\  Ag  fexvfAfh  a  ivoúfccA  nó  50  vjf  uxMf 
fMt)  fíotcÁm  011  fíogAóc.  gi'óeA'ó,  t>o  Dí  AmrjfiACA  45  -a 
n-eAfcÁitvoirj  xVg  fÁf  o*[\tA  fe^t)  ua  1i*Mmfife  fni,  guti 
f^gAiíj  fÁ  teatctiom  T)o  gnÁt  ut>  fém  Aguf  a  ftiocc  'n-A 


Anno  T)ommi  1670  -ah  t^tiA'ónA  tx>  teAfD^  Com 
tY1úiT)eói\T)Aó  1  néitufgAig  1  ntliúifc  Aguf  T)o  cuit\exvó  a 
óojip  1  T)Cog  ttlóf,  Af  t)fA5Mit  a       mte,   .1.  T)omnAtt, 

*  bvtAiUog  =  bf  itAtUeos  ? 


<\s;up  qmif  nigeAn,  .1.  Illóf,  bAincigeAiMiA  CotA  ; 
QdiujtfonAi  bAmuigeAfnA  t)Aiv|iAig  ;  Agtif  AnnA,  bAinuig~ 
oAfnA  t)emne  t)AgtA.  T)omnAtt  niAC  Com  ThthT>eó-|YaAig, 
fé  btiAtmA  *oé-AS  emif  bÁf  a  AtAft  Agtif  a  bif.  T)o  caiú 
fé  11A  fé  btiA'ónA  T)éA5  fin  *pé  gnóiTnb  fíoúcánA,  feAt  Ag 
feite-Atfi  ctiiitce  LÁn  t>o  cion  Agtif  'o'onóiit  u-jté  feAbAf  a 
b&Af  djjtif  a  t)e-Ag-ioniótii-[t  Agtif  feAt  oite  Ag  bAtte  jté 
Triot  AmbfiAC.  T)o  é^s  1  sCAmiAig  fAn  btiA'ónA  1686 
ah  btiA'óAm  céATmA  ueAfT)A  An  T)AfA  11í  Sé^jtttif.  T)o 
ctniteA'ó  co-ttp  ah  T)orhnAitt-fe  1  T)Uog  THóft  1  n-Aon  teAbAit) 
•jte  a  auaiji,  -Ajt  bfÁgbÁit  T>eife  niAC  Agtif  uttiúit  mgeAn 
'ha  'óiAit)  .1.  A1U11  ah  uigeAfHA  Agtif  HAgnAtt  Hlójt, 
Agtif  Seonóm  A^jtif  tTldifve  r\A  timgeAnA.  fflóit,  mge-An 
6óm  itlic  teóiT),  a  mÁCAift ;  A^tif  1Tló-|t,  mgeAn  HtixM'ojtíog 
itlóiit,  mÁUAiit  a  n-AUA-ft  .1.  T)omnAtt.  £Á  rnóit  An  utttnme 
Atjtif  An  u-titvótibA>ó  t>o  ctnit  bÁf  An  T)eig-pitt-fe  A}t  Innfib 
5-Atl  AriiAit  uAif  bénuAft  'tiA  riiAttbnAit)  : 


inARttnAit)  T)orhru\itt  rinc  eóm  iítái,oeóii,aAi$ 

tfé&S  fAn  btiA'óAm   1686. 

niAtt  itiac  rhtJineAt)Ai5  ccu. 

T)eiitcA>ó  T)'AOibneAf  1nnfi  5^-t 

Ca*5  Aom-fiit  ah  tofgA'ó  tom  : 
CofAó  ctnfiAt)  51*0  eA'ó  An  11 

T)uoa>ó  iiac  [fAiin]  feAt)  114  bfonn. 


Ó  bAf  fémmt)  fotA  Ctnnn 

11í  fuit  cfot-oe  jgAn  ftnéfó  t)umn  : 
5^n  An^if  6  éAé  T>on  ctomn 

Sotjtb  50  bfÁc  *$AbÁit  a  ngitt. 


íWac  9óm  tílúmeotmAig  tfióifi  tfnf, 

5ioftu  a  jvé  if  5&Af  fom  gum  : 
Ufiu-dg  mo  toifs  1  n*oeoi*ó  -an  frtfi — 

T)o  toifs  fm  m'feott  dgtif  m'fuit. 

tloó-A  n-f-AC-Af  Aon  m-Af  é 

A-|t  gAfDAóc,  -Af  gtome  a  gné : 
Af  féite,  Af  feauAf  tim  ní 

'S  jtéfóe  Áf  fí  (mo  cfeAó  !)  fAn  cfé. 


An-Atqu  é  if  oi*oe  ^f  fSot, 
Ajt  n-Ancjtom,  a  "Óé,  4  *óut  : 

T)o  g&vo  -d  fAogAt  mo  fe&ó, 

Ce-A*ó  acc  b&vo  baog-áit  W|t  mbun. 


teotíidn  é  4f  g-Aifge  a  gníom, 
ACc  11-dó  ca'óLa'ó  111  but>  nÁf : 

pe-Ajt  ce-Ann  -ag  f eoUvó  nd  fio*ó, 
ttl'xvunfd  *oíon  ■óeoju'ú  if  •ó-átti. 

ieon  Af  mo  cttovóe  'gÁ  caoi, 

TteofAit)  if  t)ume  5-dn  ní  : 
tVhfe  Af  buite,  gé  bé  mé, 

A  "Óé,  'm^m  futfe  'f  'mAtn  fí. 

ITIeAf  a  me^nmA  Af  gofc  gti<vo, 

CeAnn  feAt)n-A  jjah  eice.Aó  n-áig  : 
lám  nÁf  tMX  f<<vn  comtdnn  óftitáfó 

DoinnAtt  50  mbiutró  9r\Á  bAif  bán« 


aV|\  lonc^Mb  fo-t^ime  <\  fíog 

Afm  T)'iomcut\  óii  u.<mi\  vo  Aotfi, 
l)ut)  FfeAftdé  &]\  fttAoó  rl<A  tribUljt 

U\oc  md|t  mo  gtú'ó  fe-Afríiaó  fAOf. 


Comnte  bu'ó  bfAife  'f  jjaó  btáft 

t3ut>  roifbe  -a  tAif  e  t\e  ctuiAg  : 
A5  fo  -ah  cfoi'óe  btró  ce,At\c  SiU'ó 

'tU  toige  -Af  tÁf  fe,At\c  nx\  f  ti<yó. 


00  feite  'f  aii  bf<vo,Án  btiAf 
1f  >oeij\e-A>ó  ha  fíog  ó  tlof  : 

fío  <mi  cít\-fe  cix\t\  r\A  ngeAnn  ngtAf 
ffio  gex\tt  x\f  if  C1A11  w  ctof . 

Ón  óofp-fA  ctnfe.A'ú  1  n-ti,Aig 

1f  bocc  m'fuit\ex\c  &\\  btot  bin  : 
11-aó  fé<\g«Aim  gtif  te^m  a  \,\xxb 

CexMin  11A  fttiAg  x>Á  n^oéxMiAim  tún. 

XIII.  ■ 
lonró<\  peAfl  1  ntliuifc  £11111 

xN^uf  be-An  1  mbuite  bfóin 
1TU  tfi^t  t>o  ctett  ifm  ófiAit), 

Sgi-At  nx\  bfix\n  n-Áf  teic  ó  tóif. 

ttíof  b<\c  TJomtull  'oíom  tve'  "óut 
tlí  fi^rh  T)o  triAoit)f mn  m-Af  riiot) : 

1  mbeimi   bAog^Mt  111   bixvo  te^m 

IHo  gfi-Aii  ge-At  n-Áf  CAomAtn  cfo*ó. 

T)eit\e-AT)  "o'-AOibneAf  1nnfi  JjMt. 



riA  a$e<\KiiAiT)e  tM  1   scoriiAimsm   teis  ^\ti 
ti$T)AK  (.1-  te  niAtt  mAC  rhtnKe<yó<\i$). 

é  fém  x>Á  n-ÁittexMii. 

Cuit\feAT>  Atm  fo  fíof  mnc,  a  téigceoif,  ^aó  A011  azá 
1  ■ocigedflnAf  1.M11  xMnifíf-fe  Af  ftioóc  eom  rhic  Aongutf 
Ó15  fe'  n-AbA|\t^.oi  111.dc  T)on'inxMtt  Agtif  móftiMof  n-A 
nOitén  Agtif  Kí  pionn-$Att. 

StlOCC      Kd  gtlxMtt      Cé&T>-\Y\AC      GÓ111,      máfl      .d'OtlOtUMtUAf 

foniie,  Uige-dfn-d  Ctoinne  TtAgiuMtt. 

A1U11  tnAC  T)oiiitiAitt  1111  c  eóni  múiwófUdig  11110 
DoiinuMtt  1111  c  .<\iUn  n'nc  eóni  1Íltíit)eóivo,dig  n'nc  AtdfUdif 
1111C  Aitín  riiic  Ru-Ai*6fil  linc  A1U11  ó'  iw\lMt\Cdt\  Síot  A1U11 
rinc  HdgiUAitt  ó'  tUMT>ceAi\  CtxMin  HdgnxMtt  1Í11C  Com  n'nc 
Aongtitf  O15. 

ui$eA\Kii<\  jtmne  5<\iu\T). 

ALdftuMf  tiu\c  Kdgiu\itt  n'nc  T)oiiiiu\itt  $uifm  m1c 
T)oiiirixMtt  tinc  <\onguif  n'nc  ,<\U\fUdif  livic  Com  n'nc 
AtAfo^Mf  n'nc  T)oiiinxMtt  (ó'  nmi X)\\at)  Síot  T)on'inxMtt) 
mrc  Kdgiu\itt  n'nc  eoin  ifiic  .Aonguif  Óig. 

ui$e<\Ktu\  mOmóui. 

Aitín  uuc  ,<\itín  tinc  x\itín  lílóif  nnc  AUfTMif  11110 
A1U11  lilóif  tinc  TXuugditt  tiuc  Kdgn,ditt  ÍMm  tinc  Aitín 
ítnc  KuAi>ót\í  ttnc  A1U11  tinc  Kdgn,dittiiiic  eóm  tinc  Aongtnf 

ci$e.AKiu\  tnnne  Oa\$L^. 

TDormtdtt  ^opn  tiiAe  KdgiiAitt  Oig  riiic  KdgiixMtt  tfnc 
Áttín  rinc  Cóin  1ílúit)eótvo,dig  rinc  &Uft),dit\  rrnc  x\itín 
tnic  KtiAi*ófí. 


11í  ftnt  tx>  ftioóc  peAjvó-d  AgAin  \\e  n-A  ctifv  fíof  A]\ 
fLiocc  T)oiíiiiaiLI  a  liíle  a$  a  bftnL  cigeAfnAf  acc 

Siof  T)omiu\LL  iiiac  T)oiimAiLL  iinc  Sif  SéAmtnf  ttiic 
T)orinu\itt  $tii|\ni  Ó15  n'nc  51°tLA-CAfbtn5  triic  T)omnAiLL 
£uijuti  SAgfAiiAig  iinc  T)oiiinAiLL  Jtnfim  *°0  niAfvbAt)  mÁ 
OtLén  T)oniiÁm  tinc  T)oriniAiLL  $iuiAmAig  11'nc  T)otímAiLL 
JaLLaiJ  ir»ic  tlúifcnnn  (ó'  fÁiceAf  SíoL  tltnfcttim)  rfnc 
cVLAfOAifv  a  íiÍLe  nnc  T)omnAiLL  a  tiÍLe  .1.  céAT)  tAflA  Roif 
tjo  CLomn  T)otiinAitL  tfnc  Com  ríric  Aongwf  Ó1£. 

tnAticós  AonunoniA : 

.1.  RAgnALL  Óg  mAC  tlAgnAiLL  AfAmiAig  ttnc  SorhAifvLe 
thiróe  tfnc  &Láx*Q&\y  tfnc  Com  CAíÁnAig  riiic  Com  rrnc 
T)orhnAiLL  t)ALLAig  ttnc  Com  ltlóif\  tfnc  Com  ttnc  Aongtnf 
01S  í  ^JS^f  ™ac  a  TjeAfbfvÁcAf  'ha  oigfe  Anoif  Ajt  An 
ttlAfvCóf,  .1.  IxAgnALL  Ó5  mAC  ALAfOAif  rhic  RAgnAiLL. 

tlí  fAicmi  X)o  fLiocc  A5  a  bftnL  mnme  T)Áf  gem  ó 
Com  tT1óf\  acc  tAf La  AoncttomA  Aguf  ctgeAf nA  nA  leAf^n 
Cemncífige  Af  fLiocc  ítAgnAiLL  t)Ám  tinc  Com  tVlóif, 
ctgeAfnA  tia  bpinsinjgeA'ú  1  sCmncírve,  Af  fLiocc  Aongtnf 
ÍLig  tinc  Com  CAtÁnAig. 

|  SÍOt    tCOIT)  AgttS  SÍOt  UORmÓVO. 

Uofmóx)  Ó5  niAC  Com  rinc  Com  tfnc  (.1.  RtiAiTjfí  ttlójt) 
tinc  Uoftnóro  trnc  ALAfT>Aifv  mic  ttiLLiAm  rfnc  Com  mic 
tliLLiAtn  trnc  gioLLA-CoLtnm  tfiic  UofmóiTj  ó'  fÁiceAf  SíoL 
Uofvmóro  tfuc  teoro  ó'  fvÁiceAf  SíoL  teoiT),  mAfv  cá,  IVIac 
teoiT>  teoTJtíif  Agtif  1TIac  teoro  nA  nCAtuvú. 

T)o  b'eoLAó  T)t3mn  cm^eAf  hiac  An  tltiAiTjfí  tílóif  fin 
.1.  Com  A11  ctgeAfvn<\  Agtif  tltiAilófí  Agttf  UofvmóT),  LhLLiAm 
Avup  T)oifitiALt.  IpibéAL  ingCAn  T)on'inAiLt  tínc  AongtHf 
r)o    rtiAc<\if    áCA    .1.    UigeAfvnA    aii    cSfóim    Agtif    ^Lmne 



11i<xtt  íTlótA  tTlAC  1Tlui|teAt)Ai5  ccc. 

*oo   tttnvi'ófi*  Wóf  tTUc   teoro. 

Sé  noi-óóe  ^óArh-f^  j\aii  t)ún — 

tlíon  o'é  An  comnriie  f  Attfa  ftuvp  : 
Cuifm  Uontn^f  '5Á  tntie  a  nóf — 

pon-Vjfug  móf  if  tíonriiAf  ftti-Ag. 


UeAgtAó  ah  nge  -a^  $ac  caod, 

£á  ní  <an  friiie  riieA'ófuvc  riióf  : 
peff*oe  ftiAHtine-Af  fútA  411  fío£ 

tíon  CAt-d  1  n-nAigneAf  pá  ót. 

5áif  n^  sctÁi|\feAó  'f  n^  ^ctiAó  "oqvom, 

A5  iiaó  gnÁtAó  f  tuvt  11Á  f  eAtt : 
5ái-[\  n-A  mbtei'óe  VjfteAfSAó  Ofionn  ; 

tionn  nie-Afg-Aó  if  ceme  te-Ann. 


Hí  ó'  n-ototn-f  AisneA'ó  úf, 

Cong^Ait)  a  óAraf  eArii  jaó  ctuf : 
'TU  fíog-Oftig  ní  tiAiftms  ót 

X>Á  ftóg  tíonriixV|\  fAiffm^  fidt. 


pce  meif^e  tmn  $ac  Uvoi— 

tloóAf  teif^e  tmn  nó  té  : 
£iú  1  ne-Aju;  Áf  mbe^t-di'ó  t>o  t>í 

CeatAif j  a  C|\í,  /A  fe^cc  te  fé. 



III.  Suinre-Ajt'óAóc  if  !&&ol  AtAft)Ai]t 

rhic  coua. 

[StioCc  teAttAitt  t)uit>  Cuwne  ftAgnAttt.] 

— ♦ —  - 

CottA  triAC  AtdfOAijt  mic  6om  CAtÁnAtg  A^tif  51°ttA- 
eapbtiis  -nA  triAC  At^e  fo  A^tif  mgeAti  1iltc  t1it)tm  fÁ 
mÁtAit\  >óó.  T)o  tfiAC  a^  51°tt^-CAft>tn5  .1.  CottA  ;  ct\níit\ 
niAC  a^  CottA  evot-jt  é  A^tif  mgeAn  ttAgnAttt  rhic  SéAmutf 
.1.  510l-tA-GAft)tii5  ^S^f  tlAgnAtt  A^tif  AtAft>Ait\  ;  t>o 
CAf t>Án  An  c-AtAfiDAtx  fom  é  fém  50  íiéif caócac  tÁ  thiti 
T)óiu\ig  Atrif  te  comifion   Ttíog  SéAfttnf  50  tiAtbAtn. 

1\Agtu\tt  AtuntiAó  riiAC  SoriiAifte  rinc  AtAfOAif  iinc 
6oin  CAtÁnAig  t)o  ftiAitv  ceAtmAf  fteAóCA  Com  lilóif  .1. 
lAftA  AonCftomA.  T)0  gdt)  CÓtjt  Af  A  vÓÚtAlg  ó  ílíg  SéAtntif 
ah  feifriieAt)  ó  t)tm  t)AntiA  50  CotvjiÁn  tAtAfnA,  obiií 
1636*  ct  sepultus  Mergia.: 

AtAfDAt^  mAC  Soriuifte  t>A  tmme  Cfó^óA  teo  gAivcA  ah 
^Aif^eAó  fom,  50  tiÁifigte  t  n-AgAró  SAgfAtiAó  A£nf 
Ctomne  thtitm.  T)o  cttAtó  vo  ctmsnArii  te  ínngm 
^óeAfOfÁtAtx  a  AtAt\  .1.  1ngm  T)uit>  SéAtntnf,  An  ti>eAn  x>o 
t>í  Ag  Ó  T)otfmAitt  .1.  Aoi)  ttiAC  ITlAgnnif  1  n-AgAró 
ÓAgfAiiAó  Agnf  T>o  ttnc  fé  te  CAipcín  1TlAt\mét  te  íiatmif 
oróóe  A^uf  *oo  beAtuvó  a  ceAnn  *oe  Af  ótun  11015  AbAif^ 
tocA  tApÁm,  Agtif  x>o  ctnfeAf)  50  t)Aite  AtA  Ctu\t  am 
coAtm  -ojtif  T)o  ctnt\eA*ó  a  óofp  1  niAmifcif  t)eif\c.  AtiiAit 
A'ooi}\  t)fiAH  Ó  5™™  : 


111ionn  fút  CifeAnn  1  n-At  CtiAt — 
1T1o  g-pÁfj  *oon  t)éit-T)eAt\s  nÁf  £>Aot : 

CeAtm  50  fío*ó-fntiAkó  cémi  óf  óáú  ; 
A  gnÁt  fém   'j;<Á  míon-gmtA'ó  riiAot. 


"Oo  01  T>'Aijv6e  1  n-tu\  n^  sConn — 

ftí  xríob  QAit\bjte  ua  ^cuaó  feAng 
'gÁ  juibe  Ge^|\c  6LÁi|t  n.A  bponn — 

óf  cionn  6Á1§  gn^  6tCA6c  a  CeAnn. 

A  beit  5^n  fior  nío^  b'Áitt  teif — 

A  gnÁt  £ur  A-mug  A-tioif 
'5^  6éib  ríiíon-ríu\oit  6tAnn-tn«p  6-Aif, 

'gÁ  ríiAtt-ftut  gtAlf  f\íog-tdoi6  j\oi|\ 

An  miAti  butt  £iu\t  *oon  §caI  t)onti 

Anuig  1  n-.&t  CltAt  'jjá  6101111  : 
T)ob'  é  nnAii  -a  iyu\La6  feAtig 

5aii  óeann  *o'f\\lA6  *oon  pAl  fionn. 


CeÁnn  au  f-Abju  ttotrAig  "óttíit 
lle  vi^fA1D  S^tibA,  f\e  s-áoit : 

Cu\tt  1110  ríu-ríu\Annu\  óf  cionn   641 6 
Tflionn  bt.Áit  aii  rhín-e-Af\LA  ríiAott. 


putAtis  ftieACCA  'gá  fotc  FUP 
T)o  6teAéCA>ó  t>á  6-|\ut  m&fi  fmtu\t : 

Aom-6eAnn  *oob'  oiivoexVj\c,A  ^níoríi — 
Síon  fju\oi6-te,Ann  oigjte-AncA  fiutjt. 


CeAtin  1  n-Aitvoe  aj\  fiogjtAib  cf\omn, 
A  Aifvoe  111  niongn-A'ó  tinn  : 

TMot  a  togtA  1  scAtAoiit  Ctnnn 
11ír>*\  ttntt  c,AtA0i|\  C|\omtA  cmn. 



Um  óearm  ngcAt  í  fidCxvó  tiifi 

?5<*  mbi.Aii-g^'ó  ce^f  Agtif  ctiaró 
niirnc  bium-eoiii  Af\  ftit>  n-áig 

5o  T)Utis  ,6Ái&  5Um-feoit  ^  gtiuaíú. 


CeAnn  í  CotU  'gá  ng-dt  ge^tt 
T)ot)'  fAt  *oó  A  ÓO-jU  óf  a  gcionn 

5«^  ti'Ainitt  *óóit>  "o'tixMfte  Atin 
tUifte  Játt  stijt  Cóif  fán  gaonn, 


tVTionmume  te  nA^órJAit)  f-AOitt 

tTTionnrhAf  te  gAtUMtt  '*&  $f uavó  : 

A  ftoft  btró  coitt  •o-Ag-f-AfgAi'ó  T)tiinn 
le  ftnt  moitt  x\LAfT)xMf  ti-Ain. 


5núf  nÁ«|A  50  nT)éA*o  ftiom-gtAn  feang 
SgéAt  ton^nA'ó  te  CÁ6  ón  Cionn  : 

Cottt  coiméATXA  CfíCe  "^Alt 

foigé^A  a  CUnn  ttfíte  tjfionn. 


JeAtt  ón  fóf  45  Sfíf  A  St^At), 
An  ce^nn  t>óf  mAtt  T>o  £>í  f  \Án  : 

5^n  Cteit  T)o  £>í-f  ean  'f  *oo  £>ia*ó  ; 
A  £>eit  fiAífi  ífCAt  níof  t>'<Át.* 

*  tt*iU£R.O. 



Acá  uaiui  1  n-Aot-iiiúf  Jyxtfe 

títo  óeami  T)Á  óaorif-éúl  cuac  bfionn  ; 

t>tu\ige  fiem  bf\eic-fe  'na  ^ceAim 
CeAnn  Ati  ifieic-re  ITUifle  Af\  mtonru 

Illionn  fíit  6i|\eAnn  1  nAc  CUac. 

T)0     Ctllf    A11     tA01*Ó-fe     T>'fiACAib    a\\     ^AttAib     CCAim 
AtAf>0]U\n  T>0  tAt>A1|\C  AtlUAf. 

[t)A     COt     CeAtjUVI^     'O'.AtAI^      At  AfDAI^     1111C     CollA     All 
C-AtAfDA^  fO.] 

CúiseAf  111AC  t>o  bí  Ag  AtAfOAii\  h'iac  Com  ÓACAHAig  1 
n-éAgiuMf  *ÓoiiniAitt  t)AttAig  t>o  bí  t>aU.  ^\iO*t\  'óíob 
fo  t>o  *ónt  fttiAg  tnófl  'ú'éif  11111  .1.  SéAinuf  Ajguf  Aonguf 
tUibfeAó  Aguf  SoriiAifte,  50  nWAf  11^*0  ton^pofc  teo  1 
ngteAim  SeifS  'rnA  5lirm1^*  0  lléitt  .1.  SeAÁn  riiAC 
Cunm  t)ACAig  rinc  Cnmn  rinc  énifí  n'nc  CogAin  T)o  CAbAi-fC 
Amnif  toii5po|VC  of\|\A  Aguf  Aonguf  tlAibfeAC  t>o  riiAfoA^o 
Atm.  SéAmnf  t>o  gAbÁit  bnAitue  Atm  A$tif  T)o  éA^  1 
nTXm  JeAiiAnm  A^tif  t>o  ctutteA'ó  1  t\Sfto  IÍIaca. 
SoriiAi|\te,  Af\  nibeit  fAT>A  a^  tÁnii  *óó,  *oo  téit;eA>ó  Af  é, 
Agtif  "oo  póf  TllÁit\e?  mgeAn  Cnmn  t)ACAig. 

CottA  1T1AC  AtAfDAIJt  íiuc  Com   ÓAtÁHAlg,  A11   CfeAf  111 AC 

fA"  feme  *óíob,  t>o  fuig  ah  fttiCA  Af  tÁriiAib  Ctomne  tlibtm. 
X)o  éAx;  1  n*Oún  tibf  e,  A£uf  T)Á  éif  f m  T>o  gAb  SoriiAit\te  ah 


IV.  motAt)    SmnreAH   Ajtif   5^oit 

AU\rOA1fl    ttllC    COttA. 

— + — 

Ó  lié<\rmA  t>o  funne  fo  T)'eoin  a  tiíte. 

[StioCc  teAt)Aif  *Ótnt>  Ctotnne  Ka$tiaiU.] 


Ce-dnn^f  S-AoróeAt  t)o  CtAtnn  CottA — 

Cóif  a  f  óSfA  : 
Siat)  Afíf  'n-A  scAÚAit)  cé-AtmA, 

ftAtA    fÓT>U. 


Ce-AnnAf  étfteAnn  Aguf  AtbAn 

An  ftnnn  gfi^n<ái$ 
AcÁ  a's  ^n  *ofeim  ftnttg  f^ottfAig — 

CtH^rÓ    CttAtUt'Ó. 


pti^m  ceAtin^f  nA  UAtcme  tnte 

eom  a  níte  : 
fuAi«t\  /AUvpuAif  ftat  n4  féite 

TUt  n^  fíge. 


'OorhnAtt,  eotti  At;tif  T)Á  Aonguf 

MílÁn  ftAt  f-Aoitró  : 
CeAtjuf  x>o  £>e,An  ft^f  t)o  fíogAtt 

'S  T>Áf  gt&tt  ^01*011-* 



DorhtiAtt  if  TÍAgiiAtt  *oon  fíogrvAit) 

tliAtíi  nÁf  ciígAt) : 
SotíiAiftte  nAf  tfieAtt  a  motAt) 

Cednn  ha  gcutiA'ó. 

Ce-Attut\  ó  SorhAifte  fíit-got\m 

Sti-Af  50  Stnttne  : 
CcAtfAf  fni  nÁf  b'fóttt  *  n-inntfie — 

Cóif\  a  sctntnne. 


SeifeAf  ó  Ótnrjne— fíom  rvAttnaf — 

50  tlíg  CottA  : 
pon  ,ACA  fÁ  X)-\\ua6aiX)  tXAtWA 

A  CUAÓA10  corvfvA. 

TM  n-Áifrinnn  a  T)CÁmi5  tnme 

T)'ttAiftiE>  $A,oróeAt, 
t)éim  Af  én-gtúm  u<Aró  go  rufa>Aini 

ttí  ftiAi-r\  Aom-feAfv. 


A5  Y°    ZfG*T  *°°    $WeAtAÓ    $AOrÓeAt, 

tn^f  x>o  ge-AttAf : 
An  T>t\eAtn-fA  fif  ri-Áf  £°1t*  corme-Af, 
'S  T)Ár\  óótp  ceannAf . 

^Oob'  é  Com  a  titte  feo  céATi-ttlótvtfuotv  Infe  Jy\tt ; 
'o'&Aj  fé  ctiAJfrm  'f  Ati  t>tiAt)Ain  1386.  'Sé  Aongttf  Óg 
tTUc  T)otfinxMtt  T)ob'  AtAif  t>ó,  Aguf  nAit)  fm  mArv  ah 
ScéAT)nA  *oo  fíotftng  CtAnn  T)orimAitt  AoncfvomA  Af\  Tríob 
AtAf  T>Aif  mAC  Co  Ua. 

*  ttAc  £Ótll,  R.C.  —     - 

V.  motAí)  tthc  *Óotím<MU. 

pte  éigm  fo  &**»• 
[fílioóc   teAPAif  ^OeifS  Ctomne  TtA$nAitt.] 

píof  mo  tíiotA'ó  :    Af  tíUc  T)onitiAitt, 
Cnf  te'  sceAnstAtm  :    curi  gAó  corhtAmn. 


CftofOe  teorhAin  :    tÁtii  nÁf  ctigAft. 
5tiAi|\e  S^oi'óeAt :    Aom-feAf  "VIUvó. 


[Aom-feAf  'UtA'ó]  :    cÁt  ha  bpobAt/ 
UofS  te'  ^115^*0:    cofg  iia  SCogAtt. 


5l\iAti  nA  nJ'Aoi'óeAt :    gntiif  1  CottA  ; 
^a  bftiAó  t)AtmA  :    tttAt  a  tongA. 


Ctntéti  conf  ai'ó  :    coifgeAf  fogtA. 
Crioifte  cnnntA  :    bite  tUntU. 


Uíf  'ha  ceAnnAtt :    ^oetfs  Via  fteAgAró. 
A  beAfC  btmAi'ó  :    ceAóc  50  UeAtfiAiji. 

1YleAf  jj<vó  ttlrúe  :    onóú  fte. 
Pféirh  nA  féite  :    CféAti  ^aó  cífe. 


tlíof  éAf  Aom-feAf  :    nó  *oÁtrh  T>oittg 
CfAob  ftAt  omtg  :    ó  fiA*o  n-Oitig. 


tlíof  fÁf  tnme  :    aóc  fíognA  tf  fíogA— 
ptugte  fíorvd  :    fíofl  mo  rhotA'fr. 


ITIac  CotUx. 

He-Aó|iAr»tiAó  .1.  gUflK\  t)e-as  ttUc  51oLU  llltn^e  t>'imiif« 


i.  StnpeÁ-n  AUfoaif . 
t>Á  l  CotU  T)uO  41111  Agtif  OÁ  itl\^  Aige  ah  *  tu\0  AU|U\in 
ttUC  CotU  -Alf  Agtlf  fUAIf  A  111ÁC<\111\  04f  ^gti^  póf  A  AC.\1J\ 
-AftífC  Agllf  CA  t\<\0  í  3  (.1,  x\  IIIÁCAIf  céite  *)  nuit  T)Ó  AJJUf 

Oíot)  é  5  a'  mit  -<\  tuige  tiú  ctiicim  *  iu\  tioi*óce.  ^s  ahi 
f  uipeif  iaaca'ó  ife  te  n-4  f  uipeÁf  Agtif  'oeifeA'ó  í  50  món  : 

11  eífig,  <<\  AUfoaif ,  if  ^Uc  "oo  fuipeAfw" 

TteifeAt)  eifeAti  :    4Í  goi'oé  tÁ  'uti  ?  " 

T)eife<<yó  tfe  50  OeAg  :    "  JTeoit  *oo  con  ééif.7  " 

TteifeAt)  eifeAu  :   "  C\  gUc  mí  fréiii.8  " 

T)eifeAt)  ife  :    "  tÁ  9  é  OUc." 

T)eifeAt)  eife^n  Afífc  :    "  Cax>  ac<S.10  " 

Avmfiii  t>eif  eAt)  if  e  50  móf  Annf  in,  t)óig  if  50  sctumeAt) 
a  ACAif  \  '$£  Cuf  Af  a  coif  :  "  eítug  !    eífig  I  " 

["O'-posluim  gtAt/bA  t)eA5  An  fgéilín  fin  ó  AlbAHAc,  aji  cuhia 

50      fAlb    "  5tACC  "     A15G      A1111       1      H-1011A-O    "  5tAC  "     ACÁ      A5      11A 

UeACjtAniiACAib  ;    ntAji  fin  *oo  nu"OAíb  eile  leif  .1«   ucat)  AtÁ," 

11.  A11   Oit)óe  I0115A11CAC. 

X)Á  AUfOAf  45  ah  *ootuif.     T)uOaii,\c  x\  ac<\ii\  leif  : 
í;  501*06  ati  feói\c  oi"óce  acá  aihi  ahocc  ?  " 
"  O,"    AffA    AUftMf,    "  oit)óe    féAbogAó,    fófoogAc 
í\u\tcogAc,  gex\Uige,  5A11  tutut),  $<\n  uifge."  , 

"  "Cá  omce  longAncdc  Ann,"  Aff'  ah  c-AtAif. 

1 .1.  bí.  a.i.  a.  3.1.  t/í.  *.i.  a  leApiiÁtAi|i.  5.1.  fé.  6  nó 
le  c«iciin.  7"cér.''  8  "  liér."  9CÁ  (1  UacIaiIwi).  i0Cax> 
acá  (UAclAinn)  .1.   niÁ  cÁ. 


11  Caii  ptnt  n&f  ll  ionjy\tic<\lSe  iu\  niotc  tn\\t^iv\  b!t,a 
'5A  úrAfoeAéd'ó  13  Agtif  14é  'na  Aineot1*  *ó,<\tTi-pA  !  " 
l)\\itnig  v\  AtAif  v\nnpm  m\C  iu\b  6  <\'  jMgáit  óific.11 

III.  Cojwn  <\n  Ux\ipb. 

Cé  l>\\|\  bic,  b:\  c&fto  móji  pctceAó  ag  x\  Ataifi  AS^Í1 
T>ub\Aif\c  *\  iíiácai-|\  óéite  tcip  50  t>o  16  u\^\  a  <\t<\ii\  ai-|\ 
cofAti  17  <\n  cx\i-|\b  á  tv\0^ii\c  ifce-Aó.  Ciwó  AUfOAjt 
<\nu\c  AStíf  fcAffl&itij;  é  m\  cojwn  -c\p  A11  CcV|\b  Agtip  tug 
e  tpccv\c  '11111  coigc  uvo. 

IV.  Connc^T)  <\n  Uoigc. 

t)Á  a  a\caii\  pqu\iceit 18  50  fAb  é  com  Uitmi\  <\gup 
CstU\1t)  é  x\iimc  ^gup  t>'Mfit  é  x\f  AUpxMiv  x\11  coig  A 
coinieÁt),19  éx\5x\t  20  50  'ocige^  t\obwifiec\n  S1  lonnptnge 
au  coige,  x\5tip  cÁim£  é  pém  mp  ,<\n  >oot\up,  x\'  tei^eAn  x\ii\ 
Vém  sti<|\  i\obx\iit  aa  a  X)Á  ann,  Agup  bi  eipe-dn  a'  ptnpeAt)  a3 
ipceAó  <\n  t>of\uip,  4gtip  ^uAi-jt  AUpt>-A-|\  cof  SiUp^  A^ttp 
puca*  é  pj\í"o  x\n  t)oiuip  é  4£up  ótni\  é  x\n  cpúit  <<\p  a  -Atwif. 

[11!  t>óc&  50  bpuit  ctmiA  r\A  víttmne  A]\  t\a  pjgéitíníb 
piti  ciix\p,  aóc  có  ói\eiT>pe<vó  t>on  cfe-Atipgé-AUi'óe-Aóc  ? 
tlí't  mnci  x\óc  pgédt.] 

11  nAip  ipAn  5CAiu\iiu\ini:  (jtoim  1-)  .1.  tiíop.  12  .1.  beit. 
13  .1.  íipÁi*o  14  "  aha  Ámneon,"  iuaji  AT>\ibAittAp  ;  ■oubAinc  ^tApbA 
t)0A5  uÁjt  tuig  pé  é.  15 "  fair  play."  16.1.  511^.  17.1.  copA. 
18i.  pcnÁiceAiiiAil  (.1.  bpó\)AriiAit,  cóijicéipeAc,  iiÍ5méAT)Ac). 
19  '  watcháil."  ^-o'ca^Ia.  ai.i.  nobAi)tí,  5A-oAi\>te.  aa.i. 
HobAme,   5At>Aix>e.       a3.i.    cioniÁinc      a4.i.  ctnji. 

VII.    Ceót   1f&   AtAfTDAItt    ITlAC   CottA. 

Tlí  ti^on  tongnxvó,  Agtif  -a  fiAit)  ve  cáit  «Agtif  t)e  ctú  ^fi 
AUftxAtf  rhAC  CottA  fá  n-A  gníohiAftAib  S-Aifge,  50 
rjftnt  CftÁcc  oftA  1  ftoinn  eite  /oen  eAtxVóAm.  T)o 
ctnfteA'ó  ixvo,  ní  hé  -AhUtn  1  fgpítnnn,  -acc  1  gceót  coth 
niAit  cé<At)n,A. 

Uá  i)Á  píofA  ceóit  -AgAinn  ^n  mAfCAin  go  t>cí  -An  U\ 
mt)itt  50  rjftttt  t>tút-ráAinc  -aca  te  hAtAftMtf.  *Oe 
fag-Af  éagf-AriiAit  5-aó  ce^nn  -aca  .1.  xMhfán  -A£tif  mátfvfe-Áit. 
Rut)  eite,  111  tn  n-Aon  cíf  -AriUtn  t>o  coimeátXAtj  1-At>.  1f 
ut)  oite^n«At§  1nfe  5-^t  AUiAti  tx>  CAothxMn  .An  c-xMrifÁn, 
^sttf  tf  1AT)  fflintfintg  ConcAe  CofáAige  t>o  céAtD-fogttnm 
<An  riUtffeÁit,  if  t>óc,A,  -A^tif  t>o  óotn^tb  ctntrine  tnfti  nó 
gttft  te-AtAtKAf  -Af  ftiT)  n^  hétfe-ánn  í  nó  fA  líltituAin  -Agtif 
1  gConn^óCAirj  af  aon  Cfttge. 

Ctngimto  'ÚS,  tuat)  Af  ^n  meit)  fin,  .1.,  (I)  5^  óotm-tDe^f 
Aguf  ^ttf  óum>A  "o'ALdfttatf  'na  AttMruAó  nó  Via  éif  eannAt 
— t*A  S-Ae'óeAt  6  a^ttf  t)^  teóf  *oó  fm — -A^ttf  t)Á  tifíg  fm 
gtif  £Ág  fé  <d  tofs  1  ^ceót  -An  x>Á  t:ír\  t)3n  Ufé-fóTj  50 
mhío'ó  hAinc  Ai^e  teó  AfAon  ;  (2)  sttf  cothfotnn  *oi  óétte 
Atb-A  Agttf  éif e  tnf  -An  f5&At  fo  AtAftMtf  (nó  Atdfojttiim 
<Ajt  nóf  n<A  HflurhAn)  Af  ótrniA  n^ó  fétt)ir\  ctmnc-Af  lomtán 
-A  rjeit  <A$,Ainn  ^tjt  ó  tíf  -AriUm  -aoa. 

Ctnrvtm  fíof  «Annfo  1  n-áf  ntHAit)  <Af  rjtt-Att  ttm^m  t>e 
ttiAififg  -Af  Ar*  v&  Pí°V Á  éeott : 

Ati  uArhjiáii. 

'fíí  ^n  rh-Atgoean  tlAfAt  Vit^nn^ó^  tltc  UotmAig  *  t>o 
tiffttng  uALAft)Aif  'hnc  ó-hó.n     1    mt><AfriA   (.1.  oiteAn 

*  Journal  of    the  Folk-Song  Society,  No.   16,  p.  257  (AnrjiÁn 


i/1npl)  5^1L)  'fQAó  ftuif  fí  é.  Aiii^Un  voe  tionin  11 A 
"  tunnieos  "  é,  *oo  ttinneAt),  b'féi'oijt,  te  U1111  AU\fDAif\ 
péw  á  tteit  beó  nó  fjgAtAitfifn  be-A5  'n-A  tHAfó  fm.  f&Aó 
nu\-|i  U\lx\ifce«Att  A1111  ,Af  rii-Atituvó  ÚigeAfn^  Ac^ró  11-A 
nit>|\eAC,  Af  tof5-A*ó  ^tAfóó,  «A^uf  .Afi  OuAiit-TJexVóAin  .a 
óett  x>6  cjte.ACx.vo,  -A^tif  gtiji  "ÍlVOé  "  *00  CUótA  fe^|\  .A11 
,\n'i«jiÁin  curo  •oe  iu\  f^éAUMt)  fin   .1.  "  5^fóó  A  ^eit  ^5 

*OUt   'll-A    tAf-Alfl." 

Ó  tÁ]\l&  50  t)ftnt  A11  5-Ae^óits  ftvmwú  a\\  cAoriin-A'ó  ^5 

1ngl1l     -A11     UotlTI-Alg     'fé     lU,t)     ^00     ^IHH^'Af-f'A     -A1111fO     -AÓC 

•oéAiiAiii  -aii  6i|ieAniiACAif  X)o  cu]\  a\\  -A11  AtbxMi.AC.Af.  Acc 
cui^ce-Af  UxMui  11AÓ  ftnt  oifeAT)  if  foc>At  -Atfungte  óm 
U\im-re,  niA|i  iiaó  •oé-AfnA  -agc  5t\.AnixyoAc  (.1.  nóf  5ttxMméif) 
11  &  liéitteAnn  *oo  ctin  1  n-ion,AT>  stumxmAige  11.A  tiAttMn. 
Í1-Á  có5t-Ai\  ottm  5ti«(t  com5t>eAf  rpí  focAit  h-ac  ftiit 
coicceAnn  1  néifmn,  .1.  "50  n-eAjttXAinn  "  (.1.  50  mbe.A'ó 
ftnt  ^5-Am  te,  50  mbexvó  ioniic,Aoib  110  mtnnigm  A^Am  Af)— 
focAt  fíof-Se(An-$,Ae>úit5e  é  feo  nAó  féi*oi«p  a  f^ttugA'ó 
-ají  riiéxvo  a  -Aoife  A^tif  a  fítunmge,  Anxé"t)o  cuAtvoóCxVó 
5tti-Aifé-Ann-A  -A11  Sc|Uó4n,Aig,  erbaid,  no-m-erpimm,  if, 
111Á  cxMtte<Am-Ai|t-ne  1  bfuf  é,  ní  mifoe  é  Dett  beó  t^tt ; 
4t  uifi  "  (.1.  t3fti>Ac),  fin  focAt  bíof  50  nnon  mniic  1  fsé^t- 
xMW-acc  Áy  leAX)A]\  Utii  ;  "  ptoc  "  (.1.  co^tp,  "OxM-jtc,  fót)), 
foc-At  -a  tui^fexVú  *ouine  Af  x\n  Scoibge,  cé  haó  f uit  f é 
&]\  bAit  1  bpuf  45^11111,  t)om  iút  fétn. 

'Se  yxm  t)o-ní  <An  CrArhjtáti  fo  CxMtféim  AtAfXMijt  t)0 
ceitc\AbfA*ó  'ótnnn. 

An  ttl^ijAfeAit. 

\f  toríróA  fg&At  á\\  "  ÍÍUiffeáit  AtAfOfuim:"  Seo  mAt\ 
00  tAbxMjt  Smicii  1  11--A  fC-Aif  -Af  Connt-Ae  CojtCAige  :  "'UA 
jWóAf  ceoit  Ann  x\cá  ^n-xMfce-Aó  A^uf  cog4  -aii  eotAtf  Ai^t 
f\*n  itlun'ixMti  Ó11  xMnm  ITI^i^feÍit  AtAfottunn — fitLeAf^ 
fiA*Ov\in  é  *oo  |\iniK\vó  1  11-onóif  -An  CAoipg  fin,  ^5uf  g  \:Á 


AifiTj-rheAf  as  JjAeTjeAtAiO  50  tjcI  An  \Á  azá  moiu  Ann, 
50  mbíonn  tjA  femm  aj\  a  rjfteATjAiD  50  téiri."  éifC 
f6f  te  ruXmeif  teif  ó  St^^^S  1í1f  AT1  CAJt^  ^00  6ta1T*  f  ^  ^ 
**  C6nui$eA6c  í!)iArimuTjA  Asuf  $fu*irme  "  :  "  ^  ctiirhne 
Afl  6At  Cnuic  nA  n-Of  (nT)of)  tjo  Oánri  puinc  píot)AirieA6cAf 
te  n-Af*  fiutUit  f  UiAg  fhic  TiotnnAitt  An  tá  útj.  UA  co$a 
An  eotuif  A1|\  1  nTjeifceAnc  nA  TtéineAnn  ón  Atnm  tTUin- 
feátt  AtAfonutm  .1.  mÁinfeÁit  nó  cniAtt  -AtAfOAin  nó 

'Sé  ÓAmonn  t)uncms  *  tjo  6uif  An  ponc  fo  1  fsnfomn. 
TJein  fé  Aft  t.  1X  "oe  6tán  AtnmneA6A  t>6AftA  nA  Ofonn  if 
nA  t)ponc  guji  6  píobAine  1  sCAtAin  ua  tTlAnc  1  sConnTjAC 
íftuigeo  1  sConnAtCAlO  a  fUAif  fé  6.  f  asauti  fom  j;u|\ 
nóf  pfot>AineA6cA  nA  ^ConnAóCAó  azS  Ain  fÁ  uia|\  acá 
f6  Annfo  'n-ár*  nTjiAtTj.  ílí  fiof  Tjúinn  A|\  fSpíot>At>  nóf 
nA  ttturhAn  Ai|\  fóf  fiAtfi. 

ó'f  ní  6  gtifl  cui(\  thmcins  An  ttainfe-Áit  feo  1  r-oineA- 
rfiAinc  Tjon  piAnofoncc  te  cn6nAn  uaitj  f6m,  tjo  meAfAf 
náft  t>*foA|\|\  TjAtn  nuTj  tjo  Tj6AnfAinn  nA  An  cfónin  fom 
tjo  6ons6\Ait  Annfo,  mAn  ^uriAt)  6  An  piAnoforice,  p6  toóc 
azá  Ain,  An  5,t6Af  ceoit  if  cneife  Aguf  if  lomtdme  Aguf 
if  coic6mne  aj\  bit. 

Án  nÁTj  $Á  tjsoitj  'nA  teit  feo,  ^unAt)  6  An  snAf  Á  &1 
riiAtfi  An  t>Ait  cuineAtfi  nó  CAomeA*ó  a|\  An  U\o6  1  uTjetjteATj 
An  teAt>Ain  inA  mtrionn  An  fCAin  Af  a  OeAtAiTj.  Tlí 
fuAnAmAf  Aon  cutneAtíi  Ajt  AtAfonom  mAC  CottA  rpiA 
teAt>riAit>,  1  sctó  nÁ  1  fSfíOmu,  aóc  c4  feAnn  cuineAtn 
•oo  Ooatj  A|\  a  teit6it>  *oe  tAOif eAó  "  Afm-'óeAns  6a6c- 
rhmic  "  A^uf  An  "  a  togA  neifimemce  t>o  $AorOeAtAit> 
óirieAnnAC  Agtaf  AU>atía6  tjo  Of  ciúnCA  A|\  tárhA6  AS«f 
ceA$rhA  aj\  Cfoirj  "  nÁ  An  rh^infeiit  feo  'n-Af  nrjiAit)  te 
n-Af  tfiAttATjA|\  6um  CAtA  ^11  U\  TjeineArmAC  tja  fAogAt 
.1.  IS  Ciiuic  nA  nT3of  ? 

*  The  Aneient  Musie  of  Iroíand,  t.  83  "oeti  éeot  y éin  A^uf 
f  Aif  néif  At^e  paoi  A|i  U.  91,  92  -oen  CAtnc. 

V  V 

%  2nast)2im,Tnic,  o-no. 

beJwTTlic  SiolU-6oiti  CujíuiluJ 
T>o  jjab  i  n-otleAn  t)4fifiA,  JM  131. 1902. 

TTl  ot>  2.  a.b.*    (p^|tap  7  uoca) 
?o  tneapait~óa  in*o. 


1.  '2U-jf-Tuiu  mic,  0   -  tió!    Coll-a 'juf-Tu,  0  -    I16! 


^ — í 


2tf  no  Úútíi  ^o  n-,0  -  ho,  6anbatnn  t^p-aó,  cuotnetl-e. 



CM  etl-;b  ó-tií,  CdU  ó  hó  uo,CdU  eil-ib  6-hdo,CaU  6  hb  no 



CdH-Ait-ó,  hdo-fti  6,  CdH  6  ho  u6,tluo  i    6    h6,cuom  eU-e. 

*   b.  an  cfom  *oo  cutuedf)  au  an  bponn  fo. 

2.   2tp  t>o  tatttt  50  w— ,  0-ho! 
Sajtbai .nu  x^paó,  0-ho! 
TlUftbaT)  'Ct^eaftua,  O-hó! 
2ÍC4VÓ  tta  mbjteac  leac,  rftotu  etle. 
Luiuueo'g:     Call  eiliB,  7ftl. 

3    'íHaftbaf)  'Ct^eatttta,  0  ho! 
2Jcjuf>  uxv  mbjteac  leac,  O-tto! 
tld-ólacaT)  t  u— ,  O-hó! 
ULi|t  atí  toc7  e,  zpom  etle. 

Lumueoj:     Catt  eiltb,  7jtl. 

4.  TUf>Uc4f)  1  tt— ,#  O-ho! 
tXijt  au  toc'  e,   Q-ho!^ 

5S  $e  bej/5  me  petu,  O-ho! 
btuvtl  mé  ploc  atft,  ^ftom  ette. 
Lur uueo?:     Call  eiltb,  y|tt . 

5    75  ^e  bed/5  tné  £em,  JÓ-tio! 
budtt  mé  ptoc  jujt,  O-ho! 
Cttdta  me  m*oé,  O-ho! 
Sseal  uáft  bUic  ttom,  rjtottt  etle. 
Luwtteo^:     Catl  ethb,  7ftl. 

6.  CxxaXa  mé  ttvoe,  O-ho!  K 
S'géal  náft  b'dic  ttottt,  O-hó! 
3>tAfCtt  a  betc,  O-ho! 

7t)ttt  yt\d  tapatjt,  rftom  ette. 

Lutuueo'j:     Catt  etttb,  7ftt. 

7.  5Ufc5  a  bett,   OUtó ! 
'Dttt  'ttA  taf^ift,  0-ho! 

'S  Obaift-t3ea*óatu?  O-hó! 
\  u"oéfó  c|teacdT>,#c|iottt  ette. 
Lttiutteo^:    Catl  etttb,  7ftí 

Tnamsesni  auasDmitm 

ji  hívó  tjuh  cittnjró  e  noitn  <xn  mbl.1647. 
TTLtel:  «/.=■..  120—  Cnoccan:  8  n-onoUi^. 

/ij^ii  ft  f mf m±rrffJfil>mjrnl.rfr*J=?1 

S***-K — # r        # * g? — +* h-*1 —   é\      1   J5 *P- 







— — — #-- 

J  j  J 





f= f5 


J./  J  j. 





= — : — s~m,m    . 


Aj ^ 




















poctói  \\ 

AdaII  (now  &5aiU),  /.,  apple- 

tree  ;    m'A&Atl  ti]i,  my  fresh 

apple-tree,    is    a     term    of 

A  oe^5,  anything,  any.    [Very 

common  in  Rathlin]. 
Acc  ceAtiA,  however,  howbeit. 
A-obAtinrA,  /.,  advance. 
AtnbjMAC,  an  excessive  or  un- 

just  debt ;  npl.  -ca  ;  gpl.  -c. 
Annb,  /.,  blemish,  stain.    [5u]t 

6'aiiiio  corrected  from  4*gur 

bhainidh  "  of  Rel.  Celt.] 
Aipt>e,  /.,  height ;   "00  bí  -o'a.  1 

n-tiA  ik\  5C01111,  the  descen- 

dant  of  the  Conns  was  so  tall. 
Atmtt  rAobAin,  edged  weapons, 

i.e.  swords,  etc. 
Atmn    teineAT),    firearms,    i.e. 

guns,  muskets,  etc. 
Áite,  m.9  =  Áiu,  /.,  place.    [Cf. 

Áttfd,    place    (Rathlin    and 

v\iúeAf5,   m.9   speech,   advice  ; 

■o'a.  AOin-fMn,  unanimously. 
ól9  /.,  disgrace  ?    (cf.  dat.  Áit, 

Wind. ) ;     desire,    pleasure  ? 

(=  Áil,  ÁiU) ;    Rel.  Celt.  has 


Atiaihi  =  rAtiAim,     I     remain, 
stay  :    -oo    aii  =  "o'-pAtij    re- 

AnÁtp,     metrical     for     01101  ^, 

An-Alr|iA,    m.,     great    foster- 

father  or  fosterer. 
AiiAin,  m.,  life  ;    a  n-AiiAm  tdo 

ÚAb  Atpx  leó,  that  their  Hves 

would  be  spared. 
xMicotritrom,  disadvantage. 
.AniiiAin  =  rAtiriiAinc,     act     of 

staying,  remaining. 
Atntioc,  late. 
x^nnÁlAC,  m.9  annals. 

v\nn  1  =  i,in  ;  nÁjt  b'eolAC  ^1111 
1  T>T:ío|icAib  lilic  CaiIíii,  was 
he  not  acquainted  with  the 
countries  of  Mac  Caiiin 

A-nú  =  inout,  to-day. 

Aot-íh\i]i,  lime-whitened  mans- 

.AoriiAim,  I  assent  ;  -oo  Aorii,  he 
assented,  wished  and  feit 
able  to. 

^1-0-501  ntnét,  chief  general, 

-Á|it)-cAOtpeAc,  chief  comman- 
der,  general. 

AjimÁit,  /.,  army  ;   gen.  -Áile. 

Anoite  =  Acéite,  of  eachother. 

^rtiAccA,  mighty,  manful, 

An^AnncA,  fierce,  furious. 
[AróncA,  cross,  passionate, 
furious  (Wat.)  ;  AfiAtmcA, 
cross,  peevish,  testy  (Con.)]. 

^r  =  rÁr,  m.,  act  of  growing. 

Auac,  m.,  act  of  requesting, 
praying  (followed  by  nm). 

t)Á-OA|\=t)o  bioOAfi,  they  were  ; 

used  relatively=which  were, 

where  *oo  bí  (Sc.  G.  bha)  is 

the  present  usage. 
ftÁOAp,  *oo  =  -oo  bíooAji,  they 

t)ÁÓAr,  00,  perf.  impers.  pass. 

of  AcÁitn,  I  am. 
t)AOi  =  00  bí,  was. 
tDÁjvoA,    m,9    a    garrison ;     pl. 

-aóa  ;   gpl.  bÁr«o. 
toAtA,  m.9  stick,  staff,  cudgel  ; 

A5  5<\bÁit  00  bAUA  A]i,  beating 

.  .  .  with    a    staff.        [Rel. 

Celt.  has  bAtA  here,  but  that 

is  probably  a  seribal  error]. 


bACAittén,  m.f  battalion  ;  d}d. 
-ciiAib.      [The  modern  fonn 
should  be  bAXAilteÁn.] 
béAx>,  m.,  deed.     [Se,  G.  bettd, 
hurt,    injury,    harm,     mis- 
bóini,  /.,  rcproach,  stain. 
biAH-5A*o  =  tMAfi-5At,        skin- 
picrcing   or  stinging,   pcck- 
ing ;    '5Á   nib.,   peeking   onc 
biojv-óiAf,  /.,  point. 
blÁjs  m.,  íield,  plain  ;  a  battle 
(a     secondary     sense     froin 
'  battle-field  ')  ;  5A11  btÁji  5A11 
niACAine  x)o  CADAtfc  lOttttCA, 
without  battle  or  skirmish 
having  taken  place  in  thcm, 
in   which    mACAtfe   is  given 
the  same  sense  (cf.  ntACAtfe 
ah  xniuflÁin,  Mayo).    [btÁjt, 
"  (ield,  plain  '  is  used  in  Don.] 
blÁc,  "  warm/' 
blci-óc,  /.,  goblet,  drinldng  cup. 
&6f  ^  5eóf,  pdf,  still,  yet. 
bnAui-éAti,  raven  ;   npl.  bfAtn- 

bnAf,    brisk,    active,    sudden, 

sup.  bux>  bfAtfe. 
bjtAC,  //?.,  notice,  information  ; 
5AII      X)\\*t     'O'fASAlt      Af      a 
tnbett    A5    ceAcr,    without 
notice   being    got    of    their 
being  about  to  coine. 
bptfeAÓ,  m.,  rout,  defeat  ;    ó 
b.  -oo  5AbÁit,  from  becoming 
bfOftuiJAÓ,  m.,  act  of  exhort- 

ing,  encouraging. 
DtiAtlce,     disablcd,     hors-de- 

Cax)  axá  (acá,  Rathlin),  what 
if  it  is  ? 

CA-otAim,  metrical  for  cox>tAnn, 
I  sleep.  [Cf.  Sc.  G.  caidil, 
cadal.  The  a-  spelhngs  of 
dán  díreach  were  probably 
adopted  from  the  Northern 
dialeotal  forms.] 

CÁit  petceAthitAtf,  state  ol  in- 
debtedness  a=  question  of 
precedence  (?)  i.e.  the  ques- 
tion  as  to  wliat  stato  things 
were  in  as  regarded  what  was 
due  to  either  clan  in  liaving 
precedence  of  theother.  One 
may  perliaps  cf.  fiach  opaid 
of  Strachans  Táin,  p.  3.3. 

CÁi|tx)e— cÁijtx>e  aiiiiia,  quartcr, 
mercy.  [Othcr  terms  aro 
ahacaI,  cotmtfce.] 

CaIax),  ?//.,  ]>aven,  liarbour  ; 
5ii|t  5AbAXK\)t  c,  until  they 
eame  into  harbour. 

CaU,  w.,actof  losing  (cAtUeAX), 
CAtlteAftlAttlc),     loss.  [Jn 

Kerry  andCon.—  loss,  want, 

CAjtAX^tAX),  »>.,  frÍClldsllÍp, 

Ccax)  —  ciox),  although,  it  i^. 

CeAttttAfC    —    CCAttttAfAIC,  /., 

btrife,  tighting. 
CeAiin  peAÓttA,  chieftain. 
CeAnnnix>e     ctÁi,tAi5e,     timber 

CeAÚfAiiiA,  /.,  quarter,  mercy. 

[Otherwise    AnACAl,    CÁtfDO 

AiiniA,  cnniAi]tce.] 
CeACfAthA,  /.,   quartering,  bil- 

leting  ;      Af    c.,     quartered, 

billeted.     [So  in  Mon.  ceAÚ- 

|iaiíia,  lodging  ;     Af  c.  =  Af 


CtAf,  k>  red  "  ;    gsm.  cétf. 

C111111X)  ttom,  I  succeed  ;  níop 
c inn  tetf ,  he  did  not  succeed. 
[This  is  clearly  the  original 
form  of  the  N.  Mayo  ctitti 
T)ia  teif,  Vi  God  prospcred 

C1011,  a  share,  portion. 

Cío|v\cax),  m.3  act  of  subjuga- 
ting,  harassing. 

CUvó  =  ctoiX)e,  trencli  ;  ctit  iia 
5ctAx>,  defender  of  the 

CtAiin-nit,  clustering  and  fresh 
(or  noble,  etc.)  ;  dsf.  -útf . 


CteACCAim,  1  aia  wont,  to  bo 
or  liavo  ;  ór  cionn  CÁ15  511^ 
clcAcr  ,n  ceAiin,  thathe  was 
ahvays  a  head  taller  than 
tho  rest. 

cleit,  /.,  act  of  hiding  or  cover- 

CtiAfi&ró,  m.,  bard. 

clóx),  m.,  act  of  subduing, 

Couaj\cac,  m.,  prey,  spoil.  [Cob- 
±\\t.\c,  a  prey,  O'R.]. 

Coi  me&f =coi  m meAf,  compari- 

Cotmix>cAcc,  /.,  act  of  attend- 

Coiniuiie,  m.,  coigny,  entertain- 

Coipx)e,  foot-soldier,  infantry- 
man  ;    gph  -Cvvó. 

CoriiAi^teAc  =  conhi^teAc, 
conhtiseAC,  strange,  foreign. 

CoihmojiAX),  m.,  act  of  congra- 
tulating;  x>Á  50.,  to  congra- 
tulate  them.  [ComónAX)  is 
tlie  present  form :  le  c. 
tAbAinx  x)on  x)íf>  to  congra- 
tulate  (show  respect  to)  the 
two,  P.  Walsh,  Don.  poet.] 

ComplAcc,  /.,  company,  body. 

Coméftoiii,  m.,  advantage. 

Copa,  gcn.  of  cun,  m.,  act  of 

Coj^iÁn,  m.,  a  point  encircling 
tlie  side  of  a  haven  ;  c.  &\\yo 
1Í1ei5  5iotlA5Áin.  Cf.  ConnÁn 
L&tAnnA,  the  Corran  of 
Larne  ;  ConnÁn  thnne,  Horn 

C  1^111105,  /.,  an  artificial  lake 

cp.\obr5AoileAX),  m.9  act  of 

Cjuor,  m.,  belt,  sword-bclt  ;  thc 
sword-belt  of  tbe  time  en- 
circled  the  body  from  thc 
right  shoulder  to  the  lefthip, 
hence  x>o  ptot  au  cjuor  x;im- 
ceAll  leir,  thebeltran  (went) 
rottnd  with  it  (the  sword), 
because,  having  a  shicld  in 

tho  left  hand  and  being 
forced  to  use  it,  lie  hadnot 
his  left  hand  freo  to  grasp 
the  scabbard  ;  the  transla- 
tor  and  editors  of  Rel.  Celt. 
quite  missed  the  point  here. 

C|\otAc,  well-formed,  shapely. 

C|uuvoÁit,  /.,  hardiment,  hardi- 
liood     gen.  -ÁtA. 

Cjuumx),  /.,  steel  ;  gcn.  -x)e  (so  in 
Or.,  whilst  Muns.  has  cjuuvóa 
and    Don.    and   Con.    have 


Cuahha,  m .,   elegant  or  noblo 

pne  or  person. 
Cuinró,  ?n.,  feast,  meeting. 
Cuinir  =  x)o  cuin,  put,  sent. 
CúmAiix)A,  m.,  command. 
CunnlA,  wise,  modest,  discreet. 
Ciiji,  m.,  hero,  champion. 
CunAncA  =  cunaxíca,      heroic, 


*OA5-^Af5Ax),  good  shelter  ;  gen. 


X)ai5iioac,  stronghold.  [Cf. 
x)Ai5neAc  11  a  cúince,  the 
interior  strongest  part  of 
the  mansion  (Or.).] 

"OAinseAn,        safe  ;  comp. 

x)Aiii5ne  ;  511  nAb  A|t  JaoixV 
caIcacx  pÁ  x)ai  11511  e  X)ó  ah 
c-Anm  x)o  he\t,  that  it  was 
safer  for  him  that  the  army 
should  be  in  the  Highlands, 
that  the  country  of  the  Gael 
was  the  best  place  for  the 
safety  of  the  army. 

*Oaoiiiiaix)o,  m.,  human  being. 

""OÁfAccAc,  furious,  violent. 

X)eAbAix),  /.,fight,  conflict ;  gen. 

*OéAncA,  inured  or  used  to  war. 

[*OeAnb-  as  in  x)eAnbpÁtAip, 

"O'jíéisptti,  to  consider  ;  appar- 
ently  a  mixed  forrn  froni 
■o'peicrin  and  the  older  t>óac- 

T)i<\f,  /.,  two  people. 


'OíbtteA'ó,  m.,  banishment  ;   aj\ 

t>.,  banished. 
*OíofrnA,  m.y  troop. 
'Oí^jeAT)   (now  T)í]\itJt.\-6),   ?/?., 

act  of  straightening. 
*Oo  bt\oi  =  -oo  bí,  (which)  was. 
T)o  ftnt>,  departed.      [Cf.  gAti 

F&01-0,  not  to  depart  (Ór. 

poem)  ;  fAoró  teAC,  be  ofí, 

flee  (Con.).] 
T)o-5éuiT)íf  =  *oo     T)é\\nf  AiT>íf. 

they  shonld  do  ;    TX)-5éAn- 

AiT)íf  also  occurs. 
T)óib,  to  them  ;    50  Cmncífe 

■óóib,  tliey  come  to  Kintyre 

— in  this  -oóib  is  very  strange, 

as  one  should  have  expected 

50  Cnmcín  e  leó,  le  being  the 

prep.  to  express  motion. 
•Ooilij;,  difficult  to  satisfv. 
*Oonm-ion5A,    red    nail  ;     gpl. 

"001  n  11-1 11511  eAT). 
'Oo  jiaIa  =  rAnlA  ;  -00  f  AtA-óó, 

hehappened,  chanced.   [The 

old  orthotonic  form.] 
T)o-noi5mt>  =  t>o  nmne,  made. 

[Cf.  fomnró,  made  (Don.).] 
T)orÁn,  tuft,  forelock  ;  dpl.  in  1 

nT>orÁnAib  a  céito,  in  close 

conflict  with  each  other  (  = 

1   5COCAU   a  céite,    in   each 

other's  wool).      [Sc.  G.  dos 

has  the  same  sense.] 
T)xilcAnnAc,  adj.9  veteran,  tried 

or  experienced  in  war.  [Orig. 

"hired"?      cf.     -ointcinne, 

hire,  wages,  O'R.,  and  use  of 

AiriAf,  AirifAine.] 
THít  ó,  escape  ;    nAC  f  Aib  Tmt 

haca  A5  m.,  that  M.  could 

not  escape  them. 
TJúcca,    a    Northern    gen.    of 

T>ncAi5,   /.,   country,   native 


éAT)ÁnAcr,  /.,  want  of  boldness 
or  intrepidity  ;  A5  *o\it  1  n-é. 
Ain,  becoming  less  bold  in 
their  attack  on  him,  showing 
a  less  bold  front  to  him. 

éAgiiAif,  /.,=--  6^511  Aif  with  -n- 
from    lon^ncMf  \     want  ; 
n-é^5HAif,  besides. 

Cati -áIat),  anv  wound. 

eATi^iiAiTi,  m..  dexteiity  at 
arms,  prowess. 

eAj\bAini,  I  hope,  expect  ;  1  8. 
past  subj.    -Ainn. 

e^f  n  AiT),  knowing,  experienced, 

e.vfbAT),  /.,  loss,  casualties. 

CacaU  /.,  purity  ;  dat.  CACAit  ; 
niAf  eACAil  Aoit,  like  the 
purest  lime  (cf.  use  of  C05A, 
f^oc,  etc). 

écc-iinnic,  constantly  perform- 
ing  exploits  of  battle,  alwavs 
intrepid  and  daring,  dashing. 

érnisnn  (éibjnn),  I  prepare 
eagerly  (?)  ;  3  pl.  pft.  *o'éirii- 
5eAT)Af  (6ib50AT)Af),  but 
perhaps  =  they  called  out. 
they  shouted. 

Co,  m.t  salmon  ;  in  secondary 
use  =  great  lord,    hero,  etc. 

pá  =  bn-ó,  past  tense  of  if. 
pvo-coimmi-óe,  a  long  stay  or 

P&SX  AT),      T)0     =  T)0         fÁ5AT)A|\, 

they  left. 
f\\obni5mi,  I  strip  ;    pft.  pass. 
■oo   fAobtii5eAT).       [Properly 

•OO    fAT)b\115eAT)    ;     Cf.    f  AObAT) 

(=fAT)bAT>),  'fleecing,'  fAob- 

cait)  (=  vatVuca),  'destitute' 

fWoitró,  joyous,  cheerful. 
fAfcó"ó,  ?n.y  act    of  retaining  ; 

1  bf.  1,  fixed  in. 
f\Á  cíf,  on  land  (of  landing)  ; 

nó  511  \\  ctnn  fÁ  cíf   .   .   .  é, 

until  it  landed  him.     [Used 

in  Don.] 
peAcc,  m.,  army,  host,  militarv 

peAf5-Ai"óbfeAC,    of    vast     or 

great  anger,  very  fierce. 
"PiA-ó,  *».,  land,  territorv. 
"pA-ÓAm,  /.,  a  witness  (ajj,  of)». 


yiAf)Am,  /.,  force  (of  soldiers). 
Perhaps    for    féin,    dat.    of 
fun,  soldiery. 
p're,  ways,  customs  ;  in  gpl. 
pivíbAÍ)  in  Aft  aoti-tImiida-ó,   to- 
gether(?)         [Perhaps    the 
same   as    Af    a'íi    nU,    '  to- 
gether,'  of  Rathlin,  Tir  Neill 
and  Oriel.] 
VI  At  =  ftAit,  prinee. 
VleAfgAc,    wreathed    or    gar- 
landed     with      ornamental 
work,  ornate. 
•ptigeAtre,  m.,  frigate. 
VosAiticeAc,  good,  effective. 
fógnAim,  I  serve,  I  suit  ;  t>á 
rjposriAf),  if  .  .  .  would  suit 
or  would  answer  their  pur- 
-poigéASA,  subordinate  or  sub- 


VoitjeAÓ,  pft.  pass.  of  foit^im 

=  f  ottn^im ,  I  cover  ;  Att  nÁn 

poilgeAT)   fior,   from  whom 

fcnowledge  was  not   hidden. 

■póiU  .1.  ftiAttAc,  wretched,  in- 

significant ;        nÁf      Vfóitt 

n-innme,  who  had  no  small 

possessions,  who  were  opu- 


poif-óeAfSA-ó,  m.,  act  of  bleed- 

ing  after  the  infliction  of  a 


potrhnsAX),  m.,  act  of  emptving 

(the  scabbard),  drawing  of 

the  sword  frcm  the  scabbard. 

f  ojt  Aif  e,  m.,  sentries,  outposts, 

pof n  a  =  offA,  on  them. 
pof  aó,  m.,  rest,  halt ;  *oo  5A0 

.  .  .  f.,  halted. 
pof  tongpof  c,  m.,  encampment . 
fftA-ÓAfC,  m.,  sight  ;  gen.  -Aifc  ; 
1  n-Áice  f  f  AT>Aif  c  *óó,  in  sight 
of  him.     [A  Scottish  form.] 
Pf  Aoic-teAnn,  fiercely    strong. 
p^eAftAc,  for  f  rieAf-otAc,  atten- 
ding  or  serving  (Af ,  on  or  to). 
pruf  —  teif ,  with  him. 
-ptiAf  fA-o  =  fviAfA-OAf,       they 

t?ti  Af  5!  A"ó,  m.,  act  of  ransoming. 

-ptnt,  /,,  family. 

f-tnleAf  sss  ftntreAf,  ind.  pres. 
impers.  pass.  dep.,  one  is, 
people  are.    [So  in  Don.] 

pn  if eACAif ,  careful,  attentive. 

^AbAt,    m,=  gADAt,    /.,    fork ; 
dat.  ^AOAt. 

^ADAf    =    *O0  JAD,  tOOk, 

gAtfte  =  gAftA,         glowing, 

ruddy,  flushed. 
^Af-OA,  /.,  briskness  ? 
5Át  =  3ÁX),  need,  want  ? 
5éAX),  lopping,  taking,  robbing, 

shortening  ? ;     *oo    géA-o    a 

f  AO§Ait  mo  feAÓ,  my  regard 

to  the  shortening  of  his  life  ? 

[From  5A  *OAim,  I  lop,  take, 

rob,  O'R.  ?] 
geAnn,  /.,  (wedge),  sword  (?). 

The  true  reading  may   be 

ngteAnn,  of  valleys. 
SemiteAf,  m.,  general. 
5eijieAfoon,  m.,  garrison. 
^in,  /.,  mouth  ;  *oe  jm  clAróirit 

(.1.  te  béAt  An  ctAix>im),  by 

the  sword's  edge. 
Smifeit,    m.,    general ;     also 

occurring  as  gtntf  At,  etc. 
5mtéifeAcc,  /.,  generalship. 
"S^o-6  eAt)  (often  gróeAX)),  lit. 

though  it  is  so  =  however. 
^ionAfÁt,  general. 
5tAn-AfmAc,  well-armed. 
StéAfCA,  trained. 
5tomn-meAf ,  of  intrepid  deeds. 
SUiAifif  =  -oo    sttiAif,     pro- 

5nóix>i5e    =   snótAige,  pl.  of 

^nó,  business  ;  dpl.  51101*010. 
50,  ecl.  —  with  ;  50,  no  change, 

to,  for  ;   broíf  féró  A5AX)  50 

StttAfAcz:,   have    them    pre- 

paréd  to  proceed,  where  50 
Scoticé  is  used  for  ctim,  as 

also  in  *oo  ctnn  eA*ó  50  bÁf  = 
.  .  .  ctim  bÁif. 
50  beA5,  ina  low  tone  (Rathlin) 

^o  móf,  londly  (Rathlin). 

Sf  o-o-AtlAm,  zealous  and  quick, 
zealously,  swift. 

5tlol5-éAf5Ai"ó,  having  ready 
and  swift  steeds,  well 
equipped  with  good    horses. 

^tiAif  e  5aot>oaI,  the  Guaire  ( = 
generous  king)  of  the  Gael, 
Guaire  being  an  ancient 
king  in  Connacht  famed  for 

2^tmiK\  glAice,  a  hand-gun. 

lAffAT)Af  =  lAffACAf,   w.,   re- 

quest,  demand. 
1  leit,  in  favour  of,  for  tlie  side 
of,  in  behalf  of  ;  1  leit  aii 
fío5,  f°r  ^ne  king's  side,  on 
behalf  of  the  king.  [Cf.  cÁ 
fé  i  leit  tia  5Aex>it5e,  he  is 
favourable  to  Irish  (Don.).] 
1mfim  Af,  I  inflict  on  ;  T)Án 
inun  "O.  fiAiii  a\\  a  riitnncirt, 
that  D.  had  ever  inflicted  (or 
perpetrated)  on  his  people. 

itnteAÓcA,  doings,  proceedings. 

imteAÓc  A|t  éi^in,  retreat,  re- 
tirement ;  both  this  and  the 
Anglicism  jiAcnécA  are  used 

lomonno,  indeed,  then,  how- 

lomtúfA,  as  to,  as  concerns. 
[McVurich's  spelling  is 
usually  lomtóf  and  some- 
times  lomtttr.  The  loss  of 
the  final  -a  is  probably  due 
to  Scotticism.] 

1onA-ó,  older  form  of  ion<vo,  m., 

loiiAinm,  fit  to  bear  arms. 

lonéAib,  dpl.  of  eineAc,  m., 
countenance,  encouragement. 

loncAitme,  p.  n.,  to  be  spent  ; 
5tinAb  A|t  £aUt)acc  -oob'  1. 
&n  5eim|teA-ó  that  they 
should  spend  the  winter  in 
the  Lowlands. 

lonjn  <yrj,  adj.,  strange,  unusual. 

tÁT),  m.,  charge,  loading,  con- 

tÁrii,  /.  (hand)  ;  captivity  ;   aji 

lÁim,  in  captivity. 
tÁr at),  m.,  a  lace  ;  dpl.  lÁr  r  aií>. 

[Cf.  lAfCAiri,  f.,  a  hem,  edge, 

teAnAif  =  -oo  leAn,     followed. 

VeAllfAT),     T)0   =  X)0     l0AnAT>Af, 

they  followed. 

téigeitt,  /.,  siege. 

téif-tionóilce,  completely 


^11151111,  I  spring,  make  a 
sudden  assault  ;  3  S.  pjt.  t>o 

Lóif-oméAT),  ?/?.,  accommoda- 
tion,  lodging. 

toir^ini  dft,  I  fire  at  ( =  lotfgitti 
lé,  Con.)  ;  rtil  loir^  aii  -qá 
pÁrrAi5  .  .  .  A]t  a  céito, 
before  the  two  parties  fired 
at  one another.  [Cf.  caic  me 
nr-cAr  Air  (Don.)  =  -oo  caic- 
eAf  rocAr  leif  (Muns.).] 

ttiAf,  m.9  swiftness  ;  -oo  b'é 
ItiAf  au  ceici*ó  t>o  finno- 
At)Ar,  they  fled  so  swiftly  ; 
bAOi  "oo  ItJAf  11  a  mÁrtfÁlA  T)0 
tiónfAT),  their  march  was  so 

Vúb,  in  11AC  túb,  older  usage  for 
11  ac  InbAnn — one  notices  the 
former  still  in  Rathlin,  Man. 
and  Scotland. 

mÁ,  about,  around.  [mÁ  and 
f  Á  are  both  in  use  in  Rathlin, 
and,  as  in  Mid.  Irish,  alter- 
nate  indifíerently.] 

ttlÁ,  vbl.  part.  ecl.,  before  (  = 
ftil  in  sense  and  usage). 
[lttÁ  =  Sc.  G.  mu'n  ;  Dóisi 
fé,  '  before  '  (verbal).] 

fttÁ  5éAbAnu  =  mÁ  seibnn,  if  I 
get.  [Hence  perhaps  mÁ 
5éA'im  of  S.  Arm.] 

nVACAif  e,  m.,  plain,  field  ;  field 
of  battle  ;  battle  ;  50  bf  A15- 
-oíf  m.  T)o  con^bÁit  jm'i,  that 
they  would  get  battle,   Ut. 


ttiRt  they  would  gel  field  of 
battle  to  be  oonteated  with 

'  tnÁ    5C11AIIIC,    aronnd.     | 'nU 

^cuAi|ro  (Muns.  poet.);  mti'ti 

caairt        (Se.)  ;         mygeaijrt 

(Manx)  ;     pi    c\i^i]ic    (Or.)  ; 

•imacuairt  (Mid.  Ir.).] 
ITtAicne,  /.,  kindred,  relations, 

elan  ;    00   -óut    né'    riiAicne, 

to  follow  liis  clan. 
mÁi*ofeoin,  major. 
mÁforeoin  fimneit,    f   major- 
nu\i5ei|\  ^ionAfAt,       í   general 
rtlAiseif  rimneil,        ) 
mAi§e|i,     m.9     major. 
nK\U\,    /.,    brow ;     accue.    ati 

m4lAró       ?cei]\r        5011  mrA 

mÁn  ~  mÁ  ati  ;    mÁn  Am  rm, 

about  or  at  that  time. 
tTIÁfrOA,  mild,  modest,  gentle, 

affable.         [Sc.    G.    málda  ; 

Muns.  mÁntA  ;  anotlier  form 

is     mÁncA     which     at     the 

moment  I  cannot  place.] 
niA|\,  when. 
ftlAti&t'óe,  m.9  mariner. 
niAfctAc,  /.,  cavalry,  troop  of 

horse-soldiers.      [In  Oriel  = 

1  a  cavalcade  '  commonly  at 

a  wedding]. 
mAfffceAnntn-óe,    "  marcliing 

kerns,"  Rel.  Celt. 
mÁffÁit,         /.,  =  mÁiffÓAit, 

marching  ;    gen.  -ÁtA. 
m  &trCACC,  /.,  provision  of  beef, 

1  '  plenty  of  beef." 
niAtftuA^,  m.9  force  of  horse, 

cavalry.     [Apparently  so  in 

text,  though    the    word    is 

not  confined   to  that  sense. 

There  seems    to  have  been 

confusion  with  mAfCfUiAj;]. 
me<yófAim,    I    gladden ;     pft. 

pa88.  meA*ófAX). 
meAfSAC,  exhilarating,  inebria- 

meAÚAnn    onm,    I    ffiil ;     tjo 

í'ntwf  0]\fv\  a|1v\oti.  they  both 

nihi  oa|\Ia,  m.,—  míon  \»ftA, 
smooth  forelock  or  longhair; 
gen.  ati  riiín-eAjtlA  ttiaoiú. 

niíontA,  aoft,  well  rounded. 

nuonn,  /.,  diadem,  crown. 

mionn  fút,  treasure  of  the 
eyes,  cvnosure  ?  orig. 
diadem  attracting  the  gaze 
of  all  eyes  ? 

nio-^éAiiAf,  blessed  is,  happy 
is,  I  delight  in.  fméAnAn 
(Om.)  ;  mÓATif  a,  me'AfA 
(Don.)  ;  méAncfAC  (Cavan) 
commonly  in  if  méAnAf  -oinc 
=  if  AOiVnnn  xnnc  ;  cf.  mad- 
génatar  (pl.),  Strachan's 

monAX),  m.9  mountain. 

món,  old  n.9  much  ;  món 
f  AOÚAif ,  much  lábour  or  toil. 

mótimAon,  lord.  [Of  higher 
rank  than  the  laird  (C15- 
OAfnA)  in  Scotland.] 

mofgA-ó,     m.9     musket. 

mottngitn  -oo,  I  perceive. 
notice ;  x>o  ihocmj  -oo 
meif5e  móif  An  níoj;,  he  per- 
ceived  the  great  standard  of 
the  king.  [Tlie  use  of  -oo 
is  Scottish,  the  nearest  thing 
to  it  inlreland  being  riiocm- 
^eAf  -OAm,  I  perceived  (Don. ), 
a  passive  phrase  ;  cf.  mocm- 
5eAf  x)ó  Afíf  An  péirc,  in 
Duan  Fraoich.] 

IU01,     fresh,     recent.  [Cf. 

tlóicwTje,  later  tUiACfocAC, 
and  nóiglinne,  Wind,  which 
contain  the  O.  Ir.  form]. 

ttÁn  =  nÁtneAc,  bashful. 

nÁfAc,  bashful. 

tteAmf5ÁcmAf,  undaunted, 

neAmfOCAtAC,  unpresuming, 
not  presumptuous. 

néiriieAnn,  /.,  row  of  pearls  (?)  ; 
dat.,  -inn., 


nuni,  /.,  splcndour  ;  dat.  in  &\\ 
tiéttii,  for  splendour.  [But 
Tiénii  may  =  dat.  of  ném9 
Wind.,  though  thesensepro- 
duced  thereby  would  be 
rather  inept.] 

11  í  nió  tiá  50  troeAftiA,  scarcely 

HoccA,  p.n.9  to  be  revealed  or 
made  known. 

HuAróróeAcc,  /.,  news.  [Cf. 
mtA'ÓAvóeAcc  (Muns,).] 

OtgfCATirA,  icy. 

OifeAf,  m.9  coastland,  border  ; 
gen.  -\\\. 

Olovntt,  is  expected  (?),  "  is  re- 
quired"  (Rel.  Celt.)  ? 

Otc  a\\  triAit  teif  é,  whetherhe 
liked  it  or  not  ==  olc  nó  itiaic 
tetf  é  (Uls.),  pé  olc  ttiAtt 
leif  é  (Muns.).  [The  a\\ 
was  probably  1  &f  originally]. 

Otictí,  m.9  wolf,  leopard  ;  hence 
=  hero,  champion. 

peifceAtt,  m.,  cheek,  jaw. 
[pjieiceAtt,  '  jaw,  double 
chin  '  (Ossory)  ;  bf eicil, 
'  jowl,  double  chin  '  (Cork).] 

ptoc,  m.,  large  turf,  clod. 

Pfóbtfo,  m.9  provost. 

pvibAtl,  /.,  tent  ;   pl.  ptuble. 

n,Ávó,  "oo,  said  ;  "00  fÁvó  tnf, 
said  to  him  ;  pres.  pass. 
fÁiceAf ,  is  named. 

Tlé,  /.,  moon  ;  mo  \\é  tÁn,  my 
full  moon  (term  of  endear- 

néAbogAc,  "  tearing."  [Cf.  zÁ 
|iéAb05  tijttA,  "  they're  tear- 
ing  at  her,"  "  of  a  girl 
courted  by  a  lot  of  boys," 

neACc-AigeAticAC,  mighty- 


neAcutviAf ,  stout,  strong,  fíerce, 

Hé  att  =  te'j\,  with  whom  it  is, 

nétre,  m.9  peace,  agreemeni  ; 
\iiii  \\.  fii'i,  about  maldng  (to 
make)  peace  with  them. 

11iacc,  x»o,  3  S.  pft.9  it  has 

niAtuo^AC  =  f  éAtcógAC,  starry. 

RiA|i,  /.,  preparation  ;  fÁ  f  611,1, 
prepared,  ready. 

níS-Hieifse,  m.,  royal  standard. 

níf  ati,  m.,  rear. 

nif,  exposed  ;  *oo  f  Agf AX)  1uf 
cÁc,  they  left  the  others 
exposed.  [Utf  (Bere),  teif 
(Bantry  district,  Con.,  etc), 
v\-|iif  (Don.).] 

RóbogAC,  "  through  -  other, 
mixed  up."  [Cf.  fóbAT>, 
"  tearing  in  seaweed  for 
kelp  "  ;  fób  fniti  éor  cÁfirm 
'5Á  jióbvvó  ífceAc,  Rath.] 

no-"óÁnii,  /.,  thorough  assent, 
free  will  ;    gen.  -e. 

n.otn-fetff*oe  =  -oob'  peAiffoe 
mé,  I  wovild  be  the  better  of. 

novii-5tiiti  =  -00  5011T  mé,  has 
wounded  me. 

nótif  at),  x>o,  they  did  or  made. 

nof ,  pleasant,  agreeable  ;    dsf. 


nttipe,  m.,  king,  chief. 
ntm-bofb,    resolute,    of    fierce 
determination  or  resolve. 

SÁftt  151-0  oTitn,  I  fail  to  do  a 
thing  ;  tió  5ttf  fÁftng  ofÚA, 
untii  they  failed  to  do  so. 
[A  usual  idiom  in  Don.] 

SÁf,  m.,  trap  ;  fÁf  tta  fsétce, 
the  boss  of  the  shield. 

SeACAX)  ati,  past.  [Cf.  za\\z  aji, 
round  (Om.)  ;  feACAT)  is 
common  in  Rathlin.] 

SeAft.\ti5A"ó,  m.,  act  of  with- 

Seif  e,  m.,  comrade,  companion. 

Seot,  m.,  method,  mode,  man- 
ner,  way  ;  f  eAt  Af  Att  f  eol 
f  oiTi  (-00  understood),  he  was 
a  while  in  that  way  or  man- 
ner  ;  A|\  ati  feot  fom  -oótb, 
they  were  in  that  way, 


ÓeotfAT),    *oo  =  *oo    f eotAT>Af, 

thev  sailed. 
S5AIHIAIAC,  scandalous,  sliame- 
ful ;   probably  used  as  noun 
kw  a  scandal." 
S^AoileA-ó,  m.,  act  of  disband- 
ing  ;      f.    *oo    léi^eAn     *oon 
Afm,  to  disband  the  army. 
S^Afb,  m.,  "  trapping  "  ;    dpl. 
r^AfbAib.   [FromEng.  scarf  .1 
From  Lowl.  Sc.  scarf,  '  cor- 
morant,'    has     come    fgAfb 
Sseitumr,  /.,   skirmish,   scrim- 
mage,  brush,  encounter.  [V. 
An  V.  5.,  voc,  for  local  Irish 
Ssíof,  /.,  weariness  ;    t>o  téis 
fiA-o    a   fsíof,    they   rested. 
[Also  r5ít,  fsífce.] 
S51Ú,  wearied,  tired  out. 
S5Íti5im,  I  weary,  get  tired  ; 

3  S.  pft.  fsítig. 
SsítmsAt),  m.y  act  of  wearving. 
Sia-o  =  iat>  ;   commonly  in  the 

court  poetry. 
Sí-ofi,  siege. 
Smineit,  m.9  general. 
Sío-ó-fntiAf),    ever-ruddy   com- 

SionnfA,     m.,     sough,     whirr, 

Sm-o  if,  although. 
Slmnén    (now    flumeÁn),    m., 
shoulder,  shoulder-blade  ;  niÁ 
nAflmnénAib  Aige,  about  his 
Sbom-^tAn,  sleekly  bright. 
SU1A5    coife,    infantry,    foot- 

SmtiAl,  m.,  ember,  live  coal. 
So-lÁniAi5,    of   good   sliooting, 
but   the   true   reading   may 
be  fo-lÁmAc,  handy,  dexter- 
SoIca,      pleasing,      satisfying. 
f  Apparently  adj.  in  --oa  from 
ScAX)Af,    x)o,    (they)    stopped. 
[Now  X)0  frA-OAT>Af  in  Ire- 
land  ;      cf.    -oo    •óeAnmA'OAf 

(Con.)  =  *oo  'óeAfmA'OA'OAf 

SuiceAc,  "  sticking,"  given  to 
goring.     [Rath.,  from  Eng.] 

Stm*OA,  m.,  sound.  [Better 
caoI,  as  frequently  in 
Scottish  topography,  indeed 
the  real  name  oí  "  f  tnroA  11  a 
hlte"  is  CaoI  íte,  which 
McVurich  doesnot  forget  to 

UAbAinx  aitiac  =  bAinc  attiac, 
to  succeed  in  a  thing  after 
an  effort,  often  to  capture  or 
take  a  place  ;  a  t.  aitiac  =  a 
bAmc  AmAC,  to  take  it,  in 
taking  it. 

CACAf,  m.9  fight,  "  scrap," 

UA-ótAnn,  I  touch,  resort  to  ; 
3  S.  impft.  rA"ótA"6. 

CAifseAf  =  *oo  tAif5,  ofíered. 

C^A1f1f  =   tAf,     f eACAf  ;       CA1f1f 

Af     mAfbAX)    -óíob,     besides 

what  were  killed  of  them. 
CAlcmAf,    sturdy,    stout    and 

UAnAirce,  second  ;  An  f  eAéc  r., 

the    second    time  =  ah    At- 


CÁn^Af  oftA,  they  were  (sud- 
denly)  attacked  ;  cÁngAf  is 
pft.  impers.  pass.  of  ci^im, 
I  come  ;  cÁn^Af  'mÁ  gctiAif  c 
oftA  le,  they  were  sur- 
rounded  by. 

UAOf^A,  Northern  form  of 
ctnf^e,  sooner,  earlier. 

CAff,  T)0,  he  put  or  placed  (f  e, 
against)  =  -00  cx\\\\  le  (jte). 

CÁt,  m.,  act  -gí  welding  to- 
gether  ;  cÁt  iia  bpobAl,  the 
eonsolidator  of  the  peoples 
or  tribes. 

CAtAoif ,  /.,  reproach,  contempt. 

UeAcrA,  m.,  messenger. 

UeA^mA,  inured  (aji,  to). 

CeAnnAl,    /.,    firebrand  ;     dat, 



CeAnncA,  nearness  ;  i  -oc.  ne, 

CeApAf,  the  impact  of  an 
attack  or  of  weapons  ?  [A 
very  obscure  word,  bub  the 
contexthelps  much  in  guess- 
ing  its  sense.  Can  it  be  a 
scribal  error  representing  a 
word  ceApAn,  connected  with 
ceApAifim,  I  spread  upon,  I 
daub,  or  ceApAtm,  I  stop  ?] 

CeAfAif5im,  I  save,  defend  ;  3 
8.  pft.  teAf  Aif^. 

CeAfAf5Am,  /.,  act  of  saving, 
delivering,  defending. 

CeAfOA  and  t>o  teAfOA=teAf- 
-01115  (Om.),  died. 

C1A5A1111  =  téróim,  I  go. 

OjeAfiiA,  laird. 

Cim-Tuoiíu\oin,  idle,  supine. 

CiomfACAT),  m.,  a  mustering, 
ássembHng.  [Another  form 
of  ciomru5AT)  ;  cf.  beAttnA- 
cat)  and  beAii  11115  at>,  etc.] 

CíopAT),  old  3  S.  past  subj.  of 

^151111,  I  come. 
Cuinucv,  expert  (aji,  at).    [From 

Eng.  attuned  ?] 
CoiceAfCAl,  m.,  mustcr,  muster- 

CnÁis     in     11  ac     CI1Á15  =    hac 

cnÁi^eAtin,   which   does  not 

dry  up.     See  under  hac  lííb. 
Cf  AfT>A  =  cf  AftiA,  across. 

CféAti-Ailce      =     cféAtt-oilce, 

well    trained,    well    skilled. 

MeVurieh      has      cfétiAilx, 

which    perhaps     =    strong- 

jointed,  lusty. 
CfeAf,  m.9  a  spell.     [Cf.  HIac 

Atl  1oI.,  s.v.] 
C]teAÚAn-5Afb,      rough-waved, 

i.e.  causing  fierce  waves  of 

sound,  fiercely  loud. 
C|\oi5-éAf5<MT),  swift-  or  liglit- 

Cjtotn,  m.,  bulk,  greater  part  ; 

grief,  heavy  loss  ;  z\\ om  eile, 

another  sorrow,  etc. 
C|\ompAT>ói|t,  a  trumpeter. 
C|tom  fUuv^,  strong  or  numer- 

ous  host. 
C|\op5Án,  m.,  baggage. 
C|ttiAill,  /.,  sheath,  scabbard. 
C115.V6,  pft.  pa88.  oí  cujjAim,  I 

cover  ;      fiAiú     11  Áf     C115AT), 

who  were  never  obscured  ? 
Cii5fAT>  =  tti5AT)A]t,  they  gave 

(went  or  faced). 
CuiceAf  =  t»o  tuic,  fell. 

U]t]iA,  m.,  surety,  bail. 
H]i]tAiT),    m.,    supporter,    chief 

person  on  a  side. 
U|\]iAnncA,     dauntless,     bold, 

daring,  intrepid. 
UfcofAc,   m.,  the  very  front, 

UfÁi-oeACAT),  m.,  act  of  using, 

pevvpiwriA  .\51if  peA|ifAtiCACC. 

^(A|'X)M|i     |  gen,  -A]i  [i  he  most 
^W\poA)\       /    usual      in      the 
&l AfOftotn    )     Bo  o  k  o  f  C  lanr . ) . 
-Aifl,     -flAn,     (once),     -nium 
(Muns.),   Alister  or  Alexan- 
der.  The    Muns.     form 

AlAf-oponi  I  suggested  in  An 
l.  5->  p.  150,  as  probably 
derived  from  bhe  Lat.  accns. 
I  am  glad  to  sav  that  Prof. 
().  J.  Bergin  and  Mr.  T.  F. 
O'RahiUv  have  arrived  at 
the  same  conclusion.  JNÍr. 
0'Rahilly  a  <  Lds  5 1 wvo  &tn  (Lat . 
gradwm),  cúnAtn  (Lat.  curam) 
and  feilifU|\nn  (Lat.  silves- 
trem)  as  examples  of  the 
same  thing.] 
AtrojiA,  Andrew 
tXonjtif  mmteAC,  Angus  of 
Mull  ;    gen,  Aonsinf  n'UuliJ. 

bétUí,  Baillie. 

iÁhac,        one       of        the 
Kavanaghs  ;   dpL  -acaio. 
ClAtiti   An   AbA,  the  Mac  Nabs 

or  MacNab  Clan. 
CtAnn  CAtnfnów,  theCamerons, 
CIahti     X)uiíuk\iU,     the     Mao 
Donnells       (Bcoticé      Mac- 
n     "OonncAró,     the    Clan 
dúnean,  the  Duncans. 
'M  i'a.mii.  bhe  Clan  Ian. 
n     VionnlAoij;,     tlic    Clan 
Finlay,  bhe  Finlays  or  Mac 

i     Stno5Ói)tf      the      Clan 
tíac  I  }regors. 


CtAtin  Itlei5  "Óuibne,  bheClanii 

CtAnn  rhtuneAT)Ai5,  the  Clan 
Vurich,  the  I\íac  Vurichs. 
They  were  hereditary  writers 
and  scribes,  and  traced  their 
descent  from  tlie  banished 
Irisli  bard  Muireadhach 
O  Dálaigh. 

ClAnn  HAgnAill,  the  Clan- 
ranalds  or  Macdonalds  of  the 

CtAnn  Uiulm  =  CtAnn  ttróttfn 
(Uijitín),  the  Mac   Quillans. 

CoibineA«cAin,  a  Covenanter  ; 
pl.  -jvpi  (so  normalised,  as 
being  the  least  harsh  form 
— McVurich's  spellings  vary 

coinmtAn,  Colonel. 

ConiAtnte  tu\  hAtbAn,  the 
Council  (Parliament)  of 
Seotland  ;  also  Ati  óoritAinto 


CoihAinte  11A  liéijieAtin,  (the 
Council  (Parliament)  of  Ire- 
land  =  the  Confederation  of 

'OÁbA'o  Leiftí,  David  Leslie,  .1 

celebrated  Lowland  general. 

TMtnbce  tTltincA'ó,  "  Duke  Mur- 
doch  "  =  Ci  the  Duke  of 
Albany  "  of  1411,  according 
to  some.  Other  authorities 
give  "  the  Eari  of  Mar  "  as 
commanding  the  Lowland 
army  that  opposedDonaldof 
Islav  at  Hariaw, 

OoihnAttAC,  arlj..  of  the  Mac 
I )  0  n  i)  e  1 1  s    (Macdonalds)  ; 

subs,9    one    of    the    clan    so 

TJorhnAll    a    MLe,    Donald    of 

Islay,  Lord  of  the   Isles   in 

•OwtcfeAf       totLCiíigeAm,      the 

Duchess  pi  Buckingham. 

eACAin,  "  Hector." 
eoin    CAcÁtiAC,    John    of    (fos- 
lered  hy)  the  0'Kanes. 

eoin  tnúi'oeótvoAc,  John  of 

peArrootiCA     1T1A-5     Ao*ÓA,     F. 

perólimi'ó      Riiat)      Ó      tlóiU, 

Phelim  Roe  O'Neill,  a  leader 

in  the  war  of  1641. 
£iaca,   "  Feagh,"   "  Pheagh  "  ; 

gen.  pACA-ó. 
£itip  ó  riAibilL,  Philip  O'Reillv. 

[Dialectal  form  of  phitip  Ua 

£1 tt   ha  CttAOibe,   the  Men    of 

Craobh  =  the     0'Kanes    of 

Oireacht  Uí  Chatháin. 

gtAfbA,  a  local  (Rathlin)  form 
of  51  LleAf  01115,  gioltA-eAf- 

górvoón,  Gordon  ;  SórvoótiAc, 
one  of  the  Gordons,  pl.  -A15, 
and  used  as  adj.  pl.  -aca. 

tltnr-ciiín,  Hutchin,  but  used 
=A<yó,  Hugh  ;   gen.  -inn. 

tAnÍA  Síotpojtc,  the  earl  of 
Seaforth,  i.e.  McKenzie. 

InseAti  T)nb  SéAmuif,  Inghean 
Dubh,  daughter  of  James 
[MacDonnell]  ;  she  was  the 
mother  of  Aodh  Ruadh 
O  Domhnaill. 

ITlAc  Aitíti  tnóf,  more  usually 
H1AC  CAitín  tnórt,  thehead  of 
the  Campbells,  i.e.  the  Mar# 
quis  of  Argyle. 

Wac  Ao-óa,  Mackay. 

ITIac  CAitín  (originally  niAc 
^itín),Campbell,  and  applied 
in  particular  to  the  Marquis 
of  Argyle.  [In  Don.  tlUc 
CAitin  =  Campbell.] 

niAC  Coinmg,  Mac  Kenzie. 

niAc  *ÓÁi-óe,  Davidson. 

niAC  r^iongtn  1111  e,  MacKinnon. 

niAc  SilleÁin,  Maclean.  Also 
ITIac  ^iUeom. 

niAC  510IIA  eoin,  Maclean,  now 
often  Mac  Erlean  in  Ireland, 

111AC  ^ioILa  tíliurte,  Morison, 

11K\c  £111050111,  McGregor. 

niAc  teoi-o,  Mac  Leod.  [Those 
that  settled  in  the  Ulster 
of  the  pre-Plantation  period 
have  become  11IA5  Lém 
(Arm.),  11145  teoit)  (Derry), 
Iboth  =  Maglade,  McGlade 
in  English.] 

IIIac  néitl  t)A|ntAi5,  Mac  Neill 
of  Barra  (an  isíand  of  the 

niÁ^nuf  ó  CAÚÁm,  Manus 
0'Kane  (O'Rean,  0'Kyan, 

nurtcóf4  tltmtlf,  the  Marquis 
of  Huntley,  the  head  of  the 

niAttcóf  mtincruSf,  theMarquis 
of  Montrose. 

11lAttinél,  CAipcín,  Captain 
Marmél  =  Captain  Meryman 
of  the  F.  M.  who  record  the 
slaving  of  "  Alasdrann  son 
of  Somhairle  Buidhe  "  under 
1586  A.D.,  p.  1855,  and  add 
that  Aodh,  son  of  the  Dean 
O'Gallagher.  abetted  Mery- 
man  in  it.  [Cf.  the  Louth 
surname  Marmion,  in  Irish 
O  meitnomAin,  O.S.  Let.,  Co. 

niori5AnnAi5,  the  Mackays  or 
rather  a  branch  of  them  ; 
dpl.  -ACAib. 

tnótiriiAoji  5ó|roón,  Lord  Gor- 
don.      [Eoin  Mac  Nóill  ín- 


os  me  that  the  Gordons 

of  Clare  Island,  Co.  Mayo, 
locally  named  kí  tiA  Tttófi- 

nuxoijtnig  "  =  descendants  of 

Mórmhaor  Górdón.] 
mótunAop        1TlAiifAit,       Lord 

niótuhAO|t  lilejiiAÚ,  Lord  Reay. 

Reay   is   a    district   on   tbe 

northern  coast  of  Scotlahd, 

astride  the  border  of  Caith- 

ness  and  Sutherland. 
111ó|ihiAOji  ha  ndlén,  Lord  of 

the  Isles  (the  Hebrides). 
llluinuiii  CAtÁm,  the  O'rtanes 

of     Oireacht     Ui    Chatháin 

(aroiind    Coleraine    in     Co. 

muintifi  "Sn&OAij;,  the 

inuncAX)    Ó   t)|iiAin,   Morrough 

O'Brien,  earl  of  Inchiquin. 

ÓslAbí,  Ogilvie. 

pnepbitn!,      the      Presbytery? 

Presbyterian  faction. 
pinofcvinAC,  An,  Preston  ;   gen. 


1lA5n<\lL    An<\nnAc,   Randal   of 

Arran  (in  Scotland). 
RAJjUAtt  nu\c  X)oihiiAill,  Ranald 

(Randal)    son    of   Domhnall 

UA^nAttAc,  adj.,  of  the  Clan- 

ttí    pionn-gAll,    king    of    the 

Norwegians  or  Norse  [of  the 

Isles,  i.e.  the  Hebrides]. 

Seonói*o,  Jannet. 

Smi]ieit  t)éitlí,  General  Baillie. 

Smi]ieil     pmopoón,      General 

Seoittif  =  Seoinfe,  George. 
Síol    tlúipciúin,     the    McCut- 

Síot  beoix),  the  Macleods, 
Síot  Uoi-imói-o,  the  Normans  (?) 
SohiAiiite,  Somerled,  Sorley. 
StiuuAiro,     Stewart,     Stuart  ; 

SnuD-AiroAc,  one  of  the  Clan 

Stewart,  pl.  -A15. 

UÁp,  Taafe. 

Cómóf  (Hib.  UomÁf),  Thomas. 

€0111116-0,     "  Norman  "  ;      gen. 

-6\X).      [In  reality  the  Norse 



AbAjt  Voca  tApÁm,  the  Abar 
fmarsh)  of  Loch  Lapáin. 
See  toc  LApÁni. 

Acat)  *ÓÁ  Óa]\at),  Charlemont, 
in  Co.  Armagh. 

Acatd  riA  nVb^.cAc,  Achnabreck, 
Auchinbrech,  in  Argyle. 

Alponr,  Alford,  in  Aberdeen- 

Atu  éijiinn,  Auldearn,  in  Xairn 
about  3  miles  south-east  of 
the  town  of  Nairn. 

ApAinn,  /.,  Appin  ;  gen.  iu\. 
hv\pAiui  ;  on  Loch  Linnhe, 
in      Argyleshire.  [Orig. 

ApÚAine,  Abx)Ainc,   'abbcv- 

Ap,\mn  An  ttlemn  611115,  Appin 
of  Menzies  =  Weera  parish 
which  stilL  contains  Castle 
Menzies  ;  it  is  to  the  north- 
west  of  Aberfeldy  in  Perth- 
shire.  Other  writers  record 
that  the  laird  of  Weem  (the 
head  of  the  Menzieses)  was 
captured  by  Montrose  and 
Alastair  when  they  invaded 
his  patrimonv. 

Á|iAfÁi5,  Arisaig,  on  the  west- 
ern  coast  of  Invernessshire. 

Án*o  ttlACA,  Armagh. 

Áfro  ttiei5  510ILA5Á1T1,  Magil- 
ligan  Point,  Co.  Derrv.  , 

S)\T)  tia  Cfioire,  Ardnacroish 
in  Mull. 

Á]vt>  11  a  tnnficon,  Ardnamur- 
chan,  in  the  north  of  Argyle. 

ác  'pó-olA,  Athole,  a  district 
in  Perthshire,  south  of 
the  Grampians.  [ArALt, 

t3Ái"oeAnAc,  Badenoch,  north 
of  the  Grampians,  in  Inver- 


t)Aite     Ati     ÓAifleÁm     tltiA     1 

SAfAHAio,  Xew 

t>Aile  nA  ciuvipc,  Ballintoy,  Co. 

Antrim.       "  [The      Rathlin 

bAile    mótuvó,    Ballymoney, 

Co.  Antrim.      [The  form  in 

the  Rathlin  dialect  and  in  a 

Donegal  song.     Originally  i1 

was  probably  t)Ai  l  e  t)  ú  &nAi"ó . 

as  the  old   angl.  forms  seem 

to  show.] 
t)Aite     Sac,     Ballyhack,     Co 

Wexford.  [t)Aile      tiAC, 

t)AnbA,  Erin,  Ireland. 
Datiha,  the  river  Bann  ;    thc 

Lower    Bann    is    commonly 

meant    in    MacBonnell   hia 

t)  An  ]u\i  5 ,  Barra ,  an  i  sland  o  f  1 1 1  e 

ftÁnfi    t)ncAC,  An,    Barrbreck  ; 

gen.     aii     t)Áinvi     t)nic  ;      in 

Craignish   parish,   Argyle. 
t)eAnn    t)A5LA,    Benbecula,    in 

South    Uist  ;     gen.    benmo 


t)lÁn  A11  AÚA-pó*otA,  Blair 
Athole,  in  Perthshire.  [t3tÁ^\ 
An  ApALt,  McVurich.] 

bo^AC  nA  ^aoiúc,  the  Bog  of 
Gíght,  in  Aberdeenshire. 
[Gight  is  pronounced  Qecht 
(cf.  Low.  Sc.  hecht  =height. 
etc.),  and  hence  should  point 
back  to  ^AOicce  or  ^aoicc 
rather  than  ^AOite]. 

t)|\Ái5e,  An,  m.,  the  Brae  (of 
Lochaber)  ;  gen.  aii  t)rÁ5A'o. 

t)nÁi5e  An  ttiACAine,  the  Braes 
of  the  Machaire  (plain),  per- 
haps  the  present  Braes  of 
Gight,  or  else  the  hilly  dis- 


trict  of  Garioch.  in  Aber- 
deenshire.     The  name  can- 

not  be  connected  with  Old 
and  Xew  Machar,  near  Aber- 
deen,  for  they  traee  their 
origin  to  St.  Madgar  of  the 
Book  of  Deer. 

b|\Ái5e  ,dtA-pó"olA,  the  Brae  of 
Athole.  [t>]u\i5e     ApAll, 


ÍiHÁise  Ioca  h<\bA)t,  theBraes 
of  Lochaber. 

DpÁije  niAnjt,  Braemar,  in 
Aberdeenshire,  near  Bal- 

totm  t>AnnAj  Bannfoot,  usually 
=  the  mouth  of  the  Lower 
Bann  at  Lough  Neagh,  but 
perhaps  =  the  mouth  of  the 
Bann  at  the  sea  (properly 
lnbe<\i\  CtJAige). 

t)un  *Oó]u\i5  (orig.  has  "  dór- 
aig  "),  Dourie  Burn,  in  Kin- 
cardineshire  ?  [It  is  very 
doubtful  if  ;í  la  bun  dóraig  " 
contains  a  place-name.  The 
allusion  may  be  to  the  prey- 
ing  of  Angus  and  the  Mearns 
(Rincardineshire)  w  h  i  c  h , 
though  performed  by  Eoin 
Múideordach,  was  instigated 
by  Alastair  son  of  Colla.] 

t>tm  llenrieif,  Bun  Nevis  (the 
foot  of  Nevis,  i.e.  Ben  Nevis), 
in  Invernessshire. 

CAirtén     Cijiim,      ah,      Castle 

Tirrim,  on  an  island  in  Loch 

Moidart  in  Moidart  district. 
CAH11A15,     Canna,    an     island 

south  of  Skye,  in  the  Heb- 

CAolAf     SCÁIÁ15,     a     landing- 

place  in  L'ist. 
CaoI  íle,  the  Sound  of  Islay. 

between  Islay  and  Jura. 
CaoI    mtnle,    the     Sound   of 

Mull,    between    Mull      and 


CaoI     neire,     Kyle-rhoa.     the 

sound    between    Skye    and 

c  Á  |  \  ao  aI  ,  m.  j  C  arrad  a  1  e  ?  ;  gc  n . 

-Ail  ;     011    the   east    side   of 

CeAHn   Ioca  hAlAnn,  Ivinloch- 

CeAnn     Utii]\e,    Kanturks    Co. 

Ceinnrí|\eAC,  adj.9  of  Kintyre  ; 

gsf.  -150. 
Cilt  C01 111115,  Kilkenny. 
Cill    Cninnn,    Fort    Augustus, 

formerly    in    English    Kill- 

cummin,   in    central   Inver- 

C1II    rflÁ^CAin,    Kilmartin,    in 

Cill  m  111111  a,  Kilmun,  in  Argyle. 
Cilt  SAi-óbe,  Kilsyth,  in  Stir- 

lingshire.  [CiLl       Saoij?, 

dnnríne,    Kintyre    (Cantvre), 

the  nearest  district  of  Scot- 

land  to  Ireland. 
ciATin  aoiía  btn-óe,  Clanabov 

or  th  e  country  of  the  O'Neills 

of  Line,  partlv  in  Co.  Down 

and  partly  in  Co.  Antrim. 
Cnoc  tia  n*Oor,  Knocknanuss, 

between  Mallow  and  Kan- 

turk,  Co.  Cork.      The  same 

as  Cnoc  11A  11  Or,  the  latter 

form  bemg  probablv  correct, 
Cnoc    11. a    11  Or,    Knocknanuss, 

between  Mallow  and  Kan- 

turk,  Co.  Cork. 
Cnoi-oebAju:,  Knoydart,  011  the 

western  coast  of  Inverness- 

Cnóroeófo,   indec,   Knoydart, 

in  the  west  of  Invernessshire. 
Coilt  n'leAT)óin,Methven  Wood, 

north-west  of  Perth. 
CoIa,  Coll,  an    island  of  the 

CotbAnnrÁij,  Colonsay,  an  is- 

land  of  the  Hebrídes. 
Coni^AtL,  Cowal,  a  d'strict  of 



ÓotijAt  tA-T)A|UK\r,  ah,  Connel 
of  Lorne ;  rfat.  ,\n  óongAil 
Ia-óajuiai^;  ;  it  is  at  tho 
mouth  of  Loch  Etive. 

Ooiih*oao  AoncftomA,  Co. 

CofuiÁn  Áijm  rhetg  510IIA5ÁW, 
Magilligan  Point,  Co,  Dorry. 

Co|t|iÁti  Iaúajuia,  the  Corran 
(point)  oi*  Larno. 

Cjúoca  clotnne  ÓAcÁin,  the 
territories  of  the  Clan 
Chattan ;  they  comprised 
■  much  of  Inverness,  part  of 
bhe  oorth  of  Perth  and 
Argyle  "  and  parts  of  Aber- 
deen,  Moray,  etc.  In  the 
recent  period  t  lie  Clan 
Chattan  were  represented  by 
two  branches,  Mac  Pherson 
of  Cluny  and  Macltintosh  of 
Iveppoch  and  Lochaber. 

Ouaii  11  a  sCeAtl  beAg,  Killy- 
begs  Eiarbour,  Co.  Donegal. 

CtiAti  poticlÁij^o,  Waterford 
1  Eaven. 

rúil  Uaiciii,  Coleraine. 

ÚunnOAC  RtAOAC,  aii,  Co.  Wex- 
ford  ;  dat.  vaii  óunm)Ais 
10AOA15  ;  =  ah  óoncAe  R,ia- 
oac,  F.  M.,  etc,  all  the 
authoritiea  seeming  to  prefer 
this  to  Coiicac  Loca  j;a]uuaii 
by  which  it  ia  exclusively 
known  nowadays ;  in  Ire- 
land  also  (Louth,  Mon.,  etc.) 
one  finds  ciwivoac,  conm>Aé, 
conroAC,  /.,  '  county,'  in  use. 

PnnncAOi  An  CAbÁin,Co.  Cavan. 

*OÁt   Uia-oa,  a   district  of  Co. 

Antrim   between   the   Bush 

River  and  Glynn  near  Larne. 
T)|unni    lU\ccA]t,    Drumochter, 

the    central    point    of    the 

*Ouoa]\t),     m.9     Duart  ;      gen. 

-aijvo  ;     it    is    the    eastern 

point  of  Mull. 
*oím  áV)A|\cai5,  Dunavertv,  in 


'Oún  *Oaoi,  Dundee. 

"Oún  &A*OAin,  Edinburgh,  [This 

ia  the  form  now  used  in  ('<•. 

Donegal.  | 
'oún  érow,  Edinburgh.    [Used 

in   this  form   in    Elathlin    I. 

and  Scotland.  | 
*oúii  geAnAtnn,  Dungannon. 
'oún    LiDfe,   Dunluce,   in   Co. 

Am  rim. 

(\\]uv,  aii,  /.,  Harris,  ín  the 
1  [ebridea  ;    gen.  ha  ln*  ajiaVi. 

BAnn-JjAoróeAl,  Argyle, 

etge,  Eigg,  an  island  in  the 

éi|tifSAi5,  Eriskay,  an  island 
south  of  Tist. 

pAglAÓ,  adj.,  of  Benbecula. 
plippÁc,   indec.,    Philiphaugh, 

about  2  niilos  south-wesl  of 
po-óVuvó,  aii,  Fyyie  ;  gen-.  ua 
poÓDAróe  ;  in  Aberdeen- 
shire.  [McVurich  does  nof 
use  this  name  in  mentioning 
the  battle,  bul  describes  it 
as  fought  at  Aberdeen, 
although  Fyvie  is  very  much 
to  the  north-west  of  thal 

gAe-óeAlcAcc,  aii,  tho  High- 

^AinocoAc,  indec,  tlie  parísh 
of  the  Chapel  of  Garioch,  in 
Aberdeenshire.  [The  battle 
of  Garioch  or  Harlaw  (a 
farm  in  the  parish)  is  alluded 
to  in  the  text.  It  was 
fought  on  24th  July,  1411. 
McVurich's  spelling  is  5a]\V>- 
cec,  the  final  -c  of  whieh 
should  have  been  -c.  5Ajt- 
V)ac,  indec.y  is  the  Sc.  G. 
form  in  Bourke's  Collego 
Irish  Grammar,  p.  154.  The 
anglicised  form  Garioch  is 
pronounced      gériCH,      and 


seems  to  support  the  slender 

form  ^AinbceAC. 
^s\Ut>acc,  the  Lowlands. 
SAoróe&txAcc,  the  Highlands. 
^ofb-cfíocA,   iia,   the  distriets 

from    Morven    to    Glenelg, 

"  the     Rough     Bounds     of 

SlAfitAW,  Glassary,  in  Argyle. 
^teAtm  óoniAn,  Glencoe,  'm  the 

north      of      Argvle ;      'gen. 

5lnine  CoriiAn. 
$leAnn  $ahat),  Glengarrv,  in 

lnvernessshire  ;   gen.  gtmne 

^Af  AT). 

5le<*nn  111  ac  Cxunn,  a  glen  near 

Raphoe,  Co.  Donegal. 
^leAnn  neuheif,  Glen  Nevis  ; 

gen.    gluine    Tleiiheif ;      in 

^leAnn  Uuai-ó,  Glenroy,  in  In- 

^leAnn  Seifg,  Glenshesk,  in  Co. 

£lmne,     pl.9     the     Glens     of 

Antrims   dat.  ^lmmb. 

tlAniAtrim,  Hamilton,  in  Lan- 

Íle,   Islay,   the    southernmost, 

of  the  Hebrides. 
ÍteAÓ,  adj.f  of  Islay  ;   gsm.  -15. 
InhoAf   A§fÁr,    Inveraray,   in 

Argvleshire.        [In    Rathlin 

Inn'eAf  A%\\ ac  (Aof  ac).] 
InbeAf  LÓCA1-Ó,  Inverlochy,  in 

mbeAf  nAf  Ann,  Nairn. 
InbeAf  lloif,  Inverness. 
mfe  gAtt,  the  Hebrides. 
1nfe  Uí  ónmn,  Inchiquin,  Co. 


LAbAf,  m.,  Lawers,  in  Perth- 

shire  ;   gen.  -Aif. 
VAtAfn,    Larne,    Co.    Antrim  ; 

gen.  -ha. 
LÁifC  tviffAi-o,  the  Hill  (thigh) 

of  the  River  Turritt,  between 

Fort  Augustus  and  Glenroy, 

on  tlie  eastern  sído  of  the 
Caledonian  Canal. 

teAf5,  aii,  Largie,  in  Kintyre  ; 
gen.  ha  ieAf^An,  11  a  teAfSA-ó. 

teo-óúf ,  Lewis,  in  the  Hebrides; 
gen.  -\nf. 

tíce,  Leith.  [So  called  in 
Rathlin  I.  :  "  bÁ  mí  m 

toc  AbA|t,  Lochaber,  the  most 
southerly  part  of  Inverness- 

tócAi*ó,  Lochy,  in  Inverness- 

toc  btn-óe,  Lochbuy,  in  the 
south  of  Mull. 

toc  eifeóft),  Loch  Eishort,  in 
the  South  of  Skye. 

toc  ^AfinAn,  Wexford. 

toc  LApÁm,  to  be  identified 
either  with  Loch  Lapháin 
(Lismore  Lives,  p.  45,  1. 
1516)  which  was  near 
Armagh  and  probably  in  the 
direotion  of  Lower  Orior  ; 
or  ?lse  with  "  toc  t  AbAin  1 
ccfíc  xVifdj,"  F.M.  1405— 
Airteach  was  in  Co.  Ros- 
common,  in  the  barony  of 
Frenehpark,  and  lay  between 
the  rivers  Lung  and  Bree- 
doge.  It  is  clear  that  the 
former  reference  should  be 
corrected  to  Loch  Lapáin, 
for  O  Lapáin,  '  Lappin,'  is 
the  name  of  a  sept  who  have 
always  been  found  around 

toc  neniieif,  Loch  Nevis,  at 
Ben  Nevis,  in  Invernessshire. 

toc  Cáúa,  Loch  Tay,  in  Perth- 

lllACAife  Aotigtiif,  Angus,  now 
commonly  Forfarshire,  but 
the  oider  name  still  survives 
in  The  Braes  of  Angus 
(tjfÁi^e  itlACAife  Aongmf), 
the  northern  half  of  the 
shire  and  in  Coupar-Arigus, 
a  town  of  Perthshire  on  the 


south-western  bordcr  oí  For- 
farshire.  fCoupar-Angus  -- 
CnpAn  rtlACAi|te  Aonsiiif  ln 
distinguish  it  from  Cupar- 
Fife  =a  cúpAji  Vír,0-1 

trtACAine  gAtVOA,  ah,  the  Ix>w- 
lands  of  Scotland. 

mÁg  AIIa,  Mallow. 

mAinircin  t!)ei]ir,  the  Abbey  of 
Beart(?),  Bert  ínCo.  rtildare 
or  Burt  in  lnnishowen  ! 
There  are  ruins  of  ecclesias- 
tical  buildings  in  each  place. 

mÁm  óloc  A]\t>,  the  High  Pass 
(nek)  of  Clachard,  between 
Glenquoich  and  Lochaber.  Ln 
the  west  of  Inverness. 

tftAoinne,  mi,  the  Mearns,  now 
known  commonly  as  Kiu 
cardineshire.  The  older 
name  still  survives  popularly 
in  "The  Howe  of  the 
Mearns "  ( =  C05  n>\ 
rttAOinne  ?),  in  tlie  south  of 
the  shire,  containing  Kin- 
cardine  Castle  whence  the 
later  name,  and  also  in  *'  The 
Kaim  of  the  Mearns  "  (Céun 
tu\  mAotnne)  to  the  north  of 

Mergia,  a  Latinised  form  = 
Bonamargy  Abbey,  east  of 
Ballycastle,  Co.  Antrim. 
Mergia  clearly  indicates  Vj\m 
ha  meinge  as  the  original 
and  corrects  what  Fr.  Hogan 
supposes  in  Onom.] 

tui-óe,  Meath. 

mío"Ó4ini"ó,  Mingarry,  in  Ard- 
namurchan,  Argvleshire. 

móinón  =sa  mó]\y nón,  Morar  ; 
gen.  -óni. 

monAT>  óuaic,  the  mountain  of 
Cuach  ;  now  represented  by 
Glenquoich  (gtCAtin  Cuaic) 
and  Loch  Quoich  (toc  Chaic) 
between  Knoydart  and  Glen- 
garry,  in  Invernessshire. 

tttónfnón,  Morar,  on  the  west- 
ern  eoast  of  Invernessshire. 

múroeónx),    indec»,    Moydart, 

between  Loch  Shiel  and  the 

sea  in  ínvernessshire. 
muite,  Mull,  an  island  of  the 

mtuteAnn     Ccaj\]\     iia     tnme. 

Mullingar     of     (in)     Meath 

(Westmeath  ). 

ObAif  Caiho,  Abertarff,  in  the 

ceinre  of  Invernessshire. 
Ouaij»  'óoATJAin,  Aberdeen. 
OiIcac  =  OiteAC  tléro,  the  pre- 

sent  gniAnAn  O1I15,  Greenan 

Lly.  uoar  Derry. 
Oilén    'OonnÁm,    the   island  of 

Donnán  =  Donan,    a    small 

island     in     the     south-wesi 

corner  oí  Rossshire. 

peAnr,  /.,  Perth  ;  gen.  peinre  ; 
dai.  pei]\r. 

pmgins  tflótt,  A11,  Pingin  Mór , 
in  Argvle.  [=  great  penny 
land  ?  cf.  pinging,  *ponny,' 

pin^inscA-ÓA  (?),  11  a,  Pingina,  a 
place  in  Kintyre  ;  cjen.  ha 
bp  11151 1150  ai).  [Apparently 
=  the  penny  lands  :  cf. 
the  Ossory  form  pwgins, 
w  penny."J 

po]\r  aii  oxa,  a  crossing  place 
on  the  Bann  in  the  0'Kanes5 
territory,  in  the  present 
Coleraine  district.  Was  ii 
''The  Cuts"  at  Mount- 
sandel  ?] 

RAAttfAig,  Raasay,  an  island 
between  Skye  andthe  main- 

ttÁt  V)oú,  Raphoe,  Co.  Donegal. 

ReACjiA,  Rathlin  Island. 

TteAcnAnnAc,  a  native  of  Rath- 
lin  Island,  a  Rathlin  man. 

ftor,  Ross,  an  earldom  of  the 
Scottish  Highlands  now  in- 
cluded  in  Ro°s  and  Crom- 
arty  ;    gen.  tloir. 


núrA,     vMi,     the     Route,     the 

northern      portion     of     Co. 

SAgfA,  /.,  England  ;    gen.  -ah  ; 

dat.  -ahi. 
Scacc  •ociiaúa  11  a  n^linne,  the 

(seven)  Glens  of  Antrim. 
Síotpo|tr,  indec9  Seaforth,  in 

Slétbce,    Sleat,    the    southern 

promontory  of  Skye. 
SbeACAiti,     the    river     Spean, 

north  of  Ben  Nevis. 
S]u\t,  aii,  m.9  the  Strath  ;   gen. 

aii    cS]n\rA ;     a    district    in 

SjtAt  t)Al5At5,  Strathbogie,  in 

Sjtótn,  Ati,  m.9  Strome,  in  Ross  ; 

gen.  aii  rS]ióun. 
Scjnnble,  Stirling. 
Síínieóivo,  Suinart,  in  the  north 

of  Argvleshire. 

reAiiiAi]i,  Tara,  Co.  Meath.    * 

riobA]\  mó]\,  Tibbermore  (tho 
present  Map  and  Gazetteer 
spelling)  or  Tippermuir  (the 
more  corrupt  form  used  by 
Lowland  writers),  about  5 
miles  west  of  Perth.  [Niall 
MacVurich  does  not  use  this 
name  in  describing  the  first 
battle,  but  names  it  the 
battle  of  Perth.  Tibbermore 
extends  so  near  to  Perth  that 
part  of  its  area  is  included 
in  the  parliamentarv 
borough  of  that  town.] 

£05  mó]t,  Howmore,  in  South 

U]tóncA]inif,  Troterness  or 
Trotternish,  in  the  north  of 

Uioifc,  Uist,  N.  and  S.,   two 

islands  of  the  Hebrides. 
VHai-ó,  pl.9  Ulster  ;    gen.  UlAf>. 

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